Next For DCUO: Feat Unlocking!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. repooc1 New Player

    Quick question, not reading through 38 pages for the answer so please withhold those comments.. Do we know if the styles associated to feats will be rewarded to us and placed in our inventory/be made as accessible styles? i.e. Dresden set? or T3 suit styles?
  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    You do not get the styles when you purchase the feat.

    I was wondering about something else though with the world of fashion and Knight Moves feats. If you were to unlock at least one of the style feats for the set that feed into the world of fashion feat, would you automatically get that feat as well? Similarly, if you have a character without either checkmate set, and purchase one of the checkmate style feats, would the Knight Move feat pop automatically? Basically, do these feats trigger off of the style feats or do they have all of the embedded triggering that the individual style feats have plus the logic for their own needs?
  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    I ran through them quickly when I was testing so I could be wrong but if I remember correctly I had to buy each separately. This should stand to reason since you get either feat for completing a style and buying one doesn't grant the style so it shouldn't trigger the second.
  4. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    I have a sneaking suspicion that some style sets are uncompletable for me as some of the bits needed to complete the sets were awarded me in 2011 for a collection/investigation or whatever & I deleted them.Or something
  5. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    Mepps, what do you mean by this? Can you give a feat name as an example? Is this how you are describing the fix for the tiered feats of do this 100, 250, then 500 times that is being worked out on the test server? I don't know of any feat that gives you a reward for completing it, only collections, briefings, and investigations and there are not individual feats for each one. It is making some of my league mates think you are saying if you buy the feat for completing all collections, briefings, and investigations in the classic game (or the similar one for Battle for Earth) you will get emails for the rewards of each of those. I don't think this is the case as it would mean you are essentially taking a different stance with these two (and possibly a few other) feats than you are with the style feats, and it would also likely require additional coding on your part to make it happen. Then there is the fact that the feat for the classic game collections, briefings, and investigations would be the best buy as it would only cost you 5 replay badges buy net you more than a skill point from the styles that can be finished exclusively from these email rewards.
  6. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    It's like the feat you have to compelete both styles on the gear from the home turf set where you can get the feat & tropy but you have to have a villain & hero to compelete it faster. I just think it's a fix to the bounty gear.
  7. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    He is talking about a feat that when you complete it, you get an in game email with a reward and how with feat unlocking you would still get the feat if you unlock the feat instead of actually doing the feat. I know of no such feat.
  8. Pandora Demon New Player

    When you do purchase a Style Feat does the Checklist fill up, or does it give you the feat points, highlight the feat, and then leaves the styles you do not have unchecked?
  9. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    It would be nice if the checklist stayed available for you to view (since this is the only way to keep track of all pieces of a style in one place within the game), but currently as soon as you complete a feat you can no longer view a checklist associated with it. So I would guess that after you buy the feat, if you select it in the feat menu it would just display the date you purchased the feat like a normal feat would display the date you earned it, but someone on test will need to confirm.
  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    when i heard feat unlockin was comeing i got excited and was ready to spend away. i am thinking though i am waiting till i hear about t6. lets be honest mooding out 4 toons for t5 and the 10 sets of armor has been grueling. the goal is to have 3 toons per faction because there is enough difence between the sides to make the game fun. i just dont want to heavily invest in toons 4,5,&6 then bench them over exobits. recoverry kits help but not enough to offset the four toons i have. thats a ton of mooding. has anyone heard any additional plans to offset the enourmous amount of farming it takes to modd all your gear?
  11. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player

    Lukelucky, there are synthetic mods you can purchase for marks that are relatively inexpensive (T5 synthetics are only 5 MoR's, for example). They're only single-stat mods that you can't recover, but at least in the interim you can use as surrogate mods to keep CR & stats up (including affinity bonuses) until T6 gear rolls out.
  12. Luminescence1 Active Player

    What hurts is that you didn't make Reapers killed in Origins count towards that feat.
  13. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    SERIOUSLY....WHAT'S THE POINT OF GETTING A STYLE-FEAT, WHEN U HAVEN'T COLLECTED IT!!??!?!!!????? Styles are one of the biggest grinder-feats, along with R&D and if I remember correct, crafty_crafter said in a post, that grinder feats where NOT gonna be purchaseable !!!?!?!
    • Like x 2
  14. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    Wtf...seriously !? ...U can just make a group/raid and U done it no time...lmao
    Do U also cry about the gather feat, for not getting more than 1, no matter how many exobits U get per exo !!?
  15. Kaiowas Nomad Active Player

    I AM patience but, now I've seen a comment like that several times, from Mepps or other SOE members and it just feels like, that they're gonna stab us grinders in the back, by makeing styles purchaseable for "alts" in one way or the other, thats all.
  16. thadap414 New Player

    i am a fan of the feat unlocking system you guys have in store for us. i have been discussing with my league the possibilities of being more effective with the ability to have our alts up to par with our mains when assembling teams for raids; just imagine not having to pick up pugs! along with the armories it will be very interesting to play DCUO again. thx team!
  17. The dark knight New Player

    I haven't read the 39 pages before, but is there a date already set for this to happen?
  18. Jafin 10000 Post Club

  19. Red InsiderKnight New Player

    Why not cross merchandise with DC DVD's more. Have a code in the box give you a style item or trinket from the movie you just watched? A reason to log in. Crisis is emailing me like mad...This game is GREAT our DEVs are devoted to success. However when I talk about the game few know it and the ones that do say they have not played in a while.
    Maybe a New 52 re-launch or a FCBD tie in?
    • Like x 1
  20. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Why do you care, They are not forceing you to use this feature.
    You can grind it the old way or are you thinking that people will stop buy you stuff in the broker. They are people who don't care about the broker.
    • Like x 1
  21. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    Why not look at it as how it will help youreself such as youre alt or main if you have any? I wouldn't worry about how much you grinded while other people do not. Besides a few added on skill points helps, it does not makes a players skill.