how's it going guys! recently made a rage toon and I was wondering what powers/rotation to use for DPS and tank roles? and who are the best allies for tanking, that's what I eventually want to be doing. thanks!
For tanking, my personal favorite build (which comes in VERY helpful to the group too) is: Allies: active- Nubia (good heals and dmg). Passive- Superman (that shield, very nice) Passive- lex Luther (exobyte override, helps with resistance) Artifacts: Mystic symbol of the seven. The Clarion (technically classified as a healer artifact, that anyone can use, but this build makes GREAT use of it). Red Tornado. Skill points: 1 in movement. Get dual wield to flurry shot mastery. Superstrength in iconic, because who doesn't?! 1 point in hard light shield iconic, helps when switching. 1 point in hybrid build. In order of importance, in my opinion: *20 critical attack chance *40 critical damage magnitude *100 points to dominance *100 points to resto *100 points health *100 points might/power *100 points precision *300 points to fill dominance *300 points to fill health Loadout choices are as follows, I switch here and there just for a different style. Option 1: Rage Crash Severe punishment (absorption), bloodlust (weapon buff activates Clarion abilities), ragebringer (pull, replace on no add boss fights, with hard light shield), redirected rage (your primary shield), ire (use this right before Dreadful, to ensure you do not crash), Dreadful blast (to cancel rage crash). This loadout is pretty cut and dry, you can do good damage, heal yourself and team, and still enjoy using the rage absorption mechanic. Option 2: Healing Remorseless recovery (heals), weapon buff (Clarion), ragebringer (pull), redirected rage (you guess it), hard light shield (rotate with Clarion shield being broken), and Infuriate (because, why not be a complete bad- as for the ragebringer on boss fights, or in place of hard light shield, you can use Ire (which is what i use, for the Superman shield and breakout).
Dps, there's only one way to do it right. That's a secret I've had for years. I'll give you the path to take, but I'll make it a little easier for you. Artifacts: Transformation, Strategist, Quizlet Skill points: 1 movement 1 in superstrength (kinda obvious) 1 in superpowered 20 + 40 in critical attacks 400 in might power 100 dominance 100 restoration 100 health Rest into health or dominance Relentless anger, remorseless recovery, Berserk. The last 3 powers are for you to find out. I'll tell you one thing, there's only 1 rotation that blows the rest out of the water, and precision will never cut it. Spend some time on sparring targets, learn it, clip it, master it, and kick - as for the relentless anger power, you can swap it for severe punishment on boss fights, so you can survive. Good luck, and welcome to the most bad-as for the rest of the powers, they're not bad, they're just below lol.