I noticed theres no big beards for males just the smaller scruff beard, or maybe there is and i havent noticed it. It looks like there isnt one though. I think they should give us the option if there isnt any. Maybe someone would want to make a Santa Claus avatar or maybe even James Harden.
Devs- Can this be done with a face style? A mid-length beard would be a similar dimension to the "bandanna" face style. Lock the style to male toons and force the color to the hair color.
I do think that there need to be more beard styles. It is too bad that the DEVs cannot (will not?) delink the beards from the hairstyles and create another tab called "beards/facial hair". That way male characters would be able to have any hair style with any facial hair style, like the Cruel Locks and Ra's.
I want the Bombshell haircuts available to males. And it is odd there are no long beards for men. I get why (clipp8ng) but shouldn't that have been addressed, and fixed, before launch