New trinket coming soon

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BigBadRon, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Green Lantern New Player

    It's played out.
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  2. chmegma Well-Known Player


    just sit back and enjoy the ride
  3. DanXVII Committed Player

    Lol i swear sometimes this forum is actually a gay rights movement in disguise.
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  4. MercPony Devoted Player

    Sure its mostly recognized as a feminine creature, but a unicorn is a creature from mythology... just like griffons and dragons and demons. I never did understand why so many auto-link them to LGBT and why its even a problem? :confused: Why all the hate towards a magical horse with a horn (and sometimes wings)?

    Regardless of all that, I still advocate my want for unicorns in some way in this game. Just as much as I want Dex-Starr in this game. Agree or disagree, this is all just personal views and I should probably stop talking now. I'm rambling after drinking to ring in the New Year lol
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    Rainbow is the official colors of the LGBT group.
  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    True but I don't see unicorns as the offiical mascot animal lol Rainbows are a whole 'nother thing.
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    I understand where you are coming from, but over the years, people have made Unicorns synonymous with Rainbows. *shrug* I didn't do it, just saying. :)
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  8. Feenicks New Player

    I'm a man and I like unicorns. The picture I posted earlier attests to that. It's the fastest mount in that game!
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  9. Feenicks New Player

    Bearded and bada$$! Though it DOES sparkle a little and have tiny white butterfly things flitting about. And it's serious fast!
  10. Feenicks New Player

    I'm all about mythology......hence my power, name, and look. :)
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  11. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Well I'm glad to see this thread brought out all the dudebros. It's okay guys, you can let your guard down sometimes and have fun. We won't revoke your Man Card.
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  12. Minnion Devoted Player

    Probably because it's a feminine creature that has seen an increase in popularity among men as of late... That and probably also the "Boys club" mentality on top of that.(Apparently there are still people out there in the world that just can't accept that a man can like "girly" things without being gay, or that girls would like a superhero game.)
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  13. Zicorahk Well-Known Player

    Since my ingame character is robotics based, I always imagined a cybernetic unicorn as my mount to ride into battle against the forces of evil. Now does that sound feminine? Trick question. The unicorn is unisex.
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  14. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Mermaids love Unicorn!



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  15. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    I'd rather have a Batmobile.
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  16. MercPony Devoted Player

    I want a Batmobile also!
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  17. Minnion Devoted Player

    Unicorns and Batmobiles for everyone!
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  18. Jamie New Player

    I've been on these forums for a while now and just have to ask - what is the deal with the Unicorns? Of all of the agendas I've seen pushed the Unicorn agenda is the most prevelant agenda. I could care less if a Unicorn trinket is added or not. If they are going to add content with Unicorns I hope they add some other mythical creatures as well. I would love to have a Unicorn head mount base item though :)
  19. Breakforce Loyal Player

    It's mutli-faceted.
  20. ADG New Player

    The Voice Acting in this game is amazing, despite my complaints. T.O. Morrow/TOM-Bot and Booster Gold are my faves. All credit to the iconic voice-actors, of course. But TOM-Bot and T.O. Morrow voice...It's obvious it's natural. I don't think there is any acting to it. Just pure talent strait from the man himself.

    Now if they would just bring back the original audio files for good ol' Booster Gold.

    If a crazy unicorn trinket ever was made in this game, I want the same voice on it as TOM-Bot. What kinda crazy madness could he say as a unicorn? I wanna know! :mad: