You have to admit that playing 2 players split screen from same account at once would really rock. So would a future episode with power points. I would love to hear what you all think..
1. Bring back Marks of Triumph 2. Change the color of the curser in the Feats section !!! (A lighter shade of the SAME color of unselected items is re1arded)
I have a question, I have a fire tank 136cr and sometimes a 79cr can make like 4x as many points as I , I use mods in most of my equipment and try to do as many cobo`s as I can so why ? What am I not doing right? Or what can I do to improve the amount of points made in a match?
When are the devs gonna break down and start calling stuff T8? T7 is getting pretty crowded If I remember right this update will make every tab (solo, duo, alert, raid) have at least 7-8 missions. Btw I hate the idea of more power points. The point of limiting you to 15 is so that you actually have to pick and choose which powers you actually want. If you were to bump it up to 20 most people would just spend the other 5 on iconics anyway. The idea of being able to buy SP that you havnt unlocked yet in the marketplace is also lame. I have only been playing this game a couple months and I am proud of the 96 SP I have (I don't get to play all the time) because I have EARNED them. If you make it where people can just buy them without earing them first you have just made the game pay to win and every game that adopts that model dies within a year.
Hilariously enough, there is already a pay to win system in place. When this new dlc drops, there will be a few individuals with near Max cr the next morning. Why? They bought replays. Using your logic, it's cool for them to go into (just say) PZE and only complete as far up as the 2ND boss, quit, buy replays and ultimately rinse and repeat getting full elite gear. BUT, I can't spend $10 for 10 sp? TBH they should have been put something like this in place. I like most people, don't have time to salvage 10,000 pieces or get to the more grindy feats for sp. *I have 193 BTW*
Alright, waiting for announcement for ep 23 releasing.....dlc's have been out on first Wednesday of the month since going monthly. (cue the Jeopardy music)