New Marketplace Options!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 31, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Marketplace and DLC Pack Reorganization!

    New options are now available in the Marketplace! Existing DLC Packs have been split into their individual parts to allow more choices for all players.

    These changes do not impact past purchases, and Membership is unchanged and continues to include access to all DLC items, as noted below.

    The playable content from our DLC Packs is now available in Episodes. These Episodes include what were previously DLC-specific missions, open-world zones, and solo, duo, alert, and raid content from the On Duty menu. Members automatically have access to all Episodes.
    • Episode 1: Fight for the Light $4.99
    • Episode 2: Lightning Strikes $4.99
    • Episode 3: The Battle for Earth $4.99
    • Episode 4: The Last Laugh $1.99
    • Episode 5: Hand of Fate $4.99
    • Episode 6: Home Turf $4.99
    • Episode 7: Origin Crisis $4.99
    • Episode 8: Sons of Trigon $4.99
    • Episode 9: War of the Light Part I $4.99
    • Episode 10: Amazon Fury Part I $9.99
    • Episode 11: Halls of Power Part I $9.99
    • Episode 12: War of the Light Part II $9.99
    • Episode 13: Amazon Fury Part II $9.99
    The six DLC Powers are now available individually. Members automatically have access to all Powers.
    • Light 600 SC/MC
    • Electricity 600 SC/MC
    • Earth 600 SC/MC
    • Quantum 600 SC/MC
    • Celestial 600 SC/MC
    • Rage 600 SC/MC
    Several DLC Packs included upgrades to your characters, and these are now also available individually. Members automatically have access to all Upgrades.
    • Shield Access 500 SC/MC
    • Utility Belt Access 500 SC/MC
    • Lair System 500 SC/MC
      • This includes the ability to upgrade your base Hideout into a Lair, use the Mainframe and Generator, and all the features within.
    Legends Characters
    Legends characters included in previous DLC Packs are now offered on the Marketplace. As with other existing Legends characters, Legends characters purchased on the Marketplace are redeemable on all characters on your account.

    Current Member benefits for Legends characters continue (in that Legends characters can be unlocked by Members using Marks of Legend).
    • Amon Sur 500 SC/MC
    • Kilowog 500 SC/MC
    • Powergirl 500 SC/MC
    • Ursa 500 SC/MC
    • John Stewart 500 SC/MC
    • Arkillo 500 SC/MC
    • Bizarro 500 SC/MC
    • Doctor Fate 500 SC/MC
    • Felix Faust 500 SC/MC
    • Cheetah 500 SC/MC
    • Donna Troy 500 SC/MC
    • Atrocitus 500 SC/MC
    • Saint Walker 500 SC/MC
    For those who wish to save, new Bundles are available based on the new organization.
    • Power Bundle – $29.99
      • First six DLC Powers – Light, Electricity, Earth, Quantum, Celestial, Rage
    • Episode Pack I – 14.99
      • Episodes 1-5
    • Episode Pack II – $14.99
      • Episodes 6-9
    • NEW Ultimate Edition – $64.99
      • Episodes 1-9
      • First six DLC Powers – Light, Electricity, Earth, Quantum, Celestial, Rage
      • Access to Shield, Utility Belts, and the Lair System
    • Power of Light Bundle – 3500 SC/MC
      • Light and Rage Powers
      • Green, Red, and Gold Auras
      • Hal Jordan and Sinestro Legends characters
    • Gear Up Bundle – 1000 SC/MC
      • Access to Shield, Utility Belts, and the Lair System
    • Ultimate Base Bundle – 6500 SC/MC
      • Access to the Lair System
      • 4 Armories
      • 2 Deeds
      • Penthouse and Eastern Lair Themes
      • Day Trader, War Room, and Industrious Amenity Packs
    Log in today to take advantage of these new options!
    • Like x 15
  2. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    When you said this would be happening at the end of the month, you guys literally implemented it the last day of the month. :p

    Regardless, I'm happy to see this implemented. Players can have an option in purchases now, especially when most just want the shiny new power.
    • Like x 6
  3. Yui Loyal Player

    The DCUO store page on Steam still has the DLCs for sale for now. I'm assuming they would be changed not too long from now.
    • Like x 2
  4. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    This is a great option for people to pick and choose what they want from the Marketplace. Also happens to be smart marketing from DBG. Somebody over there deserves a cookie!
    • Like x 4
  5. lukelucky Devoted Player

    smart price changes. love it and hopefully revenue goes up. if it does maybe we can get less money grabs or actual customer service. anyway good move by DBG
    • Like x 1
  6. Inpent New Player

    Are we able to buy the legendary with SC?
  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Going out on a limb here ... but have you considered how the Cash Cash factors into this new way of selling stuff.
    You could consider a couple of MP tokens to permanently increase escrow to $10,000 or $100,000.
    • Like x 2
  8. FaLeX Dedicated Player

  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No, no changes there.
    • Like x 2
  10. Inpent New Player

    Okay thanks Mepps!!
  11. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    The longer it stays untouched - the better, since there might still be people who will want to buy things in a pack for a lower price.
  12. Yui Loyal Player

    I'm not trying to ruin things for everyone but you do know that they are already in the process of changing the store page in Steam right? They're not that stupid lol. Especially when money is involved.
  13. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    I know, I just hope that it will avoid it's finale as long as possible :)
    • Like x 1
  14. Illumi (Antonio) New Player

    Thislooksawesom!!Butihaveonly one question...whenyoubuy an episode, that used to includeapower,likeidontknow, origin crisis, or war of light part I that used have quantum and rage, will these now called episodes have the power thatthedlcsused to have?or we will have tobuythenseparately???andifibuy the hands of fate episodewillihave the belt usage or doineed to buy it separately as well?
  15. MASSEFFECT2 New Player

    Anybody know? If you buy a legends toon from the market place, will it count for getting feats?For example: Space Invader feat in the Last Laugh Episode. If I buy any of those toons on the market place, Will I get my feat?
  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    you'll have to buy them separately.
    • Like x 2
  17. MASSEFFECT2 New Player

    Anybody know? If you buy a legends toon from the market place, will it count for getting feats?For example: Space Invader feat in the Last Laugh Episode. If I buy any of those toons on the market place, Will I get my feat?
  18. L T Devoted Player

    I think the new options are a good thing, but it's really a shame that the old ones are going away.
    • Like x 1
  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes, you do get the feats.
    • Like x 4
  20. AjaxMortimer New Player

    I'm not so proud that I can't admit when I am wrong. I doubted you'd get this change done by the end of the month and you just barely squeaked it in there :)

    Looks good Mepps. Now then ... which power shall I try first? Let me rub my hands together with maniacal glee as I try to decide...
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