looking to put together marvel league for the PCUSSo any Marvel Hero toons are Welcome (Avengers , X-Men,Fantastic 4,Guardian of the Galaxy)Were a Fun mature league looking for helpful players. that willing to help our players advance in our league!Also Looking for someone that helpful with website to help me run the league and website!So if you have one already or willing to build from scratch let us knowwe are filling fast but plenty remain will have no duplicates !filing fast ,Players taken so farThor , Hulk ,Beast, Hawkeye ,ironman ,Spider man ,Captin America, Dead pool ,Thunderbird , night crawler ,Nova ,Gambit, Torin ,Rouge,Human torch,Dr strange , Blizzard,Havoc , Dare Devil ,Nick Fury, Falcon, General Star Lord,Wolverine,Storm , Cyclops , Jean Grey,Falcon,Colossus,Bishop,War Machine,Vison,Groot,x-23 Laura kinneyKEEP IN MIND WE HAD PEOPLE HAD SIMILAR MOVEMENT, POWERS AND WEAPON TO A MARVEL CHARTER AND WE HELPED THEM CHANGED THERE LOOK AND NAME TO FIT A MARVEL TOON. (WERE VERY HELPFUL LEAGUE)inbox me here or apply at our new site http://ultimateavengeance.guildlaunch.com/Game tag THORxxTHUNDARxxGOD or xXC010SSUSXxSome Ideals we looking for Rocket Racoon , Iceman , Black panther ,Angel, Banshee, Quick silver, Scarlet witch,Ms.Marvel,Emma frost ,Moon knight,The thing,Spiderwomen ,luke CageFor inactivity we might replace Ironman ,Deadpool ,Gambit ,Night crawler so taking Applications
lol, so i've seen you guys post this a few times now...Looks VERY familiar from marvellegends.guildlaunch.com. Your comments are directly from a section of our rules here at Marvel Legends, just saying... "3. Marvel Legends is Unique. We have a strict no duplicate toon rule. In essence if you are the Incredible Hulk, you are the ONLY character in the league who looks like Hulk and has the Hulk name, NO EXCEPTIONs. This allows for pride in each one of our members to hold these unique names, and the knowledge that there will be no others with their style, name, or likeness running around in our league. Each Legends member MUST have the in-game name of their chosen toon. If that means you need to change your name, then that must happen in order to be in the Legends side of the league. **(Ex. If you are Ironman in game, you must not only look like Ironman, you must have some iteration of the name "Ironman"; Not a name like "CoolGuy123" and just have the appearance of Ironman)"