New Qwardian Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Not really, show/prove to me that you can not progress further into future DLCs (the flow path of the game) unless you gain a certain magical number of SPs? The point of the argument was that he could not progress in the game without being able to be perfect in SPs. That is flawed. You can progress in the game without a required number of SPs. Once again, show me where you are stopped and can no longer play the game or the next DLC because you don't have a required number of SPs. By your definition he is wrong, because he is not stopped from playing the game because of SPs.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    It's not about progression in "DLC episodic" content it's about "P R O G R E S S I O N".

    skill points increase your stats, that is C H A R A C T E R P R O G R E S S I O N.
  3. Sooner Well-Known Player

    Once again, Character Progression (by your definition) happens all the time, you aren't stopped from progressing because of SPs. Simply moving from 1 cr to the next would count as "C H A R A C T E R P R O G R E S S I O N" per your argument, and therefor nullifying the argument that TCs stop all progression of a character. Once again show me where my character stops "progressing" per your argument in the game if I don't have enough SPs?
  4. Proxystar #Perception

    What I'm saying is that everything that involves increasing stats is character progression.

    Feats are progression, content is progression; ergo TC feats are progression.
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  5. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    I'm honestly regretting that I renewed my membership. These Lottery Boxes have gotten out of hand. From both a progression standpoint as countless others have mentioned with the feats, to even a cosmetic and collectible standpoint as I was enjoying collecting auras and had every aura in the game up until this came out. The prices people are charging for these new auras and materials is outrageous, which is a shame too as I liked how some of them looked. You guys could have put these items onto the Marketplace and slapped a $20 price tag and I would've bought several (1 of each for my main, and ones that look fitting on each one of my alts.) if it would have been guaranteed as I don't mind dropping the money if I'm actually getting what I paid for. However RNG and luck is an issue, mine happens to be bad, and I'm not going to spend money on a gamble. Kinda sucks as I would've dropped hundreds to support the game if I were getting the cosmetic items I'm actually paying for, but because you guys put them along with feats behind a pay wall it's killed my motivation to drop another cent on this game. It's also killed my motivation to advertise this game to friends as I barely log in anymore, so it makes it hard to recommend it to friends when I won't even be on to play with them. You guys are doing yourselves and your playerbase a disservice with these cash grabs.
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  6. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I can't recommend anyone buy stabilizers until a better system is in place to at least help with the RNG they need to add coins in these boxes and add a vendor to the Watchtower/Hall of Doom so people can buy items they're missing .
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  7. Mega testerx8 New Player

    But too many people support this lottery bs, even if they do have a negative opinion on the lottery tickets half if not some of them would still waste money on them and the devs would not have any reason to bend over backwards to sell you the things you want and ben asking for directly. If people truly want nice things the way they want them and not thrown over RNG walls they would not waste a lot of money on Time capsules and buster bundles, angry complaints are just not enough, We'll just have to start putting our money where our mouths are.
  8. Xibo Loyal Player

    • Like x 1
  9. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I refuse to Buy anymore. I quit after the last box. I am however running the daily thing and saving my Stabalizers and i will use those when the new one comes out but No More than those saved up
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  10. beardrive Committed Player

    This may not be relevant here, but I did the Anti-Monitor event with both my 278 SP 189 CR Ice toon and my 60 SP 105 CR Quantum toon and they both came out with about 5 million damage (No bombs used). SP can no longer be used as a metric to gameplay as it will hinder new players from joining/paying, as the scorecard determines capability/success. Remove the Scorecard, and game-play will go back to normal, whatever there is of it left.
  11. Captain JackDaniels Well-Known Player

    You do realize everyone is bumped to 230 and are capped at stats regardless of SP for this event right??? Your real SP doesn't count here.
  12. beardrive Committed Player

    Oh, so it's just like playing normally then, cause I don't think my SP counts anywhere. LOL
  13. OtherWorldly Active Player

    I'm up to $660 dollars in stabilizers. I could've... I should've taken that money to the real casino. I don't see why we can't choose from the stabilizers.
    I finally got the Shim Tar style feat. Sadly, the Divine Shim Tar style doesn't give any feat points. I know my league is happy cause I buy everything they need not want.
  14. gamma 9 Active Player

  15. IamINC Dedicated Player

    WOW! Bet DBG love this post

    No wonder DBG say time capsules are here to stay when people like you are dropping that much (Which I understand is your right to spend your money how you see fit) on stabilizers and endorsing the ridiculous RnG P2W system.

    I wish I could justify throwing that much away for nothing.
  16. KingKudos223 New Player

    ok I just want to say something cuz I just made this profile and I want to speak my mind can we plzzzzz update the movements it will make the game more enjoyable like with superspeed give a option to change the color of the lightning "not the trail" because then we can base our players off of characters like zoom or reverse flash or we can be creative and do something like pink or silver and can we add more speed to the movements plz we going the same speed as the cars we might as well walk the whole game. in mass multiplayer I think full player customization is a important key cuz then ur not restraining players and your letting them actually explore a little cuz a lot of my friends quit this game because yall took the fun out of it with all the marketplace stuff and even having to pay for something simple like a aura its just color that glows around ur body. but this is no hate I love this game but I also would appreciate some cool upgrades like the ones on movement I talked about. plz plz plzzzzz consider what I'm saying I would appreciate it if you did.
  17. FamousStrsStrpz New Player

    You forget one fundamental thing. It is a FREE TO PLAY. They in then end need a budget to continue to run as a FREE TO play. That's why they are sh*tty games, that's why there is so much greed. Now they do need to correct a ton of things but you seem to have forgotten that. Now I ain't on daybreaks side because I completely agree. You all just failed to see why it is the way it is. With expanding customers means expanding servers which mean more tech support, more maintenance teams, more work hours, more creators for content, that all costs money.and as we all know money can't be made out of air. So that money has to come from somewhere. Guess what its not as incorrect to say you as a whole help fund the game. And not many people now a days gives a damn to buy a comic book or a tee shirt or something at market value for the fact, it's to expensive life is full of high expenses don't like it. It's the way of life and people. Just a thought mates.
  18. Void113 New Player

    We'll its not technically free to play. At some point you need to pay for membership/episodes to continiue, if there is no open episode event which i loved back when i didnt pay for membership. Or you delete your current character/create the 2nd one and restart with different power,mentor,side,weapon,move style, though that seems boring unless someone likes experimenting, but most like grinding to endgame and becoming "pro"
  19. Void113 New Player

    P.s I really love how from old Qwardian time capsules we went to new features for the game and then the f2p/p2p side of the game. Brilliant
  20. Catcha EL New Player

    Spent over $150 on trying to get good stuff from these capsules and nothing to show for it but sodas and mainframe robots been a member since 2011 i really feel like an idiot. No more DCUO. I've spent so much over the yrs and both my toons look like i just started playing. Catcha El and Old man Logan. I give up.