No Love For Bug Form

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cirocband, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Cirocband New Player

    So I've been playing this game for a while and recently running throne elite I realized I wasn't getting 101 gear or 100 gear in other raids, just 98 and maybe a random 100 piece here and there. But when I was electric I was getting all the healer gear. I got in a throne group with some friends, that informed me that you don't get really good gear in bug form. I was confused for a minute, then I thought about it, it makes since, cause bug form, gorilla, and wolf form put you in tank role, when you qued up as a healer. Also you can't activate the plates in Lab either if you're in bug, gorilla, or wolf form.

    After finding this out I readjusted my load out and started running two separate load outs, one for bug form and one for human form and I put the transformations in each rotation. When the boss is about to die I switch back to my human form and I get healer gear which is great, but at the same time confusing. How come you have a less drop rate if you are in another form and how come you are a tank if you decide to use the healing shape shifting powers?

    Has anyone else noticed this?
  2. Sore Steadfast Player

    This sounds like "a theory"
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  3. Cirocband New Player

    Well do you believe this "theory" or have you ever experienced this as a nature healer/dps?
  4. amazingmanll New Player

    Isn't loot random, your switching forms. Also gu43 was a godsend for nature wolf form dps and bug form hivemind+ acid spit even as a healer can 1 hit alot of stuff
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  5. ChuckLess New Player

    1st of all, you are NOT in tank role. The symbol by your name just defaults to that icon anytime any toon switches its form. It has nothing to do with the role you're in.\

    Second, what loot is dropping in Thrones that's not un-attuned?

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  6. Cirocband New Player

    Lol...that's not the point of the thread though. I have no problem with how nature functions because it is up to par. However, having your role automatically switched is another issue and the LAB shapehifting issue isn't really fair either. I remember when I first ran Lab solo healing in bug form and we got to the plates and they was like healer find a plate. I ran to everyone and none lit up, until we wiped and I stayed in healer role and one popped up.

    As far as loot, so far it's worked for me switching from shapehifting "tank role" to healer role got me more healer drops. Yes the loot drops are random, but I've noticed the loot system has been in my favor ever since I've been using this strategy. If I beat an instance in bug form I get nothing or a 100 neck from the lab boss with the smoke.
  7. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I'm a nature DPS and I'm constantly in wolf form. I've got 6 bits of 101 gear....
  8. ChuckLess New Player

    See my post just above this one.
  9. Cirocband New Player

    Has nothing to do with gear being unattuned or not. It has to do with possibly having a better chance to get gear. I'm not saying these are facts and that's how it suppose to happen, just something I've noticed. Even in my throne elite runs 1st boss, healed in bug form and got 98 gear. 2nd boss I beat in healer role 101 boots, I replayed 1st boss I healed in healer role 101 neck, 2nd boss (t took a gamble and straight healed in bug form) and 98 gear. This is just my situation, so I'm really trying to see if other NATURE HEALERS OR DPS are experiencing the same problem.
  10. Cirocband New Player

    Ok cool, so do you also complete the instance in wolf form as well?
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    As previously mentioned, I'm always in wolf form. I start dots with human form and then refresh in wolf form. I don't ever purposely go back to human form when the boss is nearly dead, so it seems your theory is incorrect, unless it is only the other forms? :/
  12. Cirocband New Player

    Ok cool, must just be my bad luck as bug form nature healing. Lol. Cause I rarely get purple gear in bug form which sucks. But I was just wondering, glad to see its not like that though. :)
  13. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    It is not a theory as you cannot use bug form to activate the green light in is that a theory?
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  14. Here2Help Devoted Player

    The loot drops in this DLC is ridiculous. I hate the fact that you get 98 gear from the elite raid -_-
  15. Cirocband New Player

    Agreed, by far the worst part in regards to loot.
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm talking more to the drops. The pads make sense considering they are role attuned and bug form has always acted both like a healer and DPS with abilities like Harvest and Savage Growth. But with drops, your drop rate has never had anything to do with role to start with and it would be counterintuitive to think it would be. That part sounds like a tinfoil theory to explain what's more likely an unfavorable drop rate paired with some bad luck.
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  17. HersheyKiss New Player

    None of this makes any sense and id ignore the people that told u this.
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  18. HersheyKiss New Player

    And is the OP about that? No its not. Most players know u cant activate the disc in bug. The OP is about loot drops in bug form.
  19. Cirocband New Player

    All I'm saying is I get gear as an electric heal or non bug form nature. Then I was told that "theory", so I figured I'd ask. But that may not be you guy's story.
  20. Cirocband New Player

    Will was just asking and sharing my bad luck experience.