Episode 23 on Test! Episode 23 is now available on the test server. All players are invited. PC Membership is NOT currently required to access the test server, and Daybreak accounts are free. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! To get started, you can download the test client on PC here. Episode 23 features "Brainiac's Bottle Ship" (8-player) and "The Will of Darkseid" (2-player). For full update notes, click here. To discuss the update and provide feedback, please join the conversation in the Testing Feedback forum. To report bugs found in the update, please visit the player-run Issue Tracker! Thank you for testing!
An idea in which you WILL make more money, if we werr able to use armories to switch between not only roles and builds but also powers, I'd pay loads just to be atomic and natural or ice and earth. Reply with your thought thanks just thought maybe other people playing dcuo are thinking the same thing.
I mean all you really have to do is apply a secondary power tree slot in the traits menu linked to the marketplace, and that player can then use a power respec token and having the option to apply to or respec an new power to that tree, limiting people to 2 powers per toon only that the users have to pay money to earn the right to do so... buying armories and respec tokens.
A few people in my league and I have this on our wishlist. I have 2 characters I play for the most part, a fire tank/dps and a quantum troll/dps. If I could have both on one toon, that would be fantastic. It would also makes finding roles for raids simpler.
if they had this kind of a future then there will be no need to have multiple character slots. no character has two powers. that kind of defeats the whole storyline of the game. they should allow the change of weapons though. Kind of like you can during the huntress solo instance
That would be a great idea. Another Idea that would make money is Skill Points for feats that are not completed in the market place. I would definitely buy all the PVP feats....
always someone trying to get something without putting in work! they already gave us the ability to buy feats with replay badges so we won't have to do them all over again. but you still have to earn them by completing the tasks. stop trying to take the easy way out while the rest of us had to work for them. on another note, what would be a good idea is to give us some knowledge on where to complete the feat or how. some of these Feats I have to look up in order to know how to complete them.
Another great idea and I would definitely pay for a 2 player split screen option enabling us to use 2 players from same account at once. Also in a future episode would be cool if you would offer power points instead of just skill points, you could charge a little more for that episode would be worth it for sure!
Hell, even if I couldn't have 2 powers on one toon, I'd pay money for another 5 power points. 20 power points, that would be amazing enough.
No. A giant no to this. Myself and so many other players who chase feats and have been for years would quit the game so fast if they did your idea.
LMAO, People has quit for less and very stupid reasons. I am pretty sure that those that has 2.3 maybe 4 characters 2\over 200sp has like most people used replay badges. People always trying to threaten DCUO by quitting if there are changes that they don't like (SO BE IT). DEV has always tried to and giving the community what they wanted with some success and failures. Why don't DEV send in-game email asking the community if they will or will not accept the skill point at the Market Place. Let the community decide once again.
I accept that but ony from Old content. High cr Player will not queue up that for feats SO new Player will learn how to play. They should learn game mechanics