New Picking Up Methods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Miss Martian, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. Miss Martian Well-Known Player

    I've just been considering a new picking up way that matches with our powerset. To explain better with an example I can mention Mental powers, So we know there is an iconic power called Super Strength that enables people who activate it to pick things up with hands even heavy things and items, but what about the own powersets, you know each powerset has its own way to pick things up, That's right that we have a few telek abilities in the Mental powerset and some different in Quantum. But would like to have a pick up key on our keyboards and controllers that picks things even the heavy ones with their fit powerset and be able to throw them, and for who that use Super Strength, They'll be able to pick up with hands and muscles.
    We know that we usually don't pick things up but it would be nice too, to have the ability to pick our targets and enemies (mobs) too and be able to throw (Regardless of the telek abilities in Mental Powerset), It's gonna be such a nice ability :D to throw people. Anyways this is not a very important update or improvement but looks nice to have.
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