New Orbital Strike Buff

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Magnificent, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Ice Clown New Player

    how about u go test it urself and post a video? u said it did 20k, i wanan see 20k now, come on;).
    + i got some real stuff to take care of in my life atm, aint got time for. just go test it urself, its 15k mot, play 1 tier 5 raid and ur good
  2. Ice Clown New Player

    i would like a proof of ur 20k DMG to a player, that must be a level 7 orbital strike u got or something. ;)
  3. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Are you not the one doubting numbers here?.
    Read the entirety of this thread before you post please.
  4. Ice Clown New Player

    it does 4k to a player with PVP gears, 12-13k to a non boss NPC, and 20k to a boss. get yo facts straight. just roll, oh rolling is a problem now? get tumbling master, ther u go.
  5. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    And if they're not acrobatic and get countered?
  6. Ice Clown New Player

    my guy in arena is a flyer and i can roll out of it no problem at all whatsoever folife. dont know i guess its a personal problem.

    edit: oh and superspeed can just double jump and dodge it no problem, like acrobatic with tumbling master. flyers are the hardest one, but i look up, then i roll so they dont see me rolling
  7. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Uh huh. Suppose you already used your breakout trinket. I countered you and threw a Gauss Grenade at you to stun and ground you. You apparently can't break out. I am going to call orbital strike. What are you going to do?
  8. Ice Clown New Player

    well im an ice tank so ill just use my immunity for breakout no problem folife.
  9. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

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  10. Ice Clown New Player

    if i cant breakout with my ice shield immunity then the game doesnt make sense at all. that would mean orbital strike would instantly hit every1, but it doesnt do that, so no problem folife.
  11. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    A lot of things in the game don't make sense at all. Like Hometurf in PvP. Or the millions of Titanic Trenton running around. An immunity power not working is possible due to glitches and/or lag.
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  12. Ice Clown New Player

    true but this is about orbital strike, and it doesnt do a mega stun where u cant breakout out at all whatsoever
  13. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    The stun isn't from orbital strike.

  14. Ice Clown New Player

    hmm ok gauss grenade cant do a mega stun where u cant break out at all for whateversoreason folife then
  15. TrapGosh New Player

    not sure How much it hit for but in the first video the healer gets hit with it. It's filled with rap music, so you might wanna just turn the volume down.
  16. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Many pvp maps are not deathmatches. Australia, Moon, and Star Labs are all capture the node and still have Hometurf available.
  17. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    What if you only have enough power for a breakout? You also don't have any sodas. As well as no troll.
  18. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Agreed. I bet you even Clutch gets countered. The most practical way to "counter" the orbital strike is manage your breakouts and focus on when to use them. So with that said you need to know what kind of clipping, rotation, combo, trinkets, consumables, and the like they are using and when they are likely to use it. However, this particular practice is not that practical. It's to an extent a work-around.

    It makes the game a bit more psychological, difficult, and (if you prefer) more in depth. However difficulty can be a perspective/relative term. For example: to me DLC 6 is difficult (because I haven't Hardcore PvE'd in like forever. Meaning that I didn't take the time to get Amazon Fury gear. I just wanna keep my replay badges! Can you blame me? I'm a collector! :p) while to another individual it could be a breeze. It's more difficult in terms of when to use those breakouts for people with different "Overall Composition."

    Overall Composition includes:

    Counter Theory/skill (Which to a degree can go with a persons weapon of choice.)

    Composition (this means gear, consumables, trinkets, mods, and other equipment)

    Composition Tactics (This can be equated with timing, but also keep in mind that one could switch out a consumable while you're countered. Keep in mind that this tactic may deprive you of damage, but in the end you have to plan wether you are willing to take that time to damage or counter. It's also considered a risk since they may have another breakout in their load out.)

    (And) To a degree what power and powers ("powers" meaning abilities i.e. Condemn from the power Sorcery) they use/what role they are in.

    Note: his list is subject to change and every area can be expanded upon, and I'll bet you that I didn't even cover everything that I could have mentioned that is currently in the game.

    With that said. I gotta ask The Enquirer. Have Synchro-Counters (Synchronized Counters) been considered by the PvP community in 2v2+? With the new updates perhaps Counter Theory will progress and this type of Team Counter and many more will be discovered/recognized/recognized more.

    Another question (Or rather and idea.): Do you think that there should be a "Clean Slate" Arena/Legends mode? No powers, no consumables, no trinkets, no powers, no mods, only gear and weapons/the Legend? Kind of like a "Barebones" type of PvP. This particular kind of PvP could be used to develop more Counter Theory/skill. You could argue that this is just Legends, however you have low tier, mid tier, and high tier Legends with different powers. (All 3 can consist of different kinds of tiers. Remember, for every number there is always decimals. Since we have 3 tiers then we can have Tier 1.56789. As well has 2.9870654 and 3.4. "Clean Slate" would get rid of that. There would truly be only one tier of character. Kind of like zero. There's no negative zero; it's just zero.) Having this kind of PvP could advance the PvP that we have today.
  19. Ice Clown New Player

    bruh, i never ran out of power in arena ALLDAYEVERYDAY24/7FOLIFE ever. again a personal problem, if u run out of power, then dont spam so much power aye?
  20. Ninja'd Dedicated Player

    Uh huh. You never ran out of power.:rolleyes: You will when Game Update 41 hits live.
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