Nexus Final Fight Glitch

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by cadaverhead, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. Purple Ace New Player

    You first.
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  2. IamZACH Well-Known Player

    No not at all my hero is my alt and the xxx guys let me be in their league
  3. MockingBird New Player

    shh. this is grown folks business. Go play on youtube until supper. now get
  4. Davon (Crisis Core) Well-Known Player

    Wrong, people that always want the easy way out glitch the raids because they can and want to. I'd agree with you but people have been glitching raids from the beginning, even back when it was just Outer Caverns and Kahn, so lets not make excuses for the glitchers and blame the Devs for making a raid too hard lol. Hell, day ONE people were glitching FoS3.... I remember logging in and my first PUG into FoS3 people were like, "Davon, COME HERE, HUG THE WALL!" I'm like, "Huh, what? This raid just came out 30mins ago...." Of course the funny thing is, if you don't want to glitch, then the innocent and fair player will get kicked from the raid and called a NOOB, lol...So yeah, not the Devs fault, cheaters will be cheaters.
  5. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Thanks bro, got any tips on how I can spam reflect every 12 seconds? O wait, nvm
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  6. Purple Ace New Player

    Are you sure? Because you came in here awfully child like. Actually wanted to start a flame war and get this thread closed since it's the only way you can probably beat this raid. Brilliant misdirection ma'am.
  7. Eminence Dedicated Player

    One pieced are glitchers, cool.
    Lets get back on topic.
  8. MockingBird New Player

    thats all you mr rage poster.

    grr grr fan boys rawr so mad rite noaw
  9. Redhot Well-Known Player

    lol this was a good read I needed the luls, to the Op's point Yes if you can do that It needs fixed end of story It's very sad that this is how most console babys hold them selfs you should all have a little more respect for your selfs and others 1 group cheats to get a feat others follow till fixed. now here is another lets just hope it gets fixed before to many nublets get gear
  10. DG-MOD-02 New Player

    I am closing this thread now as it is filled with off topic posts and bickering. Please read through and abide by the SOE forum Guidelines when using these forums.
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