No Healers in new T6 alerts!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Little Sister New Player

    Seriously, do we even need DPS anymore ? We all do great damage with WM and lately things are all about survival.
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  2. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    be careful what you wish for.. before you know it, the devs will make all powers dps/role no more one roll toons, it will be the age of the battle tank, healer and controller, the age of the dps will be a distant memory.
  3. Notangie New Player

    Which is why this dps centric mindset makes no sense to me. How is spending five less minutes in an instance worth forcing out a role? Especially if those five minutes are lost in a wipe.
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  4. Notangie New Player

    That sounds like a dream. Most (not all, but most) pug dps are anti teamwork, and their absence would be better than mute and /ignore.
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  5. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Oh but we definitely do need DPS. Not because the game calls for it, but rather the community is so incredibly impatient, it's unbelievable.

    Today, I had my first real stab at Survival mode. I'd dabbled a few times before and it'd always been a washout because nobody would run 2-2-2-2. There was always some mark in there who was like "2 SLOW NOT ENUF BURN IM GOING DPS" or even the group leader would assemble a team with that mentality.

    Today my league needed a few extra bodies. We brought a guy into the group who joined the group as a healer. Nice, I thought. 2-2-2-2. Should do a decent job. Wrong.

    The healer declared that it was too slow and he switched to DPS. The healer, unfortunately, was friendly with members of our league so obviously nobody was going to shout at him or tell him to change. But alas "too slow" so we had to do it without that second healer.

    Half way through the Ursa/Metallo fight, BANG, Ursa kills like 4 of us. We lost both the healer who switched to DPS and our primary DPS. Careless on our behalf, sure, but we weren't full health at the time of the strike because our healer was solo healing. Had that idiot stayed healer, we wouldn't have lost anyone and carried on. In the end we wiped before beating the second round. So we'd gone from "shaving a few minutes" off our time to "wasting 45 minutes and taking forever to burn down the bosses because the primary DPS went out".

    Later on, though, common sense prevailed and we went in 2-2-2-2, or should I say 2-2-3-1, 1 Controller, 3 DPS. I was on stand by and doing pick ups/defibbing in between giving an above average assist to the burn and ready to jump into controller role when the solo troll was ready for it. Made it to round 5 wave 1. I was satisfied.

    So sick of the mentality in this community. Really nice to see people going far in Survival Mode with a balanced set up. Warms the cockles of my heart. Hopefully we'll see it extend to the T6 raids, but I doubt it. Testers are already posting ******** like that "T6 w/o healer!!!" which only encourages people to run that way because the guys in the video were able to do it. Time the developers started toughening up, in my opinion.

    Ah well.
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Didnt you get the memo, this is DPS Universe Online, not support role universe online. Seems the more endgame content we get, the more support roles getting excluded rather than the other way around.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Only lockdown really needs 2 healers and after everyone learns the mechanics it will probably be solo healed. And I am stuck once again looking forward to the next survival mode.

    All the cave crawlers can be solo healed, and the alert the adds hit hard, but if you have a tank then you dont really need a healer, and its quite sad, even though the content is very fun. Still I am impressed by the devs for creating all of this in such a small timeframe.
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  8. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Don't blame the community, blame the content.

    Time has value, and a faster run to most of our community is always the way to go. You can blame the guy in LFG all you want, but it's all just a side effect of poor content structure.

    Each and every one of you has the free will to run with any group structure you choose.
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  9. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Whilst I agree, I would also argue that the developers try and please everyone which is why we see nonsense like we see all the time in game and how in most cases, the worst way to run content is to go with a balanced group.

    It's the only game I know where balanced is the least favoured method. They talk a lot about "high risk, high reward" with certain power sets in this game, yet there is no "high risk" to going with a stacked DPS group. Only a high reward.

    So whilst the content is to blame, I blame the overall community for being stubborn and demanding changes that benefit imbalanced play. Look no further than Nexus for that. Once an extremely challenging piece of content. Nerfed beyond recognition because most people in the community couldn't beat it. They couldn't beat it, not because they were trying to run it with a balanced 2-2-2-2 set up, but rather complaining because their stupid, DPS stacked set up wasn't working.
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  10. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea and it would take how long? I dont ever want to be in an alert for over 30mins, just my opinion. W/out any dps im guessing u would be in the new t6 alerts for at least double that amount of time if not longer. Just because tanks and heals dont have the dmg penalty anymore doesnt mean they hit as hard as a dps. And imo the dcuo forums seem to be a buncha dps haters. Not saying u are but i see alot of comments about dps.

    Maybe some people should start running with good dps instead of bad 1s that do low dmg and use tons of pwr and maybe peoples opinions of dps would change. The problem is there are way too many dps out there that simply have no idea what they are doing. The last 3 days ive run into dps who do nothing but shoot dual pistols, not using WM, just shooting dual pistols. I dont even have words for that.
  11. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    Meh I wouldn't say the devs were bullied into doing anything. Groups I ran with were slamming nexus and dox solo tank/heals long before they were ever nerfed. But that's beside the point.

