New League Hall locations

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by speedster1981, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. speedster1981 Committed Player

    Hey Everyone

    am I the only person that thinks we should have more League Hall locations?
    For instance Having a league hall located on darksieds planet or the Phantom Zone or overlooking some of the warfront locations. Basically a Location that better suits your Respective League Theme or Better yet Personality.
    Maybe even a League hall thats got a View of the sky and clouds as if its actually near the Brainiac ships perhaps even have some of the ships in the far distance seen from the observation Room window of the league halls would be Awesome. I hope you all have some ideas too that the Devs might like to incorporate into the game for us to enjoy!!! I hope to read all your Ideas....
  2. Skull Collector Committed Player

    Considering the cost to move locations, and the fact that LH's are pretty useless and most people don't spend time in them, it seems like a huge waste of time and resources for the devs to put effort into new locations. Make LH's useful, give us a reason to go there and spend time, give us LH solos, duo's, and alerts... then, after they achieve that... maaaaaybe bother spending time on the one window we can see out of. Maybe.
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  3. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    At the same time since it is just one window that would need to be changed how hard could it be? Now changing TYPE of league hall is something we were told was in the works but never materialized. Iirc one of them was a cave type of hall. So far just undersea and the lunar one...lame.

    If the OP is asking for using existing league hall models with just different views... that'd be nice.
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  4. DeadSteel Active Player

    Oan or ranx complete with aesthetic design or say a mansion, or a batcave
  5. DeadSteel Active Player

    My bad missed above post
  6. Skull Collector Committed Player

    It's not like someone's going to get this done in a day. Meetings have to take place to discuss locations. Designs have to be done, revised, discussed, approved, and then someone actually has to go in and make it happen in the game. I stand by my statement that it's one window in a place rarely visited by anyone. Wasted resources and time are what they are, and this game can't afford to waste either.
  7. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    It's as Skull stated and even Mepps said that League Halls weren't hot items / big sellers. Although I would support your idea for more Hall locations unfortuantely it's currently on the maybe pile of the devs to do list
  8. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    You have a valid point here. As much as I would like to see more options, it just doesn't seem a big enough deal to spend developer time on at the moment.
  9. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I wish we had more League Hall skins/locations as well. I literally spend more time in my League Hall when I'm not in an Instance than anywhere else in the game. I prefer to be there than standing around in the WT but I happen to be a bit unsociable. lol. I'm a friendly guy, but I just happen to be unsociable to people I don't know.

    Before League Halls I almost always could only be found one place most the Base.

    The biggest gripe I have about League Halls is the silly small decoration limit. It should easily be twice as much as it is when you look at how much space we have to decorate. After that I still am sad that we don't have access to the Broker in our League Halls.
  10. Acesia Well-Known Player

    This is what makes league halls useless. They should make the LH more functional for the league before deciding on any cosmetics.
  11. speedster1981 Committed Player

    that's pretty much what I was referring to lol and thanks for simplifying it for me :)
  12. speedster1981 Committed Player

    that's a really good point we should have access to our Bank and shared Bank as well as a Respec vendor and places for our armories but if they did that with the armories we really wouldn't need our bases for anything other than the mainframe and base mod vendor but to me having a spot in our League hall for armories would give it much more of a League Headquarters feel at least in my opinion that do you all think?
  13. Acesia Well-Known Player

    Unsure how I feel about the armories, to be honest. I dont want to take everything away from bases and some leagues are enormous. Its one thing to have an armory for everyone when you have 20-100 members, but imagine those leagues with 300, 600.... I was invited once to a league that had like 800.... That would be intense. However a teleporter would be nice that gives us access to our base teleporter mods. Could make things a bit more convenient.

    I dont know what exactly league halls need though, really.... they just need SOMETHING. I want an actual league HQ... a place where the league can hang out together without just randomly dueling each other away from the WT/HoD scrubs always spamming.

    Now that Im thinking about it though a respec station would be great in the war room area.
    It would also be nice to be able to CHOOSE where each amenity goes or how many we have down (seriously who needs 4 mail boxes in one spot)
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  14. speedster1981 Committed Player

    I agree on the mail box comment I think a respec machine would be great in the war room that way you can test out your new build on the sparring targets and when it comes to the lack of bank / shared in LH there's plenty of room for it. I really don't get why the devs never thought of

    for the armories in LH it should be set as part of the League Permissions settings for the League to choose.

    A teleporter in the LH that works with our Base Teleporter Mods would be good however if it also gave us access to walk ins that would make it down right SWEET!!
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