No Healers in new T6 alerts!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I was surfing youtube and found this.

    I am not going to be happy if I as a healer is excluded from these alerts also.
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  2. thefrogshateme New Player

    Lol, yeah the alert can be done without a tank or without a healer
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I'm beginning to think they are trying to exclude a role on purpose. As if the numerous complaints with TD wasn't enough.
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  4. sterl320 New Player

    welp, good thing i like DPSing celestial
  5. Errorcode1058 New Player

    I love how every moron in Vestements gear thinks his or her burn is going to make the difference between a short and long run. Play your role, have a smooth no wipe run and it turns out faster.

    I swear these shortcuts people take because they think it is the only acceptable they saw some jerk do it on YouTube and YouTube never lies actually make the alert longer...a lot longer.
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  6. Notangie New Player

    Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. A balanced team with no wipes is quicker than having to redo boss fights. Oh well, not renewing my sub.
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  7. thefrogshateme New Player

    It's not the bosses that kill you, it's the ads.
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  8. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    **** them then.

    Im still gonna battle heal.
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  9. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    good thing they had no healer, because that was the most smoothest run I ever seen, minus all the deaths... oh wait isn't that what healers do prevent death by healing fellow players. video sucked, it would be a lot better if it was slowed down to normal, no stupid music and some explaining on what is going on, oh well the lfg will be nothing but cr 108 + players no heals for t6 intergang.. it makes me sad.:(
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  10. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    If its faster and not having a healer/tank means I can still progress, then Ill run it without one or the other too.

    This is a problem they just won't be able to solve for as long as the game is up and running. It's hard to make alert content that necessitates all the roles because there just aren't enough healers and tanks out there and too many DPS. Not only that, but after we get past T6, it will get too tough to put together groups if you need a certain role to progress.

    Its an unfortunate truth, but its the way it has to be. Healers and Tanks better start working on their DPS.
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  11. Little Sister New Player

    Yea I'm not wasting my Soders on a frikkin alert. I will ALWAYS play with a healer.
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  12. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    They chugged down quite a bit of soders.
    Also helps that the troller is quantam and can CC extremely well.
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  13. Noisereject New Player

    0/10 "it's Ok" - IGN

    lol, 2 years from now. Watch as the greatest raid is released and forces you to do the perfect set up of 2 of each role. DPS will have to work with what they got, Trolls have to work together, Healers gotta spam them heals lol, and tanks keep away the 4 - shotting ads. Oh man, does that raid sound funny XD.Though I fear that nobody will do it (aside for leagues). I can see it now, nobody does the perfect set up and goes wit... wait... a whopping 4 DPS. 2 Trolls, a heal and a tank... wipes after wipes, complaining and moaning after complaining and moaning @_@. having two extra DPS thinking "It'll be faster now" when in reality it's a crap load slower...

    Oh, excuse my rambling, just saying this outta pure imagination and not on what I see in raids. c:

    PS - Oh gawd that troller wasn't debuffing for crap :O
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    This is a very impatient community. They will do anything to get that little bit of extra burn. Well, guess ill have to pull out my 1000 prec healer and put some of these dps to shame on the scoreboard lol.
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  15. Feenicks New Player

    The solution is to say "to Hell with the trends" and run with a healer anyways. I do.......and will.
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  16. Scion Of Society Well-Known Player

    Yeah done it both with and without healer and tank, and its not to bad, If you want the feat for killing both bosses in the intergang op though, its easier with double dps no heal...the lockdown raid those, that's a little bit of a different story lol
  17. redlantern89 New Player

    No damage penalty anymore for tanks n heal. I wouldn't run with out them ever now. Seems to me that us tanks and healers can contribute more to a fast run than DPS now. How bout 2 troll tank n heal runs? No wipes smooth runs....can't beat that.
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  18. Feenicks New Player

    Karma for the DPS. :eek:
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  19. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    Not to be the voice of reason but that wasn't the alert, that was the 4 man Op.
  20. Noisereject New Player

    I'd... love to see that one day...[IMG] :(
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