New for Batman Day: Manor Lair Bundle

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I see what it was now. It wasn’t a grant; it was a redeem in marketplace to get the lair style. Been awhile since I’ve done something through there.

    Thanks for the response!
  2. GoldenBrownDragonFire Well-Known Player

    The secret door is so amazing I've been decorating my Manor all day
    • Like x 4
  3. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Maaaaannnnn. Please tell me they’re tradable! (probably not)
  4. BatGamer New Player

  5. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I know this is a weird request and may not be feasible, but I'd love to have the option to scale the size of an entire base. Or at least base items. This manor would benefit from a slight scaling down as most of the base items we currently have were designed for the smaller bases.
  6. Richter Phyre New Player

    How to i claim the base items after getting the manor.
  7. tukuan Devoted Player

    If you log out and back in you should get it as reward.
  8. tukuan Devoted Player

    I just added it for one of my bank toons to get a feel for it and it looks pretty bloody good.

    Super pleased, my only suggestions would be more pink nodes and it would have been a little better if the cave was a little bigger. The latter is done but hopefully the former can see some adjustments.

    Now I have to figure out which of my more regular toons I'll setup in earnest. My key alt is the most likely candidate as I usually give Batman related stuff to him but I don't want to loose his existing eastern or casino lairs. I may just get another deed for him.
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  9. Vicious Well-Known Player

    This is one of the coolest things DCUO has ever done and I bought this immediately.

    But man am I bummed out about the amenity layout / availability of pink nodes. I want to make this my main base right away but I might have to pass on doing that if I can't teleport to my base and have access to my teleporter, broker, mail and storage in a small area. I really don't like the idea of running around the maze to find those things with one in each room.

    I really want to switch my main base to this layout so I really hope they take this feedback and add more amenity nodes. Just feels like a base of this size should absolutely have more of those (especially in the main foyer).
  10. Vicious Well-Known Player

    This seems like a really ideal spot to put some pink nodes. Especially that big one I circled in the back middle, that would be a perfect spot to be able to put a teleporter on.

    • Like x 1
  11. Vicious Well-Known Player

    Also, is anyone else having issues with armories in this base? My armory is placed and works but doesn't show my costume mannequin thing in it.
  12. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Heh yeah that would be confusing. Glad you found it ok and you're welcome.
    • Like x 1
  13. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I wouldn't mind seeing 3 in that middle back room too. Going to hold off on buying this until there's more info on if they're getting more stupid pink circles or not. Really wish they'd just do away with those things and limit bases to X number of amenities placed.
    • Like x 1
  14. Feat Hunter New Player

    You guys really know how to shut me up. Manor lair is awesome. Yall had with the slidin door alone.
  15. Ryll Committed Player

    Why limit amenities to 9?
    • Like x 2
  16. zBat New Player

    im surprised they didn't give one for free per character like they did Brainiac and Atlanta lair.
  17. Aren Sul Committed Player

    Okay, just got the manor lair - WOW!!! It's spacious to say the least.

    (I see some posts - you purchase the lair and, like other lair styles, it's available to be redeemed by all of your characters; the decoration pack is one per character)

    With this lair, I wish I had to ability to combine all of my characters stuff and have them all work out of that one base - kind of like HBO Titans are doing right now. There's the entranceway as shown with 3 large rooms upstairs, one leading to a platform in a cave (yes, you can jump off and go down to the cave floor), and a number of alcoves.

    For the character I chose, I had a ton of stuff on already; so it's going to take me quite a while to redecorate with all of that, no less adding the décor from the pack.

    Last second addition/edit: Just noticed... The sparring partner is a holographic Joker! lol
  18. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    How many pink circles are in that lair? The standard 10 that a normal base gets? No video on youtube shows all of them, nor is that info on the base post itself. Inquiring minds want to know. :)
  19. SuperWeak New Player

    So I'm just guessing you guys know the Wayne Manor is glitch-city right? RIGHT??! o_O
    Armories don't show, secret door is so secret it's invisible... but I do loveit!
  20. Multiverse Creator League


    I showed them all. ;)