New Orbital Strike Buff

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Magnificent, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Solutha New Player

    I haven't PVP in awhile but isn't that what the PVP trinket is for. It should get you out of that stun.
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  2. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It has a cool down you know. It will only work every once in a while. That's part of counter punishment in legends. If you know your opponent has their trinket ready you don't unleash all your best stuff when they can avoid it. Same principle here.

    Counter damage itself has been doubled actually. Counters in legends now hit for over 500. There's already a bug report on it. I figure that was to adjust for the new gear and they forgot to take it out when uploading the update to live.

    Just for the record, I called that :p
  3. Solutha New Player

    Yeah but Orbital has a CD as well. You can trinket 2-3 times in the amount of time it takes Orbital to go off CD. Just play smart and farm out the orbital then you are good for the rest of the match.
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  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    If I'm understanding you correctly what you're saying is that you should just hold out on using your trinket until they use their orbital. Correct?
  5. TheWhiteFace New Player

    I don't understand what you mean by, "That's not an excuse for it being able to one shot someone." The damage before hand was insane. It was still a good amount back before GU 40. I still have a couple reasons why I do not approve of Weapon Mastery in arena 1v1's, 2v2's, and Duels. In my opinion, it's easier, cheaper, and can be clipped with powers for some added on bonus damage.

    In the very end my style of PvP (I think) is just warped. I don't punish people with a lot of powers or Weapon Mastery when they're countered. I use Tele. and Menace and that's just about it for the powers side. Theoretically if I use Reflect Pain after the counter it's like regular counter punishment. Most of the time I just let the counter be the punishment itself with of course follow up attacks with One-Handed.

    After seeing some of the videos of what some legends can do damage wise with their powers when someone is countered without a breakout it occurred to me that I had never even tried that kind of play. So with that said, who here actually practices both counters and counter punishment 50-50? (Other than Clutch...) I can honestly admit that before I came to the forums that I practiced nothing but Counters. Then again, I've only been playing for greater or equal to one year. I guess now that I know that counter punishment can be done more efficiently with better powers I may as well sooner or later start playing 4v4's.
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  6. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    So you are saying to just tap and do not use any sort of moves that can get me countered.
    Tell me how that works out.
  7. Solutha New Player

    All I am saying is there is a counter to the stuns and Orbital. Honestly its doesn't matter in the long run. Just wait for a few months and all this crap will be out of PVP anyways. Or run Deathmatch PVP where its already banned.
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  8. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    There was also a way to counter steel. However it is not practical.
    Either way, another few months of dead PvP. It did not go through any one of the Devs mind to think "You know these absurdly overpowered mods/trinkets, yea how about we remove them one update early so the players don't have to suffer more from HT mods".
    Not to even mention there is a trinket that grants 1000 prec and 1000 might.
    450% increase in might damage and 100+ DPS for 20 seconds. Yea. Excellent job devs.
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  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Your idea for a counter, if I understood you correctly involves holding out on breaking out of a hard stun until the Orbital is used. Not much of a solution.
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  10. iamlightning New Player

    but it is A solution one out of many you might not be skilled enough to pull off holding out on your breakout trinket or to even try to get a counter off before it hits I mean the guy using the orbital is gonna stand still or pop a shield many things you can do

    Lol neither is removing it...
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  11. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    What you're doing here, to paraphrase one of my favorite critics: "you're sitting on a nuclear weaponry stockpile shooting pees at a giant robot crab in the off chance there's an even bigger robot crab sitting around the corner".

    You'd be saving your breakout trinket for when orbital strike comes, meanwhile exposing yourself to all other manners of attack during that counter punishment, such as the ever one shotty weapon mastery. So it's not a solution.

    EDIT: And the notion of "well don't get countered" doesn't work here either. Even the best players get countered multiple times.
  12. Solutha New Player

    You have Orbital to right? What goes around comes around. Yeah the thing one shots but so does a few other things. I've been in PVP and got hit by Rage players for 15k out of no where. Its nothing new to PVP. You learn to adapt until it gets fixed or removed.
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    And I completely agree with that. However you made it out to be a non-issue. A trinket that can hit for 20k just isn't acceptable.
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  14. Ice Clown New Player

    the oribtal strike buff berly came out and people are crying already? No duh its gonna hurt alot, just hold block and move. what u want a orbital strike that cost 15k to do like 1K dmg? and dw, once the new PVP season comes, u guys can stop crying about how OP it is. Spuds these days need to chill foreal
  15. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Man did something for breakouts change where you can magically get off the floor and block and roll?
    How can someone be against WM and be for this?. Both are the same, one hits 10 times harder and both of which is "avoidable".
    So you should not be allowed to post anything against WM due to "Just block".
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yes, because you can clearly block and move after a counter. That being said, just to make sure I'm hearing you correctly, you're perfectly fine with people having access to a trinket that can deal 20k damage without exposing themselves to counter mechanics or having any power cost?
  17. Ice Clown New Player

    LOL bruh, trist me, i know alot more about arena then u. U the one that shouldn't be posting anything, do u even know anything about arena PVP like at all? bruh, i tested orbital strike yesterday on a player it did only 4k, how df did u get orbital strike to hit "10 times harder"? so its does like 40k?
  18. Ice Clown New Player

    HOW DID U GET 20K? my god u guys are such liars, it does 4k to a player, i tested it yesterday in arena
  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Did you happen to test it on a person wearing tank gear?
    If also, video/picture would be much appreciated.
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Bruh, You don't know more then me bruh, you think you more then me bruh? Like what evidecne you got bruh?.
    Please do not type like this. I cannot take you any less seriously then I am right now. You seriously need to learn expressions and figurative speech.
    I would love any sort of proof explaining your reasoning.