New Legends PvE Event: League of Assassins Stronghold!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    League of Assassins Stronghold!

    A new Legends PvE event is now available. Choose from an ever growing list of iconic DC characters, from Batman and Superman to Green Arrow, Wonder Girl, or Deathstroke. Then, take on Ra's Al Ghul and his hordes of assassins, and experience this classic adventure in a whole new way. Earn Marks of Legend, unlock Legends characters, and, best of all, get those brand new feats!

    Look for Legends PvE: League of Assassins Stronghold under Events in your On Duty menu, only available for a limited time!
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  2. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    Looks awesome, can't wait to run this!
  3. zeroman New Player

    This is fantastic and just what I've been waiting for. Thank you. I give this thread a 9.
  4. Seth Grey New Player

    Last boss is bugged. If you can't finish the boss at first attempt Ra's will not be in his intended position and he'll attack the players with the two sub-bosses at the same time pretty much killing the players instant with massive amount of damage.

    P.S. League of Assassins Stronghold was probably my most favourite alert. I may not be happy to be forced to buy legends for feat but I'm pleased to play this alert again. Thanks.
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  5. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    That's not really a bug. He is on his stage when the group wipes but if the group enters the boss room and stands around without engaging you'll cause him to be done with his deflection attack and be on the ground.

    This is how that fight works even in the regular version.
  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    its not a bug its a punishment for those who dont finish it on first try :p
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  7. Ra7ie11 Well-Known Player

    Serpent Claw is OP his Green Fog/Mist is almost and instant Killer please do something about it.
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  8. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    The general difficulty is already going to be decreased. Serpent Claw has always done a lot of damage. A lot of players, however, seem to forget him when playing at tier though.
  9. spack2k Steadfast Player

    even after hotfix the poison will still hit like a truck if u dont avoid it
  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Pretty sure this is the point though. :/
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  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I always tell players, "Kill Serpent Claw first" he is so difficult as a boss in the Alert! Ugh I hate him so much lol
  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I feel sorry for the Assassin Master if Deathstroke's about to hit a backhander...

    League of Assassins Stronghold is probably my favourite instance in the game. I remember when it came out originally back in 2011 and trying it then, severely under-geared.

    Fortunately my group knew what they were doing and were able to beat it despite me being locked outside for the duration of the fight due to a KO.

    This debut run was also the run I found a head style I continue to use right up to the present day. The "League of Assassins" style head, which I successfully won and effectively stole since I didn't really participate in the boss fight.

    I'd say it was probably the instance which hooked me on the game, especially as I am a huge fan of Ra's al-Ghul.

    Nice to see it back in it's prime again hitting like it used to back in the day.

    There's a couple of bugs still present in it but hopefully these can be ironed out and players get to experience this treasure the way I did.
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  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    the problem with the poison is its visual u start losing health before u see the poison cloud, if it would be delayed like in courthouse noone would complain.
  14. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Says the feedback that still wants courthouse lowered.
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  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    there is a difference in lowering health and lowering how hard npc attacks hit .

    lowering health results in faster run times if u experienced.
    lowering npc attacks results in long easy runs...
  16. The Garzo New Player

    This alert have to be nerfed yes or yes, is almost impossible done this alert and much less when you are going with ramdoms.
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The npc levels in the alert are higher than intended, and will be reduced in our next server hotfix.
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  18. xXThe RavenXx New Player

    Ran this 6 times yesterday (finished every time) and I discussed with my league mates how much complaining there probably already was on the forums. Sure enough, here I am. If you think this alert is too hard you are terrible at this game, and probably all games for that matter. You obviously don't know how to adjust to different circumstances and only know how to continuously hit the enemy until they are dead with no real strategy in mind.

    Please don't nerf this, this alert is fine. If they can't beat it, then they just won't have those feats. We shouldn't be catering to this terrible community DCUO is creating.
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  19. Crackin New Player

    What's the time frame on that Boss ? Days , weeks ? Thanks
  20. HLAssassin Well-Known Player

    Just because you're good at the game, doesn't mean everyone is. And this is available to NEW players only a couple levels in. It can't just be a block fest. I wouldn't expect any new player to know how role buffs work, or that they should block something out. They need to find a happy medium.
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