You are wrong. This not end game content, it's an event that new players are allowed to queue for immediately. It is for everyone. And if it's not designed for everyone? Then they need to add a CR restriction to it.
If your game plan going into LoA is to avoid Serpent Claw as a side boss, I don't wanna hear crap on how you think its fine.
ok sorry late here. my problem with this whole thing is the lack of actual role playing elements. each time i have entered this event, it has placed me in randoms. not chill. i even selected my legends based on the role i knew they would play, i.e. green lantern being a light type would come as a troll, only to run into another green lantern playing as a tank and i say ok no worries. but without the ability to even access your power loadout, all you get is a green lantern with dps loadout no trolling type power on the loadout at all. so what's the point of being placed as a troll or any role if you cannot play by the role. the system here is broken and makes this whole event dam near impossible to tactically beat. and for those of you who completed this 5 to 6 times. good work. don't change how broken this **** is.
They fixed it. Much, much better. Only thing I'd say is that at the beginning I noticed a glitch I hadn't seen before. The trap would activate while we're still fighting the claws and kill us. But it wasn't that bad, we stopped the trap. However, when we beat the claws the trap was activated again, but the path to continue on opened and we just ignored it. We were stuck in combat mode the rest of the instance, though. But it wasn't bad, we still beat the instance pretty quickly. Feels great that I can finally beat Serpent Claw as a solo boss! Yay! Got the feat!
When you turn into a Zombie, sometimes when you return to your Legend form your Loadout is totally blank and you need to relog. Please fix.
Aside from serpent claw (which actually is just a little harder and still possible to beat), this doesn't have much difference in terms of difficulty compared to south gotham. yes i agree this is an event and all players, new or experienced, should be able to do it. but what exactly the definition of an "experienced player"? many player who only just play for few months with 111 cr and only 100 sp consider themselves an "experienced" players. but if u got into that cr and sp by skipping contents or being carried by other ppl, and get used to 1-hit the bosses with orbital strike, well now you know that all the content actually have difficulty if being done in-tier. and just remember there are no PI and WM in legends so u kinda need to clip if u want to do good damage, a lost art that many of new players doesnt even know how to do it. I actually don't like the idea of legends character being used in pve content, but what i do like is with this, u guys need to learn the mechanics. I will be thrilled if in the future there will be inner, FoS2 or Prime version of Legends PvE. imagine the rage.. . just to get u the taste of how we do those instance back in the days. with in -tier gears, before WM, before HT trinktes, before tactical mods or other OP ****. i do agree that this is relatively hard, but that what makes it fun.. i mean what is the fun of doing an instance when u can god mode all the way to the end?coz now ppl can just skip content to high tiers and wait until they are OP to do low tier contents without caring about the mechanics. with this players will need to learn the mechanics of low tier contents which the devs work hard on it.
My real question is if this is all true then why does it even hurt the armor/gear i'm wearing? Why do i have to pay money to fix broken gear that doesn't even contribute a little to my efforts in the instance? Why do I have to take off my gear to play legends?
WOW! this is embarrassingly easy now... instead of addressing the only real issue (Serpent Claw's difficulty) they nerfed the crap out of the whole thing; feels like I'm running the regular LOA in my T6 gear, SMH.
Because like every iconic anomaly, is a simulation were all the dmg received is real to your character, even if what your using an exobyte iconic data, so if you already know that your gear get damaged and still use them entering an pvp arena legends, pve legends or iconic anomaly solo, then dont complain for paying repair bills...
Oh well,we'll just get the feats.a lot of its on my villain as thats where all my legends toons are,I switched back to hero & unlocked the 4x hero team up 25 pointer but had to re do the one for one of each hero (Saint,Nightwing,Superman &wotsname)
But it's a computer simulation. So why would the damage be real to your character? It doesn't make any sense.
I was in so many groups that couldn't even pass the first room. And there are still people struggling there (especially with this "glitch" that activates the trap early while you're still fighting the claws). What is easy to you might not be easy to someone else. Also, this shouldn't come as a surprise seeing they said they were toning the whole instance down 1 level. I think this was a great thing, considering this is not T6 content. You don't get gear or marks to get gear, you get Marks of Legend and a base item. Not to mention it's an instance everyone can enter.
Hello everyone, I really enjoy running these now. It's much more fun when the group can just run through it without much difficulty. To put it in a different perspective, I think these events should be more arcade then simulation, because most people have never played the Legends toons before.