New Resurgence Mega Capsule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 27, 2020.

  1. Walvine Well-Known Player

    Unlocked capsule stack and you can put them into shared bank to open on othere alts then share open contents back ,its a bit of tinkering but great saving solution for premium and f2p inventory issues.
    Ive always thought nth was purposely made just to encourage us to buy inventory expansions , when artifacts on breakthrough I just put nth into unused augs ha ,then i favorite the prestines and purple nth for weekly bonuses.
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  2. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    splurged a little more than i normally would and i plan on splurging a little more in a week or so. Its always a mixed bag with me.

    i'm actually not overly excited about the new chromas. don't misunderstand me: they are outstanding work. Its just as usual not much of it applies to my characters the way I see them. I'm extremely ocd about how my characters are supposed to look. In fact if you take all the styles, auras, materials, chromas and everything else thats been in time capsules i have utilized very little across the board. usually i stockpile materials and chromas on an alt who in her secret identity is an heiress socialite and is very into fashion.

    chromas can be confusing and frustrating to work with. The current crop gives you an outstanding white matte texture but trying to set things to black results in dull greys and off colors and mix matches. if there was some way to get a nice ink black void look where this happens i would have burst from excitement. besides the black neon the only other chroma i can think of that does this is the royal black and there you have those weird color blocking issues and a gold metallic texture to contend with.

    on the positive side the chromas really make you appreciate lots of old styles that have been in game for ages. I literally spent hours yesterday just going through my style inventory experimenting.

    what i dont get is when you guys are presenting these things why isnt there ever any detailed kind of story guide or look book. it would only serve to help you sell more. something like this should only take a few hours to put together and it would look so much more polished.

    for someone whos not overly excited i've changed up the looks of four of my toons...
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I compare the 2 early in the video. ;)
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  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I like the blue, black and red neon composites the best out of this chroma bunch. Top notch, but... I need neons of grey composite chroma, purple composite chroma, green composite chroma orange composite chroma and a yellow composite chroma.

    Vinyl chroma color variants.

    Hex color variant chromas.

    Holographic full body material and holographic chroma versions.

    Void chroma. each slot tintable...

    Cosmic chroma. each slot tintable.

    Plasmic color variant chromas.

    Color variants of Obsidian full body materials and chroma versions.

    modular versions of all the above in the quarks vendor and halloween candy baskets.
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  5. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    Well I am legendary and I do have all available slots purchased already but it still gets kind of tight because I have stacks and stacks of other time capsules that I need for feats. I also have pets, trinkets, bots, sodas and other R&D stuff. And while we’re talking about Nth metals I also have tons of artifacts and catalysts that pile up and I don’t know what to do with because I either I’m not there yet lvl wise or I don’t have enough currency. And I always fortify the Nth metals when I get them (every 10min as well) but wonder sometimes how important or affective it really is. Sometimes it barely moves when I fortify it. Sometimes I just delete them. It’s just all too much to think about sometimes when I’d just rather spend my time running content.
  6. Walvine Well-Known Player

    I prefer playing game over tinkering too but Its in all rpg , breakthough beyond 80 ability success or fail never feel like an achievement it feels like gambling watching weeks of rewarded source marks vanish into nothing or a tiny peak in stat which near unnoticeable to gameplay .

    Id like to see artifacts revamped scrap the 200 ranks for a base shrine that would have rank function controlled similar way as free version of mainframes power , itle never happen because dimentional ink prefers us to give into gambling impulse to buy seals of completion .

    I currently have black composite , red composite , iredesent ,pearl and camo,

    Iredesent neon chroma when neon set to black the neon part turns to iredesence too :).
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  7. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    so how long are these dropping for? I cant remember how long these traditionally run offhand.
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    About a month. I'm going to guess July 2.
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  9. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    You delete your Nth metal? :eek:
  10. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    I love the new chromas except one thing that bothers me greatly and that is that most of the neon shiny partys are not colorable all black they just becomes grey when trying to do so,even though its not a big thing next to serious things out there it's still something that annoys me greatly.
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  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    next maga capsules please make them stack, they take up too many spaces.
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  12. tehDarkNite Well-Known Player

    They are on individual timers and expire every 7 days. Probably why they dont stack
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  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    These Neon Chromas really didn't do it for me at all, they all just feel very quickly put together just to have a new shiny to push out for people to chase. The Black Composite Neon AKA "the poor man's Black Neon" really doesn't look all that well either IMO. I feel sorry for those who have to settle for that one because of the horrible RnG and jacked up pricing on the original Neon pack.

    Personally, I hope they continue exploring the possibilities in Accessories more. This would've been the perfect time for another set of Accessories designed for each Powerset to continue on the Resurgence "Powerset" theme. Oh well.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Tokens of prestige are on individual 14 day timers and DO that's probably not it.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm as big a pack rat on this game as anyone else, and even I'd never delete Nth metal if that's what you are doing? Not sure why you'd need to use them as soon as they drop, as they stack to 99. Personally I put one of each type down at the bottom of my inventory and then put the 'don't use' lock on it. This keeps it out of my open area at the top as the pieces will keep stacking. The lock keeps them from being available when I'm fortifying augments. Once I hit 99, I peel off 98 and throw them into my bank or consume them(ok...I never consume them unless it's 2x yeah, bank), leaving the 1 anchor piece to keep diverting them out of my face. To keep one of each Nth (including Vault pieces) takes about 1 and 1/2 rows of inventory space...I've got like 36 rows or whatever MAX is, so that's not a heartache for me. Yeah, stopping every 5 and 10 min to apply or delete Nth would be a headache. Also you will find that even the crappiest pieces will move the needle more if you are dropping them in 98 or 99 at a time.
  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    If the RMC worked as ToM then you could store the RMC for infinity (there is one bug with the ToM) ....
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think I know what you are saying (without saying it) and wouldn't it just mean it would extend it 14 days? The RMC will stop dropping on July 1 or whatever...ToMs are always available if you run old stuff. Either way, I just keep the last 1 or 2 I collect on the last day of the event...and sit on those till they expire in case I feel froggy and want to open another later. The rest get sold. I still don't know who the drop rate is designed for. You can rack up 3 or 4 an hour per toon...are people opening enough that it's a needed drop rate? If so, I guess they are helping keep DBG 'yea'?
  18. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Just came here to say thank you for releasing the mega capsules in this way. I was able to create an amazing green lantern with the green hex chroma, then I was able to create a cool Black Adam with the black composite chroma. Still working on making a red lantern but overall I enjoyed spending money. I also managed to open a mega capsule using 7 stabilizers quite a few times so that part also benefited me. The number of looks we can achieved using these materials is amazing.
  19. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    When does the Resurgence Mega Capsule end?
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  20. Eve YouTuber

    Resurgence Mega Capsule
    • May 28, 2020
    • Resurgence Mega Capsule drops and is for sale until the next capsule launches.
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