New Hairstyles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MariaTenebre, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. MariaTenebre Committed Player

    Come on devs take a hint.
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  2. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    I myself have been one to shout at devs for new hairstyles, even after many shouts before. I think the devs have said why we don't have them, not sure what exactly was said, but anyway they know we want them. If it's meant to be we will get a lovely forum post telling us.
  3. Gucciana Committed Player

    would be pretty cool to get a energy based hairstyle based on the diffent powers
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  4. Page Doesn't Exist New Player

    I just want more styles overall: Hair, gear, trinkets, etc

    Oh yeah, a fourth color palette would be great as well.
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  5. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    This is something they know we want but it's probably not their priority just like style bugs.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Surely you can wait a few weeks?
  7. Real2TM Well-Known Player

    Usually I wear a helmet or mask with my guy so hair has not been an issue. I would however love a 4th slot for color choices. I have also wanted the ability of choosing where on my character I can place an emblem. Chest, arm sleeves, pants, side of masks/helmets etc..
  8. Ekaterina Committed Player

    they need to add those stilettos like the one tala wears and um yes i agree more hairs styles those amazonian be looking better then us. *flips hair*
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  9. Crimson Jonni New Player

    I heard something about a 4th color option coming with the new ui
  10. MariaTenebre Committed Player

    I agree with all of the suggestions here. We need more Male hairstyles, Female hairstyles and the stiletto shoes. The Amazons have great hairstyles it is time we get some more too.
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  11. Kuno Loyal Player

    We never get high heel boots anymore since years ago.
    We never getting the new UI with the 4th colour.
    And definitely we are not getting any new hairstyle (aside fron that weird one coming with a seasonal event. Plant hair? Trefoil pigtails?)

    Seriously I wish I could have a talk with the art team because aside of all of the above they make terrible choices for textures, styles, and color coding.
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  12. wick3d Well-Known Player

    +1 OP

    Would love to see a "Merlin-style" sorcerer's beard and long hair!
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  13. MariaTenebre Committed Player

    I want more long haired styles for Women like long and straight like Lady Shiva. I would also like Starfire/Fire's hair style. I would like a long haired style for Men maybe like Sephiroth since they already got a hairstyle that looks like cloud. I would like a braided ponytail style for both genders. Lois Lane's hairstyle would be nice too.
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  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Shhh don't spoil the hair! The hair is related to the event, it's not "plant" hair.
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  15. Kuno Loyal Player

    lol why you always acting like you know about the hairstyle?
    All we know so far is a new hairstyle for an upcoming seasonal event. Likely St Patrick or Spring event.
    Its going to be a useless hairstyle and we need an update and more variety not some hideous treefoil pigtails hairstyle or whatever they did.
    Seriously I hate the devs, they do a seasonal useless weird hairstyle but cant make regular new ones. SMFH! :mad:
  16. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I'm not acting, I do know, I just don't want to spoil the surprise. Your post was actually fairly close, so I thought by the way you said it that you knew what it was.
  17. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I want more high heel choices. Most of my female toons wear heels.
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  18. Kayla El Committed Player

    I absolutely love Hippolytas hair style and would be so happy if we could get something similar. :D
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  19. hudapak Well-Known Player

    Printed outfits would be nice. I think the Hawaiian shirt is a great example of this. Would love to see more. And I wish we could get a closet base item full of clothes. I want one for my lair especially that I was able to grab a sewing machine base item... :)

    And yes definitely more hairstyles please.
  20. Kuno Loyal Player

    I've lost the little faith I had in the art deparment for this game.
    We got more styles with every DLC yes but the character creator/style tab is so staled is depressing.
    We should already had a revamp of the character system. Graphical upgrades for our characters, hi-res faces and textures, new skins, new hairstyles, further customization like being able to choose different legs, hands and shoulder for each right or left side, bug and clip fixes.
    Not going to happen.
    This game carters replay badges to get raid ultra rare gear and power respecs to be a top dps with FOTM power not cosmetic stuff.