No MMO feel.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kaleb57, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    A friend of mine told me one of the reasons he doesn't play this game anymore is that it doesn't feel like an MMO.

    Good examples of MMO games are WOW, and SWTOR, and the things they share that DC lacks would be cast times visible on cast bars, calculated stat damage listed by traits, loss of damage from moves that are clipped, interrupted abilities result in loss of the abilities' benefit, and very desricptive flytext.

    The reason for this is obvious, DCUO isn't like other MMO , but would anyone prefer the classic mmo style gameplay over DC's action oriented gameplay?
  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer


    castbars exist

    why would you need that calculation?

    Clipping makes the game faster. The combat is action and has to be fast.

    Descriptive fyltext? Like all that stuff that is in the combat-chatwindow? There is already so much stuff flying around, that you have to pay attaention to see the "stunned" above your head. More options to control the content of the combat-chattab would be nice though.

    I guess some people just don't like action, just like some people hate action-movies. It all sums up to the fact that DCUO is quite unique in its combatsystem. And as F2P anyone can try if he/she likes it or not.
  3. Kassiopeija Active Player

    umm I don't know what these things have to do with an MMO... (??) it's more about playing in an serverbased open world together with other folks, also doing content that is only clearable with a group, and the game promoting this via its mechanics (roles etc)

    there's even far worse than DCUO when it comes to the lack of info, for example TERA, you don't even see a scoreboard there
  4. Gwalir Loyal Player

    If DCUO's combat system became like all the others, I don't think I'd keep playing. I've tried a few other MMOs, and never cared for their combat systems. Part of the reason I stay is DC's is so totally different that it's more up my alley than the others'.
  5. Kal El-Oh-El Well-Known Player

    One of the reasons this doesn't feel like an MMO is because it's not being administered like an MMO. Which other MMO do you know that cuts off character progression at level 30 or has never had a sizable, legitimate expansion? I don't know of any. The progression that has been provided is gear based, and was hastily added. This is more like a social arcade game. A good example would be the inane addition of the deserter penalty to PvE.
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  6. Potent New Player

    The scorecard is only in DC because there really is nothing better to do than compete over it.

    Other MMO's actually have enough content that players aren't required to run the same raid over and over, simply because that is the only thing left to do(marks and gear mean nothing because you have it all).

    Or, if you do have to run the same content over and over. You are rewarded every time you are allowed to go in.(Rather than just being loot locked, you get completed locked out of going inside, making you go do something else)

  7. Delta795 New Player

    1. (video games) A massively multiplayer online game. A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world or can potentially play against a large number of players in matchmaking.
    Your friend needs to understand what an MMO is first of all, since games like MAG & Battlefield are MMO's. Like someone else said if the combat system were like the other games you mentioned this game would likely not be as successful since the largest population resides on the console side.
  8. Larfleeze New Player

    PvP in DCUO actually takes skill.
    PVP in pretty much any other MMO takes no skill.

    PvE in DCUO takes no skill
    PvE in pretty much any other MMO actually takes skill.

    Draw your own conclusions.
  9. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    This isn't a point and click game. Giving us those numbers on a action game would result in people all being one or two power sets.
  10. Poo New Player

    SWTOR is not an MMO. I played it for good amount of time. And, all those things you listed do not make a game an MMO either.
  11. Larfleeze New Player

    ...You are factually incorrect.
  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    nope i love the fact that its a action mmo not just click and the power gets used i like haivng control of my combat :D
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  13. Tocimus Committed Player

    hmmm except this game has way more re-playability then both of those. WoW puts out new content and all the old stuff becomes trivial. swtor wants an arm and a leg for you to play and is just an arduous grind to the lvl cap....i sadly wasted money on the CE for that hoping it would be great, beat engame and there was nothing more to do.

    also, this is a different game then those. while it is based on the trinity powers, it plays very differently then those. fighting a boss on dc feels much less like the song and dance of WoW/swtor engagements.
    i think you just miss the bossmods addon, there isnt a giant highlighted area saying mover here now! DC actually makes you pay attention to the fight.
  14. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    I think your friend was mistaken. This is a perfect example of an MMO by it's very definition. I believe what your friend meant to say is that this game doesn't feel at all like an MMORPG. I get that feeling as well. This game has nothing in common with an RPG game other than the vague resemblance of character development through skill points. That's it. That's all the character development we get. Story development basically stopped at FOS 3 and has been pretty much absent since the devs were canned wholesale and replaced with inconsistent and sub-par staff.

    If you play and MMORPG and then come to DC and expect it to be the same then prepare for disappointment. This game is not an RPG. It started in that direction long ago and has since been curtailed into something completely disheveled with no real direction at all.
  15. Poo New Player

    I know. I was, and still am, terribly disappointed in that game :(
  16. Wizz Tron New Player

    This is a MMO but it's not a MMORPG
    Any game that has multiple people playing can be considered a MMO, no matter which platform it's on
  17. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Cast bars have nothing to do with an MMO. And DCUO has cast bars. Or is it just that you need it to say 4s...3s...2s...1s ? Which is really quite pointless.

    In fact, now that I think about it, none of the things you associate with an MMO really has anything to do with a game being an MMO.

    I played SWtOR for a while and it felt less like an MMO than DCUO does.
  18. GeoShock New Player

    I would really like to see that here.

    and as for SWtOR, it's the main reason I don't play DCUO much. It's a great game, perfect MMO for me.
  19. Xeranx New Player

    I really thought there'd be a discussion here that I would love to join, but apparently there isn't. As far as I'm concerned, what your friend described is actually what I hate about mmo games. And, really, those aspects don't make an mmo. MMO = massive multiplayer online. So what your friend describes as an mmo feel is merely gameplay that he/she has gotten used to and expects to see.

    For me, this game doesn't feel like an mmo because most of the multiplayer stuff grates on me rather than engenders me to the game. Namely the fact that I can complete an instance and then all the people who were once my compatriots are now my enemies once the spoils are to be decided upon. To me, that breaks down the cohesiveness that's supposed to be there and it's broken because of competition for gear. Best analogy I can think of, especially concerning the upcoming fourth of july weekend, is having an equal intricate part in getting the food made and then having to fight everyone you worked with for a spot at the table. That doesn't happen in real life where there's a healthy relationship. That garbage happens in dysfunctional groups. If you help with the cooking, you automatically have a spot at the table and no one can say boo about it. In dcuo, you help cook and then you scrap for the "best" piece with everyone else walking away with some kind of honorable mention or some such nonsense.

    It's gotten to the point that if I am going to have to look out for myself even in group play, then I might as well be able to do things myself. That's what I'd go to SWTOR for, but I hate the mechanics in that game with regard to hotkeys. That's about the only thing I can say that I'm happy with in DCUO. That I can still fight and I don't have to sit here waiting for the cool down on my initial attack so I can tap a button again and watch for a hit or miss. I'm engaged in the combat and then I have special abilities that I can throw in or not. And I guess that answers your last question. I would not forsake the action oriented bit for the outdated classical mmo gameplay aspects.
  20. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Yes, it ends at level 30. For a long time, WoW ended at level 60. 30 vs 60 is an arbitrary difference. Either way, level progression ends. EVERY MMO that I've ever played has gear based progression once at max level. It has expansions that add content. It isn't huge amounts of content, but it's a lot more than you'd get with a lot of other MMO's. DCUO also has skill point progression which is far better than feats/achievements in other games...which mean absolutely nothing.

    Nobody will disagree with the deserter penalty being awful.