    Eh this just isn't a traditional mmo, it seems odd to hold it to a traditional standard. It baffles me that they can't build a raid that benefits from two healers, but two tanks on the other hand...

    We work with a very simple snap aggro system in dc. There is no specific taunts or system of actually building aggression. We don't have stacking debuffs that require tanks to trade off.. They have tried to implement splits so many times and that is honestly the only two tank scenarios they have even attempted to create. Other than the week of content release a 2nd tank is really kind of overkill.

    I really don't care one way or the other, I'll run any group makeup as long as I am with good company.

    I just don't think it's logical to blame the community for not wanting to pretend that a balanced group is the best way, or even necessary for that matter. That's not our fault..
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  12. kav Committed Player

    • People who PUG usually do not know each other
    • They don't wanna waste time so extra burn for less anonymous awkward-y
    • They see the norm (e.g. horrible youtube videos of content being ran in a specific setup)
    • They apply the norm
    You can run any content with a balanced group. Sometimes it's faster, sometimes it's not. I just find it sad when a group is setup with way too many DPS and fail horribly and not even complete an instance. That's astronomically sad.
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  13. FEARtheSPUR Well-Known Player

    This is good news for me.

    I hope i can get my healer straight to the end boss just by shouting in LFG "HEALER FOR LAST BOSS T6" like i do now.

    It take about 5-15 min to get pick up at the last boss of the t6 alert as a healer. Last boss drop the plans and that is all i want.

    LOVE IT!
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  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    screw all these try hards that try to run with out roles I would much rather have a balanced group and not have to worry about picking people up all the time and wasting all those sodas.. Hell even now all you see are no healer runs for t6 alert forcing me to DPS through most of the run and guess what the idiots cant even beat the last boss 90% of the time unless I switch to battle healer for the last fight.

    they watch these stupid videos on YouTube and think that's the only way in my league we run balanced and finish way quicker and with far less hassle than every single time I have pugged the instance . The devs really need to get rid of the roleless buffs in content and this crap would stop
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  15. xRI0Tx Well-Known Player

    I'm not debating pros and cons of a balanced group vs unbalanced.

    What I'm saying is that until you NEED these excluded roles to finish the content, you don't actually NEED them at all. How can we blame thousands of players for exercising their freedom to choose a group makeup that fits their needs?

    It is far more productive to convince the devs that content would be more stimulating and more enjoyable if they designed content that created a legitimate necessity for these roles. It also seems easier than convincing thousands of player across four servers that we need to include everybody because "it's the right thing to do" lol..

    Like I said the problem is the content, not the community.
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  16. blklightning New Player

    No, they're making content that is role optional. Sadly, the community is narrow sighted in this regard and will eliminate every role conceivable in order to make up for lack of DPS burn. :(
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  17. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I mean, Spytle can be caught on camera saying that Nexus was designed with the intention of running 2 tanks. It was supposed to be that challenging. Everyone saw the "soft enrages" as "inevitable fail" though and almost instantly dropped the second tank. I mean, most people would argue that "oh but you don't need the second tank for Nexus, what would he do? We need DPS so we don't make the boss call for back up!" Well... here's a clue... the second tank would have held the aggro of the mobs?

    A&B is evidently designed to be ran with 2-2-2-2. All 3 boss encounters spawn 2 bosses. One part even calls specifically for the group to split and do 2 things at the same time. Yet did the community do it? Nope. Didn't even attempt to do it. Jumped straight in there with solo tank and solo heal shouts.

    Content can only do so much and those of us who want 2-2-2-2 to be viable in the eyes of the community are facing an uphill struggle with the developers who won't enforce this style of play in their content. I believe it's because if they did, there would be an uprising. Thus bringing me to my conclusion of the developers bending to the demands of the community and trying to please everyone.
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  18. TheBatSmells New Player

    1) What's with the noise pollution?
    2) I found an Odyssey video of that operation. They used one of each role and ran it in 31 minutes. It seemed like they had to kill more adds and confront more of those guards on the rooftops. You could tell, expecially the last fight, that they actually played like a team rather than 4 selfish players grouped up. I also don't think there was a single death.

    Oh, and they got the feat...
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  19. xskateXX Well-Known Player

    yea its sure possible
    but the last boss there is annoying he gives aoes to everyone
  20. Deranya Dedicated Player

    why is it so needed to have content run in 10 min or less? I was on test yesterday and a guy wrote "no one can finish this" I don't remember what content he was referring to anymore but it had been finished a few times already at that point. Another said that alerts shouldn't take up to 40 min, which brought a whole new discussion up.

    we did the two 4 man bits, yes one was possible without one role but that was with complete vendor gear and mods. I figure everyone will want healers for the beginning.
    The second one I switched to healer quite a lot, the bosses have a huge health pool so it took longer. But it was fun, the last boss needed teamwork and that's what matters.

    I wish some people could stop ruining the game for the need for speed.
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