No CR c**mp mode

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PandoraLaBella, Jan 7, 2025.

  1. Korlick Loyal Player

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  2. Korlick Loyal Player

    Did a few more runs, and youre right. I dont know, maybe the gear Cr depends on the instance. Earlier was getting 380 gear( same level as the gear dropping in the stabilizer solo). And now, i did a few more and the gear was lower. Even lower than the 278 you mention.
    I dont know.
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  3. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Soooo..... WE ARE "CLOSER"??? ;)

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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, I mean I guess so ;)
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  5. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    It’s a good start, but as mentioned getting queued in will be trickier due to people choosing between story and normal version. Private queues when implemented should fix this.

    As for rewards I ran the Wonderverse solo with the episode augments and didn’t receive extra source marks, but got the episode exobytes and nectar. OP item catalysts probably don’t drop since they never did in event modes.
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  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I said the current endgame raid the Harley Subjekator raid wasn't queing for both Story and Normal. Not a three year old alert. You guys don't need to cover for the devs broken UI they're the ones who released this mess without it going on Test.
  7. Grim931 Committed Player

    Yes, it's true lol.
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  8. Grim931 Committed Player

    This is exactly how I would have preferred it, so yes. I will refrain from complaining about the clamp from here on out.

    Now to find something else to complain about...
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  9. Grim931 Committed Player

    Except it does... you just have to queue CUSTOM.

    Like others have mentioned.

    You select all of those raids, start queue, and you are queued up. Not the most complicated thing to do. It's the exact same concept if you were trying to queue event mode, normal mode, and elite mode prior to this update. You'd have to go to the custom queue to do it.
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  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Lol... Yes. I can. I guess you're not clever enough to be able to use Custom queue. :D Don't worry, maybe one day someone will make a Youtube tutorial... Stop moaning about problems that don't exist.
  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Don't worry I figured it out but how about you take your attitude elsewhere? And the UI que system is utterly stupid so no need to defend it.
  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I do not care about feats. I care about keeping MY stats that I EARNED. Having my stats stolen after all of these years of working my butt off to earn them infuriated me like nothing else. And yes, it was like work for me instead of playing for enjoyment because I want to be the most powerful I can be, but the Clamp stole all of the progression from me, it was a big middle finger to me.

    So yes, if this is true then I am very happy with this result.
  13. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Since LowFlyingMoon, Korlick and Grim are too obstinate to explain there turns out there's a Story tab in Custom que that anyone would totally miss if the Daybreak devs weren't too lazy to explain it to us. Same with users here in the DCUO forums. But you guys do you. Obviously the game has a toxic community as ever. Players leaving DCUO in droves and only the unhelpful staying. Awesome job guys!!!!
  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    My attitude? lol... Maybe you should spend some time in-game, figuring out how things work, before running to the forum, asking to see the manager and arguing with people clearly more perceptive than you are.

    Ever wondered, if maybe the fact you are having such a bad time with this game is not caused by the devs, but by your attitude? Food for thought. :D
  15. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    When I told you, that you can queue Story mode in the Custom queue - what did you think that meant? Did you need me to draw you a map to the Story tab? Lol

    Also - even without seeing the tab in the Custom, you could have queued Story difficulty SCS from the Quickplay menu, then go to the Custom Play and added regular SCS, or whatever.
  16. Grim931 Committed Player

    This was already explained on the first page of this thread. Someone already gave an extremely easy to follow guide on how to get to this. 10th post in the thread... crazy how it was made by the person you said DIDN'T explain it... Korlick.

    Maybe if you'd chill out and read through the thread before you post, you'd save yourself some embarrassment in the future:

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  17. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    No. We're going to be hearing from "I want unclamped T1 raids now" bros and "more feats/rewards in story mode" bros and "I queued for story/Omnibus/whatever and waited forever" bros. And probably a few "I broke boss X in story mode, this game is a mess, lol" bros...

    Obviously, the lower tiers were not included in unclamped Story mode, because - say it with me - 'all the bosses would glitch with my mighty triangle'.... :D
  18. Grim931 Committed Player

    My triangle is average at best...
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate about they weren't included because there were no 'event'' modes before the runs that we got them in. I don't recall exactly when we started getting 'event' but it for sure didn't exist during T1 content. My guess is that they just grabbed the old 'event' run code and called it 'story' now.

    As I recall, Starro was about when episodes first started with the 'event' concept, where anyone CR 20+ could run the altered content...which would jive with where these start. Although Starro DID come around twice, once as an actual event...then rolled into Deluge, so it could be give or take 2 or 3 DLCs. I know there were not event modes of Origin Crisis or Trigon, as OC is where I started, and you couldn't get in unless you were the actual CR and owned the ep. So somewhere between I'd guess...

    Besides. Go back to the early days of the clamp when the big selling point was how 'all bosses' could be killed in 10 seconds or glitch out with just a single triangle tap...according to some...I don't believe any distinction was being made then about T1 vs was 'all bosses' that could glitch. So aren't we already there with Starro or Titans? Shouldn't we hear the glitching bosses exploding already? Heck it took me 3 min to write this....that was probably like 18 glitched runs already...boom...boom...boom. The horror!

    But sure. If they wanted to unclamp all the way'story mode' I mean...why not? You won't have to worry about it, will you? Why would you EVER run such a thing?

    As far as tickets go, I'll will volunteer to join the DBG team as the official 'boss bug' ticket denier. If some 'elte meathead comes in and explains how they can't finish a run because the boss blowed up too fast and glitched, I'll personally make a group to go complete the content successfully and then close the ticket as 'it's not a bug....meathead'. I'd say 150K a year and benefits should get the job done...DBG...hit me up.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's possible that one or the other of those loot tables are bugged. I ran the Static alert and DID get 380 max gear...which should be around the 'normal' EEG drops and not original 'static' levels. Guess well see as the system is refined.
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