New Qwardian Time Capsule!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Yeah, trying to stay positive.... it ain't easy at this point.
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  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    It will end up in a capsule eventually, maybe next year event capsule (that is if it survives a whole year of P2W shenanigans)
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  3. Chainasis New Player

    They should create a new amazon style.... "you are Golden Fleeced" and name the feat "you have been Royally Fleeced"
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  4. bmce84 Loyal Player

    if you are restricted or banned don't even bother trying to get them to change it, wait it out or make another account.
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  5. DarkfyreDad New Player

    I have played this game since FTP and I have loved it since. However, I have cancelled my membership. I last played on December 28th. In the few weeks since AFp3 released, I spent WAY too much money on the ATC's and Stabilizers. Probably close to $300 to $400. Yeah, one of THOSE idiots. Now, with the news of new TC's already with more items, collections, and materials to collect, it's too much. I'm done. I'm not spending another cent on DCUO. I never got the Phoenix Material, even after all that money. To Mepps and the rest of Daybreak, Congratulations! I've been Legendary for 4 years and was one of the faithful for so very long. I'm done. You broke me. You broke my love for the game. You broke my wallet. You have driven away all my friends and former league mates. I was the last. Now! I too am gone. Good luck on all other future endeavors.
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  6. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Another unsatisfied player forced to voice their out rage. You are not alone my friend.

    FYI, I have just started a new thread under the gameplay discussion. Feel free to click the link and voice your opinion.
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  7. Professor Zoom Well-Known Player

    Same story here man, Legendary by 3 years, now i leve this game by peace.... It`s a shame cus i really like the balck lantern aura- Whatever i dont gonna speand 1 more penny in this game... :(
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  8. Ruckusgod New Player

    So allow me to understand this. You have made it a point to completely try to suck every last dollar out of your ever loving community. Over and over again you abuse their love of this game and spit in the face of every one of them who pay their very hard earned cash to experience a super hero MMO with their friends. Mind you there are only two super hero mmo's out there that you can create your own hero, and you know it. Instead of trying to create truly engaging content and immersing your community into what should be an experience like none other online. You use the fact that there is really no other game in town to stick it to them.. For years the fan base has told you about the powers being woefully unbalanced. And for a long time you sat on your hands. They tell you the content is copy and paste. You give excuses. You dumb down the game play. And you call it innovative. Your content is no where near up to par for the money you ask. FFXiV, WoW, SWOTR, and on, and on give you so much more for that money. And this game is on it's last legs because of the mistakes that have been made over the last few years. I'm not even subed to your game anymore because it's really not worth it. The game i play now shows me they want my money by putting it back into the game. It's clear the same is not going on for this one. Your community is dyeing. Your DLC's over the last 2 years are "meh" at best. We blow through all your content because it's the same four fights over and over again arranged in a different order and a new sprite over them. Your holiday events are the same every year. No effort to shake things up. It's Larfleaz , or the angry emo pilgrim boy, or Aqua man. Enough of insulting your consumers. And these time capsules are just the latest of a very long line of half baked ideas to suck them dry. Then, to make sure they panic when they are released, you attach skill points to them. This is shameful on your part. If i were a betting man. I would assume by your actions as of late you are grabbing every last dime you can before you cut the team and shut it down for good. If that is the case then what a sad story it would make. An amazing idea turned into a nightmare for people who just wanted to be a superhero or villain. Oh, Before i forget. To Mister Venture's point about teaching people how to play your game. I currently play a game that goes out of it's way to teach it's players how to perform their roles, and rewards them for taking the extra time to be better players. This game makes no such effort to do so. time and time again i see healers burn their power because they are clueless on how to properly manage the skills given to them. Or controllers who really have no idea what a controller is. And when they are asked for power by the players in the party they are in, they just stand there clueless on what to do. You rely so heavily on the faithful youtubers who make vids on how to play that it becomes one less thing you have to care about. I could write alot more but i am tired. And so is every one else. Ban me from the board. I don't care. I've got a game that is doing just fine and is not treating their paying public like morons. to the players who make it this far. I really with you the best. And remember. someone else is alway looking for you cash. Ask yourself."am i really gettting enough for my monthly fee? is there another place i can spend the same money and get more?" and if you answer yes.,.. why wait? Go out and find a game that shows you at every turn where the money you spend is going.
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  9. Thunderpanda New Player

    I have played this game since day one. Please slow down the time capsule change. This is too many. Maybe every 3 to 4 months, but this is ridiculous. Have a nice day.
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  10. Nuclear Winter Well-Known Player


    'Nuff said.
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  11. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    What I fear the most is DCUO 2.0.
    Once they do the Revamp they'll have a basis for 2.0
    If and when 2.0 happens all the money spent on these Time Capsule will be a total waste.
    All your Stats, toons, in game cash, everything will go down the tubes. Everything!
    They'll never tell you it's coming, but obviously by seeing this cash grab; It'll be here soon.
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  12. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Yeah sorry but they don't lift bans or even give out the name of who banned you, and if you try to contact support all they'll say is that bans are final and you need to wait for it to be lifted if it isn't permanent.
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  13. Roocck Committed Player

    Think of how much money you saved while being banned.... LOL
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  14. Roocck Committed Player

    As much as I love to play DCUO, It would be hilarious if it happens. People wanted change, changes comes with a lot of failure. Should've left things the way it was and just balance things out....
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  15. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Oh, so you have a problem with our league or do you just normally post before thinking?
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  16. bmce84 Loyal Player

    lol it's forum ban tho, game bans can be contested, tho who would want to do that :confused:
  17. bmce84 Loyal Player

    You are missing something, head and chest mods, all of which you will need after stats. TC are only preparing us for the inevitable change to P2W, I personally never saw as such until the first wave of stats testing hit and I realize every new mod wouldn't just be cool to have, you needed them in order to perform. 2.0 is stats matters, a full on P2W game where TC are the only source for power mods, which make no sense unless your plan from the start was to make the TC a necessity and not a commodity, and I'm not even going to talk about SP and gear.
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  18. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Should do away with the account lock crap & let the stabilizer event be run by alts. having 20 characters (i paid for their slots) on top of already being legendary would let me open a whole ton of capsules everyday. feels more like a money grab when our alts are getting shafted. wouldnt be as ridiculous if we had the chance to open them every day via alts gaining fragments too
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  19. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One says he is looking forward to this and says keep them coming.
  20. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Welcome to Dc Casino Universe Online. Where it is becoming less a video game.

    One day you will see a dcuo lottery ticket nearby your corner store!

    (No, I'm not happy.)
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