New Legends PvE Event: League of Assassins Stronghold!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Viktoryos SS Active Player

    I am Totaly disagree now this is madnes. Diferent between LoA and Corthouse is huge and this is wrong - they must be close or almost the same dificult. Reword is to small for so hard chalange that take so many thime. OK I belie that I am One of TOP-Best legends player and i not feel good. I make allmost all feats for 2 days But how I say I have huge Expirience with all legends (I have unlock 32 charakters). This meen foundet of good team extremly complicate couse normal player or beguinners cant finish it. How Spitle introduse LPVE must to be somthing like daye event/fun for all players even for lvl 1. I dont want this to be signiture of recegnise TOP Elite players. This must to be fun for all level and game skill players.
    - Sperant Claw is to strong i belie he must be balanced to ahother sub bosses. Is not normal Sperant to be tuffer than Ras.
    - When all players press and hold block no one boss atack must to able to kill anyone of group.
    - Ras damage must be litle bit lower and MUST be fix fight with 3 boss at same thime

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  2. Ljubinka Well-Known Player

    The event is fine, difficulty is fine, not everything in this game should be reduced to child's play. If u have that problems with Serpent Claw just leave him for last room and he will fall in no time. As for me and the groups that im running with we would rather keep him as solo boss. The amount of QQing about this tiny bit of challenge is ridiculous...
  3. Dark Mugetsu Level 30

    This is Way too hard, Ive beaten it several times but the effort needed to beat it is NOT worth 5 marks of legend and only a chance at a base item, Final boss hits almost 3 k if you dont block break him in time and thats half your hp, the hardest to deal with is Serpent when he is the 1st or 2nd boss, smoke comes out ya roll out of it but you lost 600-900 health, not to mention the snakes that hit for 1700 dmg that ya barely have time to react and block, guys who say this is easy were stratigicly successful and smart but the damage is still too much for the rewards, its one thing to deal with the difficulty of the latest raid or survival that rewards you with a rare shirt or strongest gear, its another to face simular difficulty for 5 simple marks of legend and a chance at a simple base item,besides the feats the challenge is not worth the reward
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  4. milcat New Player

    I would agree the event is not worth running. Where is the reward for the amount of time it takes to run the event or put a group together that will not bounce at the first sign of a challenge. I do like to pug a lot of things because you learn new fighting styles and meet interesting people. I also like to rewarded for the effort I put into something. Is this event beatable? Absolutely. Is it fun? Not really! I have 198sp that does not translate into anything in the event. We saw the game transform from a strategic fight to a fight with bosses having over exaggerated health. Now we have bosses that have less health but damage that can kill you in two hits. How about a nice balance.

    P.S. Thanks for the video walk through from the PC side. Not the same as the PS4 side. The damage that I saw in that video was nothing in comparison to what is being dealt on the PS4 servers.
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  5. HersheyKiss New Player

    When is the fix for this coming? And to all the people saying its fine yea a lvl 3 can que for this and u think those people are finishing this? Its an event, not an end game raid. I NEVER want anything in the game nerfed but this instance needs to be changed. And the reward is not worth it all. I will not run this event until its fixed, simple as that. And i actually buy the legend characters instead of getting them ingame. So soe is losing money from me at least by not fixing this event.
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  6. MagnaStrike Well-Known Player

    I watched the video to be able to reply you, the dmg on there is the same than on ps server, if you dont take ime to attack and block, you will get hit by a truck a lot of times
  7. Crackin New Player

    That's for Legendary subs only. Premium still has to puchase with real money old market place legends .
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  8. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    the problem i find is that the damage is out weighing the group regen when one blocks.
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  9. Vampirebit Well-Known Player

    Can i just point out that my pve gear was broken and had to be repaired after running this Legends event.
    Sorry if this is late but i'm reading through this thread...
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  10. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    Gear gets broken but it doesnt change your stats. The stats of the characters are fixed!
    Reset all skillpoints and put off all gear, then go in LOA and you sill see no change at all.
  11. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    Thats right, Ra's range attack hits for 2,5k, serpents fog gives a dot of 1000 and higher per sec and Ra's melee afterschock attack is nearly a oneshot.

    Thats alot but no problem with a minimum of tactic. What i see on EUPC Villain side 90% of the runs are successfull now... PUGs needed some days to learn the mechanics but now no problem. Its always easier and faster in a league. The runs need between 11 and 20 minutes.

    We grow on our challenges...
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  12. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    i hope the hotfix makes the npc the intended lvl and nothing more and nothing less i completed twice its fun and challenging. To all people say you suck because you can't pass it i hope you have all the sp in the games. Since you are all beast like.
  13. Slykraze Active Player

    Glad this alert is so challenging. Ran in the first day (a friend myself and two PUGs) ((and only wiped once) and beat it. Sure it was tough but its all strategy. Seems most people just want to head into an alert, raid, duo, content etc.... "knock it out and take the loot!" Thanks Devs, the challenge is appreciated even if it is only from a few of us.
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  14. Cruelty Active Player

    To bad it's not hard got all the feats within 24hrs, if ppl can't beat something they cry and complain
  15. Cruelty Active Player

    Seem how there are more bad players than good players they have no choice. I agree with you though
  16. milcat New Player

    This is my point about the damage. Ra's range attack in the PS4 server side hits for 3.5k and higher. Not to mention that fact that when you knock him down while he is doing the range attack you have to get far away. Even if you are behind him and he is targeting another player you will still get hit for the 3.5K. I wish my range attacks hit the people behind me as well as the people in front of me. Also what is up with the 1 min shield he has before removing his shirt?
  17. Jonny Wonder New Player

    The gear you're wearing (and your skill points) makes ZERO difference, someone who is 11cr is the same as someone who is 111cr; your stats are based on the character. You don't have to repair, if your gear goes to 0/100 durability you will still be able to play just fine without repairing. In fact, you don't even need to wear gear. I take my gear off when I do legends (PVP & PVE) it doesn't change a thing and it saves you the hassle of repairing.

    I personally don't find it too hard, if you take time to learn the mechanics, adapt to them and play as a team it's quite beatable. There should be a challenge in new content, if there is no threat of wiping than the game becomes a monotonous grind. Serpent Claw however IMO needs to be addressed, a sub-boss shouldn't be more difficult than the end boss. There also appears to be a problem with Raz not properly resetting if the group wipes making you fight all three at the same time.
  18. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Any News yet, when this hotfix will go live?
  19. spack2k Steadfast Player

    ye its about time , i want to start farming already...
  20. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    This needs to be taken out till it's fixed.