Next on Test: Game Update 59!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. angelo512 New Player

    mepps when will u guys update electricity?
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  2. angelo512 New Player

    wish u could fix electricity cause electricity is useless except for its healing abilities thats it
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  3. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    After GU59, I'm making a new alt. :p
  4. EK1975 Well-Known Player

    Awesome news. Still waiting for one feature though. Waiting for League owners to be able to add their own multiple toons into same league without asking others to do it for them.
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  5. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Since the new loot system will finally work in all tiers, will the bad luck counter now extend their as well (don't understand how it could to anything other the Amazon Fury part 2 content) or is just in T7 and up.
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  6. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    About time....
  7. Phill Committed Player

    Loot Choice UI available in all Tiers!

    We have extended our Loot Choice UI to the earlier tiers of DCUO! Now all solos, duos, alerts and raids available in the On Duty menu have this feature added. This gives players the opportunity to choose what loot they receive from bosses. Upon defeating a boss, the player will be presented with a new UI that allows them to choose from a list of available loot. After the main choice has been made, the UI will then display all items received from the KO.

    Tutorial Updates!

    With Game Update 59, we have made adjustments to the tutorial instance at the start of the game. Important messaging has been updated to be clearer and more instructional for the player. A full list of improvements and updates are included in the full public notes. To enable testing all new characters created this week on PC Test will start in the Tutorial at Level 1.

    Halls of Power Part I
    • Operation: Artifacts from the Past
    • Big Barda/Mantis will now appear in the necropolis cut scene.

    Modern Batman Legendary Grant
    • Updated the mission to auto-complete and mail the reward at level 5 instead of level 1. This will help fix players who are falling off the expected mission path.

    • Swoop Attack will no longer cause the camera to jump to a far away location.
    • Updated the tooltip for Offering to reflect that your character’s Guardian, Fury, and Watcher pets are the only NPCs that get power over time when it is used.
    • Important messages will appear much larger on screen and vary in color to coincide with the degrees of immediacy to perform the required action.
    • The overall frequency of system messages has been reduced to avoid spamming the player unnecessarily.
    • Brainiac Sentry models have been changed, and now use a wider range of attacks.
    • The Brainiac Guardian model has also changed to make him more epic looking!
    • The cinematic at the end of the tutorial now plays immediately after you speak to Superman or Lex Luthor.
    • Pressing 'ESC' while the connecting screen is up should no longer attempt to open the HUD and close the game.
    • Updated the icon for all tiers of the 10-count Catalysts.

  8. Mega Chiroptera Well-Known Player

    Says "All Worlds Are Down" on test server. What's going on?
  9. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I feel for any Xbox person that selects electricity they are gonna delete the game.
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  10. Shapiro Well-Known Player

    crossing fingers on a few lol.
  11. Dysania New Player

    I happily welcome these changes! What an improvement! DCUO FTW! I am happy to see that my switch from the dead game, Grand Chase, wasn't a complete bust. Thanks, Daybreak! Love the free Daybreak logos, too! I might just sport 'em all weekend. Haha!
    Kudos to a job well done! ;D
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  12. Deathen Blazes Active Player

    How about the oldest - and most ignored - bug in the entire game... fixing the damn broker so it displays properly???
  13. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    That's true. Devs should see the priorities.
  14. KryptonianLantern New Player

  15. CS2016 Committed Player

    No weapon update?
  16. CS2016 Committed Player

    Or kicking ppl from voice channels IF you made it
  17. Ringz Dedicated Player

    After reading through this update and reading the comments, some of you are really jumping off walls and orgasmic over this update? really.... Reallly....... REALLY??? *sigh* No wonder dcuo priorities are messed up :(.
  18. Victor99dcuo Well-Known Player

    Hold on Thats what this whole next update is about? Another useless update nothing important changes, No its 2016 you got to understand soon the xbox will see the game, pve is boring its just about high cr skipping content, 1 shotting everything for a dps score board, nothing in open world, pvp is still suffering from problems with healing roles and fire tanks Healing all damage making them almost impossible to beat, (But) if you Could just listen to a few ideas on the forum from players, for a start work on the water power ppl been asking for, add open world content to make the game feel new, things like this Draw new players in builds trust and good reviews make the (Game) Fun, NOT fill the whole game full of alerts and raids till we reach cr 1000 and game over.
  19. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Where have u been?
    1-This update is to make the start of the game better for Xbox players.
    2-Pve players one shotting>Already discussed like 100 times just this week
    3-nothing in open world>there are many issues not letting this happen, unfortunately
    4-PvP> again, where have u been? There will be a next step in fixing pvp
    5-Water> i think you were in another dimension...Water is the next power coming in few months, theres always a timing between 2 powers.
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  20. ArkahamDemon New Player

    Right on brother