No Healers in new T6 alerts!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Sure, that can be done, but you always brag about your great league. Not everyone has that luxury. You'll say "well you can make your own group" and you'd be right, but it would take you a lot longer to pug that if you don't go with the community accepted set up. People will leave your group or just won't join if you don't run the way they want.

    Devs and you find this acceptable, which is sad. Wouldn't it be a very easy fix if they increased the enemy dmg 15-20% so that people couldn't use their sodas twice before they died? That would force people into taking a healer no? Couldn't they make things stun you more so that you need a tank cleansing and drawing aggro away from the team? Couldn't they reduce the boss health so that it didn't take forever to kill and 1 dps was enough to kill it in a community acceptable time?

    Those are all easy fixes, and stuff we had before. Who in their right minds would run Arkham Assylum in t2.5 gear without a healer? Some daring players did it without tanks, but it was a pain to run. A balanced group was the way to go. They can do it, they have done it. Why keep blaming the players for something they clearly are capable of doing?
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  2. Fel1x90 New Player

    Players are always looking out for the most effictive and efficient way to get through content. Especially PUG groups since in most cases they don't know each other. People who don't PUG shouldn't even be bothered by this.

    However i can't blame people who run in a certain way to get the content done. If a role isn't really needed, that simply shows that something is wrong with the content. Why should a group bring in a role that isn't really needed when there is a better solution? It's just simply all about effectiveness and efficiency. No one would bring in a support role just because it's the right thing to do.

    People here can moan all they want to, it's the community mindset and this won't change. Sure you as one, two, ten or twenty player/s can do "the right" thing and go against the trend, but that won't change the mindset of thousends of players. The only solution is to force players to bring in certain roles by content design/stat changes. Untill then, it will remain the same.
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  3. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    IMO the main issue is with the pug community. Just today I ran TD and the Second dps was about half the other dps in damage. Both were mostly 92 gear. Point being there seems to be a lot of bad dps out there. I believe the pull for 2 dps and no healer stems from a lot of dps not knowing how to do their job and now the smaller healer community is suffering to compensate.
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  4. Notangie New Player

    Exactly. Instead of expecting adequacy from dps, they exclude healers from alerts and then healers have to be perfect in raids so their soloing their role can accommodate bad dps.
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  5. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    I think we will just have to agree to disagree at this point :)

    The devs can claim to have all the intention in the world, followed by such a weak execution it really doesn't matter. From launch many raids have been given very soft mechanics that encourage two tanks. Never has it been necessary and I don't to see that changing.

    When I run group content in FF14 I wouldn't dream of ever running without a completely balanced group. The content is designed to make it absolutely necessary, and it really does enhance the overall experience when content challenges you in so many unique ways.

    But regardless of who is to blame for the current mess, be it the devs or the community I support you in your crusade for balanced group content. Its obviously a topic you are quite passionate about.
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  6. redlantern89 New Player

    I just think its dumb to run no heal. I'm a great tank. And I don't need a heal. But it makes it less stressful. BTW I make my own groups so I don't have the problem. It just gets a little annoying seeing a clutter of calls for no heals flooding lfg. Guess I need to just put them on ignore.
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  7. TheBusinessDcuo New Player

    This is building up to the thread where healers were putting everyone in lfg on ignore looking for no heal runs lol. I completely agree with you time is money and its funny when the t5 alerts came out tanks were excluded but no one cared. Let people play how they want
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  8. LazyGuy New Player

    Yay excluding healers again! Seriously it's bad enough its a pain to even get a group as a villian now I gotta look even harder as a healer!
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  9. Anhur Committed Player

    Absolutely agree on this one, we make an active effort to take roles, regardless of whether the content will take an extra 10 minutes - it'd be great if we all did.
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  10. TheBusinessDcuo New Player

    dps the alerts and buy healer gear problem solved, or join a league who will run with healers considering league halls will be a big benefit . Healers are still needed in the new raid/ops and SM
  11. LazyGuy New Player

    I been Dps'ing and I hate it thats why I play as a support, but the way things are now it's either dps or nothing.
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  12. TheBusinessDcuo New Player

    I understand what you are saying but there are ways to resolve the issue. Shout for a group and pick people yourself or join a league and run as a heal with them considering the benefits of being in a league with GU39
  13. Villain Smasher New Player

    Its kind of sad that a group puts a video doing an alert with no healer then people come here to freak out like they will be forced to run the content that way. I'm just glad most of the healers in game have no idea that they aren't allowed to run this stuff. I read these thread and get the impression that some of you have no idea that you can queue up or dare I say it, form your own group.

    Guess I better go on youtube during the reset so I can see how I should and shouldn't run the content for the day.
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  14. Fel1x90 New Player

    Healers have so many options to run the content.

    Form their own groups, Queue up for it, run with leagues or friends, switch to dps due to armories.

    It's really getting ridicioules, especially when tanks were excluded for such a long time, it was the norm. Why weren't there threads like this when tanks were excluded?

    But healers of course have to make a big deal about it, even with having so many options to run the content.
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  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    what ppl dont know is if u run with full setup the enemies have less healthpoints but community will stick to 2 dps anyway cause there are so many dps on the server
  16. DarkThorn Dedicated Player

    Here is a thought... perhaps they should make Alerts and Raids that FORCE tank and healer requirement. As people said, it will SLOW down progression... I guess then you wouldn't have the constant, "I rushed through the new content, now I'm bored, I have nothing to do" mentality anymore. It would also force the, "need a healer, need a tank, need a controller" mentality back into the game and you would then begin to see more healers, tanks, controllers. As it is now, this game seems to do little to REWARD 'role' playing- without a reward or incentive- WHY would someone want to learn how to run their role... especially when DPS seems to be the current 'reward' mentality.

    So YES, DCUO CAN play a part in changing the game grouping mentality by taking away options and creating multiplayer content which requires inclusion of ALL roles. Either that or they could also just switch the PUG queuing for end-game content to one which will only place the 1-1-1-1 or 2-2-2-2 groups together.
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  17. Akroma New Player

    a simple solution to this would be to have the adds and bosses do more aoe damage to the group so a healer would be needed.
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  18. Acidwyrm New Player

    My regular team does it regularly 18-20 minutes no heal and 20-25 min with a healer. Needless to say the extra few minutes matters little. We'll run with a healer anytime.
  19. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    If they don't fix this then I'm done. My healer is my main for a reason, because I like it. Take that away and I have nothing else to enjoy playing as in this game and will drop it like they dropped my favorite role.
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  20. Sore Steadfast Player

    I did a T5 run the other day with 2 DPS, troll and tank. Troll disconnects on first mob and doesn't come back. We didn't say anything and just kept pushing on. It was still surprisingly fast and easy with no healer or troll and with just 3 peeps.
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