I really dig that you can like individual posts and there are no negative connotations with voting (I'm easily amused). Only way show your displeasure or disapproval is by actually posting and voicing your opinion. (sorry ninja voters)
cojones* I think Kahuna is a Hawaiian chief or someone important. Also, I think you can only " like" a thread, and don't have to post in it in order to do so. Even after I post in a thread, I still don't find a "thumbs down" button. It's like when my wife's school district made the teachers start grading papers in purple ink instead of red ink for the sake of the children's self esteem.
yeah...I'm guessing the filter is still being fine tuned and I'm going to push boundaries while I can. I got in a "dammit" earlier.
Exactly, no way to down vote. Only option is to be heard. Well other option is don't respond and be a coward.