New Hairstyles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by pageMasterwiz, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. pageMasterwiz New Player

    Can we have new hairstyles if so what would it be or what could be changed?
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  2. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I want a faux hawk and long hair that doesn't look like it's from the 80's.
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  3. sheridan5 New Player

    beard for female characters
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  4. Wickedone New Player

    maybe something like this that's more edger with a shave side part

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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Yes, please. The Development team knows we want this, they said not now, but are working on it for the future.
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  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Oh yay this thread!

    I still want highlights.. Gimme those and a couple more long hairstyles and we'll call it good :D
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  7. Dametria Loyal Player

    Epic Artemis Ponytail. That is all. Thank you.

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  8. Cosmos Girl Well-Known Player

    I think they need styles with effects.
  9. Novaks New Player

    How about Goku ss1 and ss3 hairstyle or Jim Kazama's hairstyle from Tekken?
  10. Minnion Devoted Player

    I'll again sugest the following hair styles...

    Crystal(It's "hair" that makes it look like you have the following growing from your skull.)

    Grassy(Looks like you have grass and flowers for hair. Ideal for plant themed characters.)

    Goo(A hairstyle that looks like melted taffy/a glob of slime stuck up on your head)
  11. Wickedone New Player

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  12. Baby Sister Committed Player

    Yay new hairstyles more please I still want that amazon braid and ponytails
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  13. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    hair style that matches your powers like flame hair for fire, flowing blood for rage and bald for mental xD
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  14. Dametria Loyal Player

    lol...well they have "none" as an option, so bald is covered...umm so to speak.


    but yeah, my fire alt could so rock a stylish head of flames.
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  15. GuyverVII Well-Known Player

    no way!! i'll have to check that out :p
  16. Dametria Loyal Player

    It is cuteness of epic proportions. :D
  17. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    What if we could position our ponytails differently or just wear a bun?
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  18. Wickedone New Player

    more more



    and maybe some cat/lizard eye's to