No Healers in new T6 alerts!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    From the way those guys were hitting the deck ion that boss fight I would say they needed a healer....badly.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Simple fact is because the community is roughly 50%+ DPS support roles will always be excluded from a majority of content if the ability is present. If an NPC had to stay alive or tank had to pull enemies from certain objectives we wouldnt have this problem.

    But as long as the MECHANICS of alerts are simple then roles will always be excluded, and you can either go dps or try forming your own group with friends or leaguemates so you dont have to endure the pug struggle.
  3. Void Complex New Player

    Sore that's nothing, a few of the guys and I in nightfall decided to run it all dos for a change of pace. Juv didn't think we would make it. Lowe and behold we not only beat it in a timely manner but there was a maximum of 4 deaths in an 17 minute run. We even wager who would die first.That was an extremely fun run, we used every pvp strategy and kiting ability we can to survive.

    You know what's the most important factor in that run? Fun. For others: Don't dedicate how people should setup their run, like you wouldn't want others to dedicate yours. A lot you you guys stress way to much in this game, and this is coming from a controller. There are work arounds behind this and various other means to grow your character. Stomping your feet, screaming at the developers or threatening to unsubscribed is childish; but you know what, do what you want.

    Most of you spend way to much time worrying about what other people do, form your on path. Let them have fun, waste sodas, die consecutively or spend thousands for repair. It's their run, if they are having fun let them. Find your own means of achieving fun.
  4. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    First, people need to just configure their groups how they want to and let others do the same.

    Second, as long as content is “Tank and spank” and Tank survivability is what is it in “alerts”, there will be Healer-less runs and if the damage is too high that you can’t run without a Healer, then you’ll see Tank-less runs.

    That said, people want to get thru content as quick as possible and I doubt we’ll ever see “alert” level content that calls for a Tank’s CC as well as a Healer’s damage mitigation abilities, especially once more than appropriate gear has been obtained.

    Also, while it’s true that Tanks, Healers and Controllers are putting out WAY more damage, especially with WM, and many want to create the role of and call themselves the “Battle” [fill in the blank], no Tank, Healer or Controller should even be able to do the damage of a Damager since that damage modifiers go a LONG way in dictating damage potential.

    In the end, if you wanna run with a Healer and or Tank, then put together your own groups or focus on the raids, especially since there are three of them and the best gear comes out of those anyways.
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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    I will say I've been seeing a few more runs lately of healer with no tank.
  6. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Sorry to be so pessimistic, but how are you going to ensure everyone does this? No matter how big a league you have or ho much influence you can have through your videos, you still reach a rather small portion of the player base.

    I have no idea the actual numbers, but what percentage of the players even visit the forums? 20% tops? Then how many of those agree with you and would be dedicated to this cause? 1/3 of that? To me those numbers sound optimistic and they'd represent 6.6% of the player base.

    The chance you guys have of changing the whole culture in the game are unfortunately very slim.

    Like I said in a post above, the fixes for this aren't that complicated and have been done before, I don't understand why they went away from that. People always want to do what's more efficient and right now those alerts are definitely more efficiently done with unbalanced groups. If devs put in gameplay elements to make it inefficient to run without healers, tanks and trolls, no that, that will change the mentaility of the whole player base. We never saw "no healer" runs before t6A and tankless runs were a rarity in t3 and under.

    The current trend is a direct response to content. You can choose to change your immediate surroundings, but you will never have the impact a change to the content could have.
  7. Feenicks New Player

    Easy enough. When you form a group make sure all roles are present. If you find yourself in a group that doesn't then leave. This is what I do.

