HT trinkets are far from over powered...I only rely on the use of tactical mods. When I forget to pay my generator bill and my rent of the boosts I still have little trouble outsmarting and defeating those that do utilize those perks. This game always was an arms race and likely will continue to be sans the devs heeding to the gripes of the forum's PvP community. Getting to the top is not a right, merely a privilege. Time, money, research and practice are prerequisite to having that opportunity. Should that change, the progression made from the sacrifice of the aforementioned prerequisites will become meaningless.
Eventually when HT trinkets are removed, and who knows maybe even WM, both from arenas, we can have this conversation again, you probably asking for everything to go back to PVP, and 80% of the community thanking devs it was removed.
They are being removed from Ht. And wm isn't being removed. PvP update will give people alot of hp sooo.. yea
Weapon mastery isn't being removed, however it's current OP state is. I'm getting multiple mixed answers here and haven't been able to test this out yet. You're saying 5k and someone else is saying 20k. If someone could provide a video that'd be great. Here comes the "I'm entitled" series of posts. Aren't you that guy who didn't know how counter immunities functioned in that other thread? Yea, this is going to be really productive. You really must have never seen anyone using the tumbling master mod effectively then.
Psh... Wm won't be so op in gu41... and it isn't to more now for that matter.. but i'm saying when the pvp update hit... wm would be normal dmg..
Also me and that guy aren't the same person. We probably aren't speced the same. And i do have tanks buffs and shields.
I don't think they're reducing the damage from weapon mastery itself. Just the crit magnitude. 15k is a big difference in damage. Plus he said unless you're mitigating damage it wouldn't one shot you. You know you can edit your posts right so you don't have to post multiple times right?
Yup i do... and never they are reducing.. that new pvp gear stats would make wm dmg look normal. And they removing it from arena's. Most guys are just gonna have to deal with it til then. I mean unless they pvp open world also. Like me.
Just out pure curiosity. If lets say 16 people where rading a base and all hit Orbital strike all at once, would it kill lets say equal to 16 oppose faction members [Non-Tanks]
I need to whip up my "I disapprove GIF." At least WM demands perfection in counters 24/7. Kind of like Catwoman. (Assuming that the player behind the legend understands the clipping.) So if it's not getting a good nerf then at least we still have a teaching/practice tool for counters. (Practice for those who refuse to use WM.)
That's not an excuse for it being able to one shot someone. I remember quite a while ago WM was hitting for 3k on blocking opponents. With an attack that was vulnerable to block. That there is too much.
So a a trinket capable of a 20k shot is okay for PVP in your opinion? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly.
Almost Everything that can be utilized to give him a benefit over anyone else is okay with him. If anything can be used against him he is against it.
Not after a counter when you can't move. To be fair you can counter the henchmen to farm immunity. That being said they are a bit of a pain.
New dealdy block mod can counter for 10k These new white mods kinda killed arenas till GU41 come haha