New RD Components For Higher Mods/Power Mastery

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by KidSuperBoy, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    "A lesson from Macroeconomics 101" First as a suggestion for higher level plans in order to avoid walking around with a wheel barrel of exobytes (money) in order to make/purchase higher level mods (shirt) and maintain currency balance (price of FE VI), develop a new RD component either as a loot drop or that can be ascertained with a new scanner in open world that'll fit into either RD/Radar socket that can be added to what's already in place for say an ultra or mega VI or VII plan, but keep the drop rate/proliferation in balance with currency fluctuations. Secondly, in lieu of alt swapping maybe try developing something similar to weapon mastery with "power mastery" and maximize our tress full potential! Lastly I've been tossing these ideas around in my head, hopefully they'll help!