    If enough do this it will be self correcting. Don't get stuck in trends. Spytle said it best in another thread and it was so well said I put it in my sig.
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  8. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    Hearing the replies from so many hear parroting the talking points that tanks were excluded before, go dps, should be a clear message to healers.Healers do have options in this matter. Heck run dps keep a strong self heal for your self and use your powers for your own benefit only, while others rack up huge repair bills.All this good advice healers are getting should not go to waste healers should go dps for all content and use their heals to benefit themselves only, I mean hey if the community can get thru the new content without heals tanks or trolls fine they should not have a problem doing it in other content they are use to chugging soders now.A new take on solo healing heal thyself only.
  9. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I understand that, I do, and I don't think it's a massive problem for me personally as I also have a very good league ;). However, you can't expect everyone to be so lucky or think rationally like you are doing. I mean, being as active in the forums as you are, you have witnessed first hand how irrational people can be as well as how, unfortunately, some irrational thoughts permeate through to a vast majority of the player base.

    Telling people to not get stuck in trends is good, but it's a small-scale solution. How many players do you think will see this? 20? 30? How many do you think have seen Jens say the same thing 100? 200?

    Conscious behavior modifications are only a tiny part of the solution. A change in the content itself would go much further and, again, they've done it before...
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  10. Noisereject New Player

    You lost me at slow down progression. The progression is already too slow with that extra DPS. I'd rather have a healer preventing a wipe then another scrub DPS causing the wipe.

    (Read the rest) the DPS mentality is of sheer bragging rights against a person. It's near impossible to stop this mentality with the ego it has planted
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  11. Feenicks New Player

    Good points. I still do my part, but yeah, many don't. Herd mentality I guess.

    I'm guessing my problem is I'm not as exposed to this role exclusion band wagon as much as others. So to me personally it's not an issue. But to many I can see where something has to be done.
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  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Y'all talk about how bad dps are in on breathe and in the next say people need to run a balance group. Noone wanna be in a pug no longer than they have to, and most who are complaining are the same player who brag about not pugging.
  13. Notangie New Player

    Quitting is better than switching to an unfun, over represented least useful role. If you can't play the role you find fun, why keep paying to play the game?
  14. Minx New Player

    I've made this run numerous times with probably every kind of setup imaginable. Whether healing or dpsing, with the difficulty level being close to none, it really is about just surviving. I find myself adjusting my mode to compliment the group. And yes, I've seen healers do significant amounts of damage, dual spec'd hybrids + WM, battle healers are impressive..i'm just not one of them. :D
  15. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    Definitely going to give up the game if this s&$: continues. This is a community problem, sure, but the developers can fix this if they made it necessary to have healers. They give the bosses WAY too much hp. Adds too. They are just making instances long for the sake of being long. Nothing is harder, just a heckuva lot longer. I'd in all honesty prefer cheap one shot mechanics to this overly easy slow burn fest. I feel like they're taling my toon out to pasture with this solo healing/no healer needed nonsense. Itis way too hard to find a group that'll accept a healer.
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  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    I remember when it used to take an hour or longer to beat Arkham and Strykers. It's funny what people consider long for an alert these days.

    NOTE: But yes, that was long for an alert. Alerts should be 20-30 minutes and raids should be 40-60 minutes in my book. But I'm a bit more on the casual scale.
  17. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    But back then the community would never shun a healer. Tis why I blame the level design just as much now. Back then I dare say it would be impossible to beat either without a healer. Remember those lashers? *shudders*
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  18. Sovereign8998 New Player

    I have no problem running as DPS rather than Healer but this needs to go away. First with Fire's update shunning Tanks and now this, I expect a lot of people aren't gonna resub or quit. Well, I'm almost at a boiling point my self (I left for a week then came back after seeing Livestream but.......)
  19. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Four steps process:

    1 - go to settings turn off role optional alerts
    2 - que for alert as whatever role you want to play
    3 - every player hat ques in as tank, troll, or healer and refuses to switch add to ignore
    4 - ask to be excused or leave

    * this only applies to those who double que or single que with no intent to tank, troll, or heal

    Two step detox process afterwards

    1 - avoid the forums
    2 - growl at your TV (please mute your mic for this)
  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I remember when OC first came out, the only way to survive was have one of each role in the alerts. OC was the golden DLC, that was challenging and fun, now every thing is just plain old simple and easy.
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