New Gear Drops in Raid - Please Fix

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I did not come here and state increase the drop rate of the 120 gear. That is asking for a hand out. The difference here is that 112 as Mepps stated is normal gear or junk gear. If that is the case, why are they putting junk gear in the raid or why is it the only gear I saw on 3 of my 4 toons?

    They should up the drop rate of 116 gear a bit so it drops more often in the raid only as that is the hardest content currently.
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  2. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    It'd be nice if the raid loot table was:

    120 or 116 check/legs/waist/back
    112 random filler loot
    regular stuff...

    It's a bit... disappointing to say the least, to clear the new raid and just get nothing but 112, often duplicates, not even different slots.
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  3. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    First run and i got 120 legs.

  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I had luck on my healer 120 leggs and back and a 116 waist. He was the lone lucky toon. I also got 112 brawling and 112 shoulders. I mean my healer is now 128 and I'm still have a 102 head piece. My CR would be 129 or 130 if not for the head piece.

    My other toons got shafted...Of course my other toons never got past the last boss. So that is 6 drops total with 112 gear.
  5. Ramonater New Player

    you make a valid point in regards to the 116 and 112 gear. But my biggest problem is the lack of 120 gear. I understand there is less of it therefore it is more scarce, however out of 18 drops it only drops once? Heck i wold have even been happy with the same 120 piece dropping twice but i have only seen it drop once. We have a guy in league that ran it all 16 times with me and he swears he got ZERO 120. I know they want the DLC to last but come on this aint the way.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It seems like we'll go round and round on this for eternity, and it's been well explained. Rare drops exist for a reason. When you don't get a rare drop there are a few ways we could go (and a few ways we have gone):
    1. You get nothing
    2. You get gear off-role gear you can't use
    3. You get something else that's not gear at all
    4. You get a common, lower item level drop that is marginally useful
    With the loot picker, we're able to do 3 and 4, and let you decide which you prefer on a case by case basis. Plus, you get two rolls on the gear table and you can pick and choose which piece of gear feels best for you.
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  7. Delta795 New Player

    I do not have a problem with the 112 gear as at least in the beginning you can use it for your off role. My biggest complaint is 2x yesterday I got the choice of the same EXACT gear in drops. Not separate drops but in the SAME drop.

    This isn't super common, but I've had this multiple times since the loot drop has been changed
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  8. SecondAccount New Player

    do ppl not remember the days when you came out of a raid with NOTHING? because 8 people rolled on every single drop?? it seems so entitled when people whine that they're not getting ONLY the top gear for EVERY drop in a raid now. what would you chase? the third time you ran the raid... would you not logically ***** about the fact that you got "trash" repeats of 120 gear you already had?? you cannot be pleased.
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  9. Dead Reckon Well-Known Player

    My problem is. Stats don't matter that much any more, it all comes down to CR. And if you are not lucky enough to get the drops, you will see everyone passing you by. 2 runs last night and I was one of 2 toons to get a drop. And that was beating the finial boss both times and she is who the gear dropped off, one chest on each run.
  10. Sylo Committed Player

    From what I gather the complaint seems to be that 112 gear drops in the raid( with the rare being 120 ) while 116 drops in the duo. The reward vs. difficulty is out of balance in that regard.
  11. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Raid drops 112, 116 and 120.
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  12. eanur Well-Known Player

    Once again its very simple if you don't want 112 then pick one of the other rewards which includes an extra mark. Just cause you run a raid don't expect to get 120 gear every single time. This game aint about giving you all the gear you want every time its about running raids each week and earning those pieces.
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  13. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I think 112 has to drop in the raid because we will only be getting the same 116 and 120 gear options since we only have 1/3 of the gear available. Once you get all the 120 pieces the remaining will still be 112 including your weapon.
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  14. Sylo Committed Player

    TMU the 116 in the raid is rare and in the duo's not so much.
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Why say anything? I've ran the raid a total of like 10 times on different toons with no pink drops, the devs have nerfed the drops in the raids
  16. Backseid Devoted Player

    I haven't read all responses.

    So, we have what, 4 pieces of 120 gear per Episode this time around right?

    That should be a guaranteed 120 drop each time (one raid per week/4 weeks per Episode) if Replay Badges were NOT a factor in designing content.

    Otherwise, is it then intended that we have a very good chance at never getting even one piece per Episode let alone from all three?:

    No replays = 16 chances for a 120 drop. How many do you think the average person will get in that scenario?

    As if last night, I have none and 15 chances left. Not very encouraging.

    Ya need to step up your game here. If we are expected to pay for every run over 4 times A MONTH then a 120 drop must, at least, be guaranteed.

    Unless I'm way off and haven't thought this through :eek:
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  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    I'll tell you what changed. We are now forced to PAY to play, on top of our subs. Thus, yes, I certainly expect more. A lot more.

    It's not P2W. There is no win. It P2PoLO.

    Pay to play or Log Out.
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  18. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I really don't think it's too much to ask that the raid not have the same cr gear drops as the duo .
  19. SecondAccount New Player

    no one is forced to pay to play. wtf are you talking about? IF you want to replay, that's on YOU. JUST YOU. no one holds a gun to yr head and says "YOU MUST DO THIS!".

    remember the days when we all reran content WITHOUT loot and rewards and marks??
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  20. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Maybe it's that the none rare drop is 8 whole levels lower than the rare, and while still possibly an upgrade now feels off knowing what we missed out on.

    This issue is almost wholly psychological; it's like the Christmas parenting pranks you see where a kid excitedly sees a big parcel all wrapped up that looks like a bike. Then it turns out to be a load of empty tubes/boxes and some pyjamas. Going through a new raid, defeating all 3 bosses and getting nothing but 112 kinda feels like we just got socks and pyjamas at Christmas when you're a kid.

    Yes we get a reward, but the disappointment is often out weighs any use from the rewards given, especially with NGN/HH.. at the moment most of us still need the 112 gear and I think this is more pre-emptive moaning, that it's going to be more of the same.

    If I'm only going to get 1-2 raid drops every 2-3 runs, if I'm lucky. I'd honestly rather get no drops and just be given raid tokens to go buy the thing I want. Same difficulty. Same reward. Same frequency of reward. Zero disappointment.
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