New Warp Menu UI Glitch

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Brav, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. Brav Well-Known Player

    Hello Developers,

    I 'm Just Informing you guys that the New Warp Menus' UI Doesn't Allow you to Scroll Down and Select other Options/Bases that are Available, When you do have More than One Base or Other Warp Options on your List. This is also True with the New Scorecards' UI, If the List Grows/Players are Added you also Can Not Scroll Down on that Window as well. I'm Not sure if you guys were already Aware but I am bringing It up, In Case you Weren't. Thank you.

    Sincerely: Brav
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  2. Brav Well-Known Player

    (Side Note: Without Creating Another Thread, I also Noticed that on the Maps' UI, While using a Controller I can No longer use the Right Analog Stick Up and Down to Look and Direct the Arrow Up or Down on the Map, like I can currently on Live. Only the Left and Right Directions are Working Normally at the Moment.

    (The Up/Down Directions Seem to be Related to the Scrolling, Though on the Map I can Use my Mouse to Move Up/Down but Not for the Warp Menu List. It Just Remains Scrolled to the Top. If you Keep trying to Scroll it seems to Highlight Below the List and you can Select It But Visually the Windows List Displays the Top List Only).

    Another Thing Happening on Test is If you have Other Armories Saved with Another Power and Change to that Power the Armory Doesn't Recognize the Change and Won't let you Switch Unless you Log to Character Select and Back In. It wasn't doing that before. Hopefully these things can be Corrected, Especially If it's Not Intended. Thank you).
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  3. Carp Developer

    Hi Brav, good catch on some of those Warp UI weirdness. I've already got a fix implemented for those issues with the warp menu along with a few others, but unfortunately they didn't get added in time for this PC Test build. Hopefully they should go out on PC Test whenever they do the next build, check out the updates then and let us know if it addresses the problems!

    I'm not sure about the armories though, I'll have to look into that on Monday.

    Thanks again!
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  4. Brav Well-Known Player

    You're Welcome. And Thank you for the Fix and Response. I'll Check it out once it does make the Following Test Update.
  5. Brav Well-Known Player

    Okay, I've just Checked this on Test after the Last Update and it is now Functioning Properly even though I didn't see it in the Update Notes. The Scrolling for the New Warp Menu's UI is now Working and the Directional Movement on the Map is Working as well. I'm not sure about the Scrolling for the Scorecard if that was done, we will see at some Time when this is on the Live Servers.

    The Armories are still not Registering any Power Changes, unless you Switch to Character Select and back (not a big deal since its Test Server but it wasn't doing this before and was easier to Test when needed to Switch Roles).

    Thank you for the Update Fixes so far. (P.S. I've sent you a PM awhile ago with a Unrelated Question. I know you've been Busy but when you can, I would Appreciate a Confirmation Regarding that. Thank you).
  6. DesertMP New Player

    Found this thread first in search. I see it's rather old. But, I am having this problem. I have three characters on one account. With my first ever crated I can warp to his and second character's bases. With second and third characters, I can only get their own respective bases on the warp menu list. I'd like to be able to get all three to get to all the first's bases cause that's the character I spent hours and hours with radar enhancers around Arkham and Stryker's and finally got lucky with collection item drops that I have all amenities I need [bank, mail, soder, R&D vendor and R&D workstation].