New Episode Halls of Power Part II Launches For Members May 12, 2015!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 7, 2015.

  1. MASSEFFECT2 New Player

    Anybody else having problems getting Major Force to show up in the Fatal Exams Alert?
  2. Sbel Devoted Player

    Pictures of it saying >116 doesn't prove that it was ever >117. Which it wasn't. It also wasn't ever >115.

    Just because you'd cheat if you could doesn't mean everyone's a cheater.
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  3. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    So far so good.
    Im really liking this dlc, and the new loot system is as good as i hoped.:p

    All we need now is new pvp content.
  4. T102NEMESIS Active Player

    we don't say that for fun. I am on eups. There are not that many gamers like on us servers. So before u judge think about it how difficult it is to grow up without a help. It would be better if playstation has only one server but it isn't. We need to look for other gamers and trust me there are not much.
  5. IamINC Dedicated Player

    It's only difficult to grow if you don't put yourself out there , if you make acquaintances in game or join a helpful league that will run multiple levels of content regardless of rewards , the EU server is just as busy as the U.S. So that's not a valid excuse and with the PC merge hopefully happening to it will mean more people on line , more leagues and hopefully better community, that I think is the biggest problem in game that DCUO has , the community is very unhelpful in most cases but I have been lucky to meet many decent players willing to help , everyone in my league for example have been together years , maybe the answer is in improving the attitude of the community in general , promote a more helpful attitude.

    I am not judging you or anyone , I am simply putting my opinion forward on the majority of negative comments I have seen , I respect your opinions and those of others here as after all , that's what a forum should be used for ; respectable conversations between players.
  6. GhostFace 937 Level 30

    yo guys , i have a question for everyone, it's simple , my problem : i'm premium i buy dlc on Steam normaly , do you think now after new dlc packs contents , i can purchase the dlc 14 normaly on steam no pack but i have all , just wait new for get it , so i think i want to leave dcuo where no solutions with my problem ruined the game
  7. DCfanyboy New Player

    Dont try to change the world leave it be it will change itself, can't try to force our will on Nature like we didnt come out of her.
  8. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    For the third and final time....the hotfix Wednesday did not change the T6 cap....there was no change from 117 - 116, there was also no change from 115 - 116...

    The hotfix was only relevant for T1 - T5.....I swear explaining things to some people on here is like banging your head against a wall....

    Clearly you want to be mad so just say you're mad...don't make up issues to justify your emotions
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  9. xCapitanAmericax Active Player

    I have a big problem. 116 .. but I've seen that up to +117 there are only two duets, one operation (4J), 1 assault (8J) and 1 operation (8J) ... in which I receive marks of victory ... it's amazing I pay my monthly for years now I am in this position, do you want to leave the game? Because that's what you're going to get. SOLUTION NOW !! I AM A CLIENT
  10. IamINC Dedicated Player

    They want you to spend money on replays , that is the sole reason behind capping the mark rewards on lower content , once you complete the the stuff you can receive marks for you have time to fear hunt , style hunt , pvp , help lower level players or even work on alts , it isn't about reach the highest cr and getting the elite gear as quickly as possible unless of course that is what you want in which case validates my point on purchasing of replays to spam the new content over and over this satisfying your need for 100 marks a day.

    relax , take it slow and let the good times role
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  11. xCapitanAmericax Active Player

    Thanks IamINC,

    But im legendary, no freeToplay, now, it is not worth me paying monthly, if not I get rewarded for helping my teammates. (Which if you'll help them) but it really is going to make me eternal ;).

    Thanks for your answer. Just no longer they need my money from membership, but will also want to spend money on marks repetition.

    I'm legendary, but I feel as if I had been privileged to be removed.:mad:
  12. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    I do not understand that people want marks from everything, you would get the vendor gear within a week, game would be on easy mode, and huge amount of players would leave until next episode, seen it happen before.
    Non of tiers have ever let you just play old content to get the vendor gear, t6 implementet symbols, my only problem with symbols is that you only needed half the amount that you needed of marks.
    Replay everything, spend a lot of money, to tire from the new content within a week, or actually work on your toon, do feats,or even help others. Make a new toon, try a new role and power.
    The mark system is to keep content relevant, replays is how you dont keep it relevant for long. Dont get me wrong, i happen to use eplays now and again, mostly to unlock grind and hard feats on alts.

