New too address "Skill Points"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ranes24, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. GermanM Committed Player

    As he said, you don´t NEED all those SP to be a "decent" player. Sure is great have more the 300, 400 or even more. But i run some test´s and the number´s say to me that over 200sp you can do just fine (But not perfect) at least in DPS side. Support roles like tanks, healers or trollers need more, that´s a fact to, but Artifact´s are the king´s right now.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No one is debating 'need'.. I even said 'past about 170' as where I'd say is a minimum to be 'decent. But yeah, people do 'want' them, that's why they buy 600+ on some alt without thinking, or grind for hours on end to get 1/10th of one. So again, I'd doubt they will go away...and would be more likely to be sold. If anything I'd say we've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that some people will pay out the nose for any even small advantage with allies...which yeah...SP do give you some small a minimum. Artifacts might be King, but SP is Queen....Prince at worst.
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  3. GermanM Committed Player

    The gear would be the King if we think much in the matter, Then the artifact´s are the Queen, after that in metagenes and augment´s and sp we have the rest of the potential of a character.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Fair enough. I was kind of assuming CR though as in the clamped content, CR does not matter as much as the other things that stack on top of it once clamped. But for endgame...yes. CR matters a lot.
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  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Fastest dude I knew of on Xbox was 9 months to reach 600, but that was pre-clamp (he also had a full time job). Random info idk if that helps lol.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Dude, it's Xbox, most players over here absolutely DO NEED as many SP as they can get to carry them to even be partially decent over here. No joke man, it's bad.
  7. GermanM Committed Player

    Guess with the low population in our server´s, specially that one, get feat´s should be a real nightmare...
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  8. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Absolutely. That's actually an understatement. Tbh it's my biggest reasoning for most of my venting with the direction the game is going right now, especially after the you-know-what was implemented.
  9. STsource Well-Known Player

    Yeah, i got 650 in a year not impossible.
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  10. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    All of them post-clamp? If not, might have to tack on a little bit more time there for this poor dude.
  11. STsource Well-Known Player

    Since august later year - My point being for the OP if they do the research and form groups feats are super easy to get.

    Be surprised how many people in LFG looking for feat runs.
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Just to throw it out there I do think going over the feat list and reworking some of the older grindier feats might be a good idea. I've noticed many of the objectives in lower/older content has been streamlined some and I have to admit noticing this has made me not flee old content I've run hundreds of times in terror if I omni bus into it.

    For example the feat for getting every special ad the ARC absorbs in the Outer Cavern raid could be cut down to "Kill the ARC 3 times after it absorbs an ad". I use this specifically because this feat was hard to get ten years ago after everyone got tired of running the raid. I can only imagine the numbers of times you have to queue into it and all the work it takes to get it. It's just not going to happen with so much newer content to run. This way players are still required to make multiple runs of the raid...just not as many.

    Another one that comes to mind is the jump in the pool feat from the atlantis content. I have seen so much more time watching players argue back and forth over getting this ten point feat which takes ten seconds over just doing it. Change it so the feat pops for anyone in the pool.

    Stuff like that might help without taking away from any experiences players may have gaming.
  13. Tolly Committed Player

    It should just be direct feat and not feat to farm for X time, people do not waste their time on this kind of feat, unfortunately, unless you find a real league, which becomes very rare on this game ...
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  14. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    There are people still grinding to hit 600 since the clamp went into effect. You used to get to 600 pretty quickly (I could knock it out mostly alone and with a few friends for the instances requiring more than solo (most friends and league mates all left when clamp showed up) in a few weeks playing casually. But those days went away when the clamp showed up.
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