In Progress New LoD School of Hard Knocks feats busted

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Psycho Tech, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Just ran both versions & partner got it but not me, no super or soda in my loadout.
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  2. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    Did you use hologram trinket? I suspect this trinket is messing up with hard knock feats.
  3. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I Just ran this 4x Each Time NO Soda or Consumable My Partner Gets the Feat I Do Not...WTF???
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  4. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

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  5. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    I did TSDE full run with no consumable or SC on ability tray plus did not no pre buff before the raid. Only thing I used was Hologram device and 6 players got the feat at the end of the raid except me and another friend with Hologram device.
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  6. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Ive run NO Trinkets, Ally, Soda, Super-Charge and NO Feat for me
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  7. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    I did TSDE full run with no consumable or SC on ability tray plus did not no pre buff before the raid. Only thing I used was Hologram device and 6 players got the feat except me and another friend with Hologram device.
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  8. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    Hmm. Only thing that possibly failed my feat was the Hologram device. Thats why I made the thread.

    Something else might be causing this then?
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  9. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Id be more pissed if it was a raid
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  10. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Did you drink/eat anything before you entered the instance? If something like the seasonal cookie is active, it counts as a consumable even if you didn't use it in the there.
  11. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Nope, logged in, said “hey _____ wanna run duo feats?” we ran, she got both, i got neither. No consumables or supercharge
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  12. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Apparently PC is NOT Granting the Feat. I have Just Run it Again (FML) and it was a PS Player He Got the Feat I Did NOT
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  13. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Im actually PS
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  14. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I just ran it and neither of us got it. Seasonal cookie and compound were active but used outside of instance. I had buff trinket, OMAC, Orbital and Supply drop that were used. Hmmm
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  15. wildside981 New Player

    I just tried it multiple times, both reg and elite, and by the last one I used absolutely nothing but powers, not even trinkets or anything else. Never got it, but my partner did. I'm PC, she's PS. I do also wonder if it's something really dumb like my restorative leg mod.
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  16. Chewsy Well-Known Player

    Didn't work for me, either. This was my loadout. I did use the holgram trinket a few times.
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  17. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Saw my thread title was altered, heres hoping they are fixing
  18. Henoshock Well-Known Player

    Honestly seems random to me whether it pops or not. Tried and failed once in Elite (but partner got it), got it the second run by taking off my utility belt entirely and full healing (no SC). In reg I got it (as DPS the whole time) with my utility belt (Mother Box, Orbital, Henchmen, SD), but partner didn't get it. Reran a few times with partner and they still didn't get the reg one.
  19. wildside981 New Player

    So for what it's worth... after not getting the feat several times, I swapped out my Restorative Quantum Tunneling leg mod, and then it popped. I didn't use anything but powers, but I'd done that before without success too. The only change was the leg mod.
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  20. The Superboy New Player

    I am on PS and I ran into the same problem. Teammate got it but I didn’t.