No longer making PUG raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by HealerT, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. HealerT New Player

    Well it seems like forever ago that i began putting together pug raids for Nexus and Paradox and i have had enough.
    I spend all the time yelling in LFG for Trolls, dps's and another healer. It takes time to find ppl. There are some i no longer invite for various reasons. I bring in ppl i have never heard of and give them a chance. I dont care if they have never done it, i can explain things to them. I have patience for that no problem.
    However every raid someone rage quits, no problem i find another. 2 Days ago i made a Nexus raid. there were a couple dps in who had not done it. no problem, i explain everything but the other healer is tired of trying and leaves. That healer was 100 CR and i 99. our healing was comparable and healing was good.

    One of the trolls decides to invite another healer. Np it was electric. Now im not partial to electric because of power uses but again im patient i can work with this. Healer was cr 98. Np i can handle this im a strong healer.
    First try, both shields get aoe, its a wipe, in the middle of explaining i find out the other healer who just came in is trying to kick me from group?????
    Now i spent an hour putting together the raid and helping players with no experience to finish what amounts to a simple raid and then an electric healer i have never even heard of wants to kick the more experienced healer from raid?

    Its bad enough that the tank Always gets blamed when ppl stand in puddles and die, or when lex teleports and they say that he needs to keep agro, but to kick the person who started the raid, spent the time to get players, and explain things? it is beyond belief. I have even helped cr90-95 players to do a few bosses in Nexus knowing they could not complete the final boss.

    I guess at this point im wondering why i even started trying. Well that is at an end for me. I will no longer make raids. I will no longer help new players to complete Nexus and Para. From now on im going to join raids and its going to be 3 strikes im out rule.

    People need to start thinking about things and helping each other more in raids otherwise it is useless.
    Blames is useless because a failed Nexus/ Para raid is not one persons fault. One person at fault can be overcome. it takes more than one person to cause a fail in Nexus and Paradox.

    Im not sure if this is also occuring in the other 3 servers but EUPS3 is bad for ppl being kicked from LB Nexus in order to invite league members in. Some leagues will run the entire raid and then kick players to bring others in. It is becoming harder to get good groups and i never kicked someone unless i absolutely had to in order to complete the raid.
    I wish you all good fortune in your future raids.
  2. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    This happens a lot...pugging sucks, which is why I don't do it for raids anymore...always run with my league or friends I have on here
  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    You should add the people that are good at there role and are nice that you run into when pugging. You can form raids with them that way. Best advice to give when pugging.
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  4. Black House New Player

    It's a HARD PUG LIFE!
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  5. Bamf 7 New Player

    Pugging is pointless. The talent level of the greater majority is horrible, hence why the real elitist crowd does not pug anything. People refer to elitist as the people who ask for such high requirements. The truth is that elitists do not step foot in pug raids and only run with league members or friends who can complete the content. Pugging is something to do if you are bored and need a good laugh at watching people fail and start blaming others.
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  6. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Very true when pugging you can always add the people who are actually decent at their role, that way you build up your friend list with reliable people who you can bring into group with you
  7. HealerT New Player

    I have added many people from previously successful raids, however catching them all online at one time is near impossible lol
    I guess i am just tired of trying to make the raids and Always explaining the elements of the raids. i am waiting for the time that i can run Nexus with my league. There are almost enough now high enough to make a full raid. But until then i think im finished with putting in the effort with strangers.
    I Always run with the same tank and usually 1 of the same trollers, we have all completed these raids with pug groups successfully and know what to do, then we get a dps in who isnt doing as much damage as the rest and dies in every aoe and tries to kick the tank saying he isnt getting agro, or blaming it on healing when he is sitting in the missiles :/
    Frustrating is a mild word for it and for someone to come in and start a vote to kick me from group i think was the last straw for me.
  8. ThatGuyLee Committed Player

    In all honesty this is why i like to associate with league and friends who i know can beat the raids with little to no effort , and only PUG when i need a good laugh or just wanna show off.:D
  9. TheRealDeathern New Player

    This is why when I form a group for the higher content, that I always try and keep the numbers on my side, meaning I have at least enough league members or friends to cover any kick that comes up. This allows us to control who goes and who stays. If some starts a vote to kick one of us, they are the ones that get kicked. It works pretty well unless someone doesn't vote right.
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  10. HealerT New Player

    lol i didnt get kicked, i did have enough friends in to counter that but the fact that they even tried just has me fuming. I dont mind pugging so much as long as the people are willing to listen and learn. Its just bad when you get players who have no skillz or just dont know their role.
    I hate healer-tanks.
  11. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    You need a good league. We have 40 active daily events that covers all content each week. Our average member is 99 cr 120sp.
  12. HealerT New Player

    I have a league for both my accounts. Eu league is CantDutchThis and US league The Immortal Lords. Both are excellent leagues, but since i am atm playing exclusively in the EU server i am playing with those league mates who are high enough and some friends that are in other leagues.
    I cannot normally make a raid with all friends and leaguemates, thus i bring in strangers.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    HealerT, you might have some issues joining pugs now that you wont form them. Everyone hates Sorcery in the pugs right now. It's gotta be either Nature or Celestial. Electric sometimes gets ignored too. I wont form or join T5 pugs unless I know the people who are in it or it is mostly people I know.

    Also, this kind of attitude is indicitive of the community. It's always someone else's fault. Our community sucks. Sorry to hear your grief. :/
  14. HealerT New Player

    On the EUPS3 currently pugs are favoring sorcery/nature, and sorcery/celestial for healing. That doesnt really matter, i have been too long sorcery to change my power now lol
  15. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't let one bad pug group ruin your outlook on pugs. I'd suggest finding people to run with. Doesn't have to be a full raid. Add enough people you know to the raid so that way you have enough votes to dictate the vote. Sounds like you're helping people out and this game needs people to do that.
  16. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Pugs suck and they think they know everything. Luckily I only get pulled into groups by other leagues when they need a tank.

    Just stay away from the pugs :)
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  17. GreenAdam New Player

    Am I the only one who can pug successfully?
  18. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    Yea....apparently the uniconic Aerovenger got kicked in Paradox the other day - no reason given at the time - because the iconic team were bringing in a fellow leaguemate! cough cough crazy!
  19. Whiteroom New Player

    Oh god they do... I can't stand it when somebody joins a raid and starts talking like everyone is a child and they are the teacher. Happened last night in Dox, that alone almost made me quit.
  20. siressarchangel Dedicated Player

    Pretty much....its the luck of the draw sometimes...sometimes you find a pug group that is amazing and not a bunch of *****...other times it can be the worst group you've ever been apart of lol