Next on Test: Game Update 70!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Game Update 70!

    Game Update 70 is now available for testing on the public test server. All players are invited. PC Membership is NOT currently required to access the test server, and Daybreak accounts are free. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! To get started, you can download the test client on PC here.

    Game Update 70 features the spring seasonal event, and may feature an improved loadout menu UI.
    Thank you for testing!
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Super GREAT!!!!!
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player


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  4. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    cant wait to finish my labyrinth base BRINSTAR:
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  6. ChillCat Loyal Player

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  7. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  8. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    A couple of weeks ago SJ on #askdcuo said there would be 'Pollen Aura' color variants for this event, are they included in test and if so, are they a random vault drop? (I didn't see any auras in the vendor). Am I missing something? Were they passed up for this year?
  9. TheForsakenEvil Well-Known Player

    Improved loadout tray? Awesome! I recently came back from a long hiatus, but I'm supremely stoked to see there have been much desired improvements to Q.o.L, such as inventory functionality, the style menus, improved combat mechanics.
  10. Reaper893 New Player

  11. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    "Improved Loadout Menu (GU70 or GU71)
    • Improved the ability library – the icons in the library are smaller, and packed more densely, allowing you to see more of them at a time.
    • Improved tooltip behavior – the ability tooltip will no longer display when hovering over an ability with the mouse, instead you must click on an ability with the mouse to see the tooltip. Additionally when you do hover over an ability with the mouse, you will see a name hint over the ability after a moment. Controller functionality with tooltips has not changed.
    • Improved communication of supercharge abilities.
    • You can now unload abilities from your tray. You can either drag the ability off the tray with the mouse, or you can select the ability with the controller and press Y (triangle).
    • There is no longer an arc menu where you pick your ability tray before the loadout screen. Now you can use L1 or R1, or the arrows next to the ability tray name to switch between ability trays.
    • Abilities are now filtered properly based on the ability tray you are currently viewing. Previously there was a bug in which your abilities were being filtered based on what stance your character was in.
    • Bugs that allowed you to mouse over ability icons even though they had scrolled off the library pane have been fixed.
    • The Improved Loadout Menu will be published in either Game Update 70 or 71.
    • KNOWN ISSUE: When swapping abilities between Ability Tray slots, the “drag icon” will show up as a green box.
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  12. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    Outstanding, I have been looking forward to this
  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

  14. alexmercer New Player

    yo to everyone on the forums not just to the devs and or testers but to everyone I just wanted to give a lil heads up advice and tips about the game to everyone don't ever think that u or anyone on the game is any better than other people that play the game just cause all of u have an extreme amount of sp doesn't mean u are any better at the game or can play better or anything else and if all of u think that sp matters actually technically speaking sp doesn't matter not 1 dam bit cause u can still go down with ease no matter how much or how many sp u have weather if its from 100 to 300 or more it don't mean ur better than anyone else on the game just cause all of u go day in and day out on the game doing crap over and over just to get more sp having no freaking lifes at all, everyone is on the game to play and work together with others to get stronger and better not to go back and forth and fight over stupid ignorant crap that isn't even worth peoples time or money, and for 2 other things people that want to try and say other people are trash or scrubs or anything in the game just cause they go down and or never go down at all y'all are just plain ignorant for doing that crap cause ain't nobody a scrub on the game just cause they go down its natural for anyone to go down in any of the content on the game, and as for the 2nd thing this is for all the people that want to try and rush into things on the game just cause y'all want to be and act stupid rushing into crap and getting downed first thing and not even wait on everyone else to actually be ready and then try to blame others for their stupidity of going down all the time rushing crap that just makes you look stupid and weak for thinking anyone can just burn through everything on the game 1 BIG REALITY check you cant burn through stuff on the game if ur down and out like for real hello open your eyes and wake up burn isn't everything in the game and neither is sp u also got to look at the mods and power not to mention main thing of all GEAR without gear u cant do crap in the game stupid idiotic behavior is what makes games seems so dumb and make everyone think its dead or going dead
  15. Here2Help Devoted Player

    • Like x 2
  16. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    I want to read it. I really do. But I will not. I picture a 2yr old kid typing on mom's laptop and being so proud of himself for the wall of text that he just created.
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  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Please, use some proper grammar when making a long post or rant. I've had to modify this quote to fix that large amount of unreadable text

    Second: SP does infact play a difference on test, Sure it doesn't matter on Live but on test it'll make or break whether you can play certain playstyles.

    You need at least 100 SP spec'd into power before you can get a PFTT rotation going.
    You need a decent amount of might and precision to do other playstyles.

    Sure in a sense SP doesn't make you an end all be all top tier player, but it does help with your stats.

    TL;DR: The Stats-revamp hasn't hit live yet, you haven't even tested it; all you did was make a rant born out of sheer baseless conjecture.

    If you want me to believe that SP doesn't make a difference in the stats-revamp, then give me proof; not an unreadable rant.
  18. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Hey buddy what about these:
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  19. Shilas20 New Player

    Hi Everyone!

    I need a place to post this. Its so important to me, because im doing a work for my career Psychology. Please if you can help me i will thank you. Sorry for posted here.

    Hi everyone!

    Thanks for read me, i'm doing a study about addiction in MMOPRG'S and i need people to fill out my form.
    I need at least 30 subjects, so if you can share it with some friends.
    This is the form:

    Thank You so much.
  20. Ruffruffman40 II New Player

    I understand why we weren't allowed to test the "Starro the Conqueror" event or buy the things in it... but i wanted to see if in some part of the event, we would be able to find/fight starro the star conqueror. You know... That humanoid alien who became linked to all of starro kind and commands them? Will he be there? o_O