Nexus of Reality in Kryptonian Gear - how hard did NoR get nerfed?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Schimaera, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Hello Folks, how's it going?

    I want to share some video with you since it is common sense to do so in the forums for either entertaining purposes or something else :)

    A week ago I started a thread in our forum regarding Nostialgia Raids.
    (At this point thanks to the guys of Odyssey on whose side I've seen those raids a while ago).
    The point was to run lower tiered raids with the raid-appropriate equipment to relive the 'good old times' and to have some fun since Halls of Power Part I is nice but we've done almost everything in it.

    So when I got the interest of some league members we decided to start off with the Tier 4 Expert Raids Themyscira: The Gates of Tartarus and The Prime Battleground.
    The Limitations were the following:

    • Armor: (Sunstone Bulwark, Kryptonian Medic, Kryptonian Commander, Sunstone's Edge) Central-City Item Level 62 Sparc-Weapon, Necklace, Rings and Central City Trinket
    • III-Mods or Synthetic III Mods
    • No white Mods and Trinkets from the Home Turf DLC
    • No Utility Belt from the Hand of Fate DLC
    • 100 Skill Points spent (only fifth row and some points in the sixth row in the weapon trees to make up for the missing might/prec/resto/dom/vit stats that were in the Fifth back then when these raids came out)
    • No Weapon Mastery
    • Soder Cola Extreme
    • Controller Supercharge must be Word of Power or Speed Drain
    • Advanced Mechanics allowed
    After starting these Raids we recognized that they are WAY too easy right now. It took us in the setup of 3-1-2-2 18 minutes to complete Themyscira: GoT with skipping the hallway, letting the general at the second boss die and ignoring the statues in the end room.
    Then we tried PBG in hope that it might be more challenging. Well, the bosses were at 1/6 Health when they tagged out and Brainiac himself only summonned Healing Drones once.
    We were really stunned that the raids were so easy and wondered if either they got hardcore-nerfed or if the Tier 3 Armor got a stat buff in some way.
    After that and since we already had the old gear equipped, we decided to run the Tier Five Expert Raid Nexus of Reality in the exact same gear - just for fun and to see how far we can get.
    Our tank had barely 4k Health and around 6k Defense, everyone else was at 3,3k Health, the Vitalization was around 1,2k and the Restoration 1,8k or so.
    However we did it with only wiping twice in the end room to once three damaging fields popping up on one group member so he was unable to get rallied, and once due to the death of the tank causing the group to wipe. The side Lexes were k.o.'ed in their Soft Enrage time (read: in under 5 minutes).

    We had a hell of a good time, it was totally fun and challenging regarding that we only had the central city trinket, a bad armor set and no weapon mastery.

    Anyways, here is the video:

    Take note that Kami tried to relive the jumpcancelling of Hard Lights Fan :D

    I hope you enjoy the video even if it is a bit long and maybe you wanna do this yourselves.
    We can hardly recommend trying it or maybe Tier 3 Raids in Tier 1 Armor or Tier 4 Raids in Tier 2 Armor. It was totally fun and we might consider doing those things on a monthly base to refresh our DC Universe Online experience in our own way.

    We would love to see some feedback, maybe some suggestions in what is also challenging and fun. We may wanna try Paradox Wave with this type of gear as well, but maybe we need some adjustment in terms of the Tank Power for we don't think Ice can survive add waves in the tunnels well, since every shield breaks in one hit (except Reflection).

    tl, dr: There is no tl;dr :p

    Best Regards

    • Like x 12
  2. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    tl:dr would be: We did Nexus in t4 gear without problems ;)

    Congrats on the run. Makes me a bit sad to see this beautiful raid nerfed to the ground :/
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  3. Radium Devoted Player

    Main thing to remember is what you've learned between then and now, theres a reason they say Skill is the factor above all else.

    But kudos, nostalgia runs are really fun.
    • Like x 8
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Nothing better then seeing a great group.
    The group's skill and the support roles/DPS ability to perform their roles to a great extent completely overshadowed the group's stats..
    Wish I could say the same thing for the current raids/alerts.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I love playing with newer players to the game or the higher end part of the game...I love hearing them as they go into prime...they are in awe of the instant...they love it and want more.....

    Skill is the most important..I thought Soder Cola Max was the big thing when T4 hit the game....
  6. Skirmish Well-Known Player

    I'd reckon you guys could probably do Paradox like this aswell, trust me when I say both OC Raids got hit by an 18-Wheeler Nerf. Can't remember the last time I had to make use of the shields at last boss of Nexus so this was like a trip down memory lane back when Nexus was considered difficult.

    Kudos to you guys, this was definitely entertaining.
  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I love playing with newer players to the game or the higher end part of the game...I love hearing them as they go into prime...they are in awe of the instant...they love it and want more.....

    Skill is the most important part of completing content....

    You should run A&B or Dox with that setup...heck try Necropolis and let us know how that goes...
  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Well we could try the Volatile Hostile Feat in Tier Four gear then :) But yes the raid got hardcore nerfed indeed. When we were in Themy we asked whether someone hit his or her armory on accident or used weapon mastery.
    However on the Nexus Drone and the General you can see how squishy we were.

    But on the other hand just look how much damage the gas canister of Professor Lex does.
    Nothing. Kami survived three hits of it when back in the day when the raid came out you died on the first two hits or lets say we died when the canister popped up because that was already too late.
  9. Schimaera Devoted Player

    On the first, the last room will be painful, Hank will wreck the whole group through and through but maybe we'll give it a try. On the last: :eek:

    Well when we queued for PBG I secretly queued for League Hall Lockdown as well (and no one recognized it hihi)... The tank got two-shotted through shields and I barely survided several seconds thanks to Distract and Stealth.
    But MAYBE we're going to do Necropolis in Tier Four with Supplies and Mods (but this would mean we must do it before GU40, then, we'll always have Boost III on our stuff ^^)
  10. Schimaera Devoted Player

    tl;dr: Sparc-Weapons are OP!!!
  11. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    Lol. That too.

    Btw, just remembered. BC2 is really nice for nostalgia runs (or when you want to teach new members) in unmodded t2 (or modded half t1:t2 gear) with 60 SP spent. Give it a try ;)
  12. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Yeah did that. We used to do Newbie Runs for the Endgame Raids for new members who just hit the CR and I always said, if they don't show a decent movement, I'll pull them into BC2 in Tier 1 armor. However, I was never allowed to force them into that :D
  13. Chewbone New Player

    Yea, 6k buffed! 3k unbuffed^^. Was the funniest raid I did since dox came out! :D
  14. chipzes Committed Player

    Nice work. Makes me sad considering new players these days have no clue how challenging Nexus and PW were back then, and many can't beat PW in T6 gear still. And there are no similarly challenging raids on the horizon... :(
    • Like x 1
  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    This right here!

    Looks like some good times though!

  16. Zhouz Well-Known Player

    except that isnt t4 gear, it's t3 gear. Really should not be possible.
  17. yssandra Active Player

    He forgot to mention: no adds allowed!
    Because swarm, robot sidekick etc scale with CR they deal too much dmg to be used ;)

  18. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Ah yeah we did recognize that after the Themy Raid and excluded pets in PBG and Nexus.

    Except the Watcher, I see now :oops:
  19. IGotYA New Player

    Edit: nvm just saw they didn't use WM, my bad.
  20. iSmashly New Player

    LOL Are we still QQing about OC difficulty? Move on.