New Episode Halls of Power Part II Launches For Members May 12, 2015!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 7, 2015.

  1. Crn Well-Known Player

    Can you all launch this on Tuesday? I kind of already took that day off of work. Preciate it.
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    Wish yall would have left vit. stats alone trollin was getting fun having 5979 vit. pot was hitting for 503 a tick was easy to keep group full and use my debuffs.

    But now pot ticks for 468 thanks for messing that up for us
  4. CHUD Loyal Player

    When the phrase "Old Gods" are being used.....

    are we talking DC Comics or H.P. Lovecraft "old gods"?????
  5. ChaoticDemise New Player

    The vit stat was never messed with in these recent hotfixes.
    The white base neck mod was fixed.
    (Bug on the neck mod gave us 10% extra Vit instead of 1% extra)
  6. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    I myself like to run a balanced loadout. This meaning you should have roughly half the might in precision.

    Example: MIGHT= 5000
    PRECISION= 2500 rough estimate for balanced might/ precision
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  7. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    That sounds about right.
  8. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    Hey Devs, with much of the new content taking place on New Genesis, how about upping the drop rate of New Genesis styles in the vault? According to DCUO Blogguide, that's one of the places it drops, but I've never seen it in there. C'mon, please? I mean you do make the vault thematically reflect seasonals, how about making the drops in there thematically reflect new content? :D
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  9. ElectroEmoney New Player

    Do I get to fight Darkseid yet?????? Only fight I have waited over four years pressure lol
  10. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    I think they may save Big Baddie for Part III.
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  11. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    This content is looking real GOOD.....:)
    I can't wait for the new loot system , it will improve the game big time.

    When is new PVP content dropping .
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  12. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Olg gods- read some of te work from Jack Kirby. different setting.
  13. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Nothing Planned as of Yet According to Mepps Last Night
  14. KidSuperBoy Well-Known Player

    Yes most definitely one thing I'm looking forward to is the new loot system, when I tested early on it went smooth as a peach, accordingly the graphics are "out of this world" , and of course the story/adventure continues. I feel that GU 47, the new DLC coupled with the incoming new content format will have players coming in droves for the mere excitement alone!:cool:

    My PSN Main Kid Kal 114 CR Ice Tank

    My PC Main Future Kal 114 Cr Ice DPs
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  15. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    So excited that I had to activate that OP Scream Supercharge!...

  16. Venomsaga28 Well-Known Player

    more like disappointment feel bad for the players since beginning and the , t4 players gates and prime
    is glitched so far im not liking the update although i get the loot system i dont understand why high cr players have 2 be punished for grinding and working on there styles , i understand at the end of day u gotta sell replay badges . i worked hard for my gear and my sp cant wait for the dlc though
  17. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Its true we get no marks now for running lower content...& that the drop rate is poor in elite..but when we start the new raids the drop rate will be just right I expect..give the New Gods content a chance..this is the best stuff theyve been working on & finally some good fan favourite DC characters..& just now i picked up some long sought rare styles for like 10 MoV each & got the feats for that..things are looking up so dont write DCUO off til at least after Halls of Power 3 when we've faced Darkseid have feats to be working on not just end game content
  18. Ultra Samy New Player

    Honestly... This game is trash now with all the updates! The game is dying because of the new idiotic changes that did not have to be made. I really dont know what encouraged the game makers to change the game starting from gu 41. It was fine until they made the dumbest update which changed all dcuo. And by the way, this is coming from a player who has had 4 years experience.
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  19. Lance Rayner New Player

    I can't wait for the content, and heard the test server loves the new episode. I have a bunch of questions about HOP2 that need to be answered. You guys did an awesome job and can't wait to explore New Genesis!
  20. khonsshadow Well-Known Player

    This game must have more lives than a cat many deaths are we up to now ? Do the Devs just dip it in the Lazarus pit ? ( also a 4 year player )
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