New Legends on the horizon?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Heavens Sword, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    So long has it been since Legends had some love.

    All these yrs could have seen so many new legends introduced to the game.

    Name some Characters you would like introduced to Legends
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  2. Furious Vee Well-Known Player

    Raven and Starfire
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  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Absolutely none. Probably my least favorite part of the game.
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  4. pete pultinski New Player

    plastic man. with any luck that will spawn a plastic power.
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  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    If anything, would be nice to just have the updated heroes next to the older skins. I find it odd when I play the Aegis of Truth solo and in the cutscenes I see the current Wonder Woman design but when I play It's the old Wonder Woman. Also, Poison Ivy \ Cyborg \ Raven \ Zatanna are a few I always wanted in Legends. But LPVE at least needs some work before adding new legends.
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  6. Domana Well-Known Player

    Years ago, they suggested Gorilla Grodd would be the next Legend to drop, and he never got a release. He would be great, plus the "Flash family" in LPVE could use more than one toon.
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  7. Grip Committed Player

    For the sake of feat-hunters- Grodd, Killer Frost, Red Death, Jesse Quick, Elongated Man, Grundy, Johnny Con or Zatanna, Vixen, Rose Wilson/Ravager, Mia Dearden/Speedy, the Merciless, Trevor, Hercules, and Artemis.

    For variety- the Drowned, Aqualad or Mera, Metamorpho, Mxy, Black Hand, Ebon and J'onn or M'gann.

    Sidenote: Adding new Legends doesn't seem like a pressing need all things considered (my opinion), but yeah, it's been ages... good post :)
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  8. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    SILENCE. The Owlman has been asking for an Owlman for legends for 12 years.
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  9. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I for one am excited about the Booster Gold show they are making at MAX and would love to see him put in Legends.

    make your voices heard and lets see a rebirth of Legends.
  10. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Peacemaker and Vigilante would also be great to see. Along with Constantine whose getting another movie.
  11. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    Well.... I remember a notice from the devs that Grodd was coming out soon....

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  12. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Keeping with Movies, TV and Animation of the last decade, we need; Key members of the Justice League and their villain counterparts, Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, Teen Titans, Constantine, Arrowverse characters, Legends of Tomorrow, Justice League Dark, Stargirl, Red Hood and a few more Batman related characters, more lanterns, The Fatal Five, Blue Beetle.

    There are more if you count animated showcases, and more if you cover in game DLCs of the last decade. Thats not even bringing new comics into the limelight.
  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Their license only covers the comics. They can't use Arrowverse or DCEU designs, or anything from animations\other games.
    But there is just about inspiration they can take from the comics, or even already in-game.

    Some characters has variants, such as Lantern version of characters. (Hopeful Black Canary, Hopeful Flash, Hopeful Powergirl, Sapphire Wonder Woman, Sapphire Zatanna.) With Batman skins - I believe they just kept the same loadout but just gave different designs. So we will probably see it here too (Unless they will change colors in this case to abilities\weapons.)

    I also recall a thread that shows on test they were going to do DCEU Wonder Woman, Batman & Superman and it was scrapped. Just to remind you, they also were told to remove the BvS Emblems and they cannot bring them back. License is really problematic when it comes to this.

    Also... they could just start with the newer models before they make new ones, or completely new characters.
  14. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I just mean keeping up with the relevant content, which is based on the comics. Making blue beetle available around the same time as his movie premiers doesn't effect licensing, adding green arrow and other characters that had stagetime during arrowverse doesnt effect licensing.
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  15. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I see, then this is something they can probably do. From your comment it sounded like you wanted these versions, hence why I replied on the license. I do want to see more Legends and probably a revamped Legends PvE Mode aswell. Here's to hoping!
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  16. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Really miss Legends, i tried a while back to queue up but i didnt happen. Such a fun unique part of the game, better than injustice since you can get up to 16 players in one match. Always wanted Martian Manhunter being Mental powerset, really think they gypped us. He is a top justice league member afterall.
  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    There’s zero chance of this happening. That being said, my vote would go for any Flash or Green Arrow related iconic, since they are the only Legends that are related to themselves, respectively.
  18. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I think much of the appeal of this game is the DC factor, at least it was for many in the past. Do they still have Legends PVE?
  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Yes It's in the game and still rotating. They just don't touch it pretty much. Never gets any fixes or updates or anything new. They did a couple bonus weeks around it when it would count 10x towards a progression of a Legends PvE feat (cause those have a very high counter.)


    but we have not gotten these in a long time, sadly.
  20. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    You know im surprised their isnt more diversity in Legends, I think theres only 2 black guys in John Stewart and Steel, 1 Latino in Kyle Rayner though i think he may be ethnically white, and possibly 1 Asian in Black Adam though i think middle easterners are considered ethnically white.