    I like the new content, it has 6 pieces of relevant content, where 4 of them are daily, pluss a daily solo, thats minimum 12 marks a day, pluss 20 a week from raids, 1 mark a day from vault + lockbox.
    You happen to remember when CC gear was released? T4 (2 raids nothing more, thats 20 marks a week w/o replays).
    It has always been that way that you only get relevant marks from latest dlc while at top end tier. Only exception has been T5 marks for home turf trinks and white mods.
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  13. IamINC Dedicated Player

    I don't care about rewards for helping my friends in game , I do it because I want them to progress and I enjoy helping others , if I get a style drop I happen to need the brilliant , that's a bonus but the marks I don't mind not seeing

    you don't have to spend anymore money than your subscription fee , you get 125 replays and 500 loyalty points per month as a benefit of being legendary , use these loyalty points on more repays and you will have 300 replays per month roughly that you can use on new content unlocking.

    There's a positive spin on every negative comment I've seen about this update , you just need to look at it from different perspectives , thanks for your respectful reply to my original comments , it's nice to have a proper conversation that doesn't resort in a negative comeback.
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  14. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    Your havent been reduced in any way, this is history repeating itself, and not in a bad way imo. There is no need to replay, shift your focus, dont play to have top gear within a day, play to have fun, being social, help others, and help ur endgame with getting feats ++
    if you have been a member for a while ( i have been since launch), you would know: T6 was released with 2 soloes 3 open world missions 2 duos and 1 alert, thats a minimum of 13 marks a day running all content, if you do one raid a week, the bounty, of the newest dlc and do the daily content you end up with a daily average of minimum 16 marks a day, run both raids, u get 19 marks each week, + 7 from vault + around 5-7 lockboxes, meaning by running all content without using replays gives u more then 30 marks, meaning you will get 60 marks within 2 weeks.
    SO starting with 0 MoV at cr 117, means 2nd week chest, 4th week legs, 6th week head, 8th week shoulders, 9th week back, 11th week feet, 12th week hands, 14th week waist. But then again you will prob get more marks from content cos the extra mark from loot. And tbf no one started t7 with 0 marks. SO getting everything within the 12 weeks is very possible, by running both raids 12 times u will have a great chance of getting weapon rings neck utility belt from there. , meaning content is relevant for three months, as its meant to be, unless u rather replay over and over.
    Not wanting to use replays only means you actually have to play the game.
  15. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    If you are in a league why not think league progression instead of ME ME ME?
    If you are not in a league, why moan about not getting help? not getting into the tough raids?

    Everyone in a league gains from improving the players not as good as themselves, the ME ME ME thinking doesn't really work in a MMO
  16. ANCIENT GREEK New Player

    listen m8 maybe you dont understand or maybe you are young or you work for daybreak or you have a lot of money and you dont care to pay hmmm relax dont support them the game that they didnt destroy it cause if you believe this you need to learn the game better,just to understand see my message that i sent in mepps no only for new update but for all game go is 16th page if you care about the game and you arent from daybrak or what i said you before..i dont have any problem with you or your opinion just to speak the truth,we are no stupid to pay this game from the beginning,the update its ok just they ruined again some things and i told you we are no stupid we are customers they keep the game from us from customers i dont talk about you but for ppl that make the game to no see us only as money just to make the game pleasure and more fair,if some of you dont understand and misunderstand just dont talk is annoying especially if you support the wrong,for more information go page 16th i think to see maybe you ll understand anyway let me know better than you,we are no new in this game we support DC from the beginning and maybe until it ends,almost all dc learned especially the dps from us my league,me how to play this game i told all these cause i know something more about this game snd all these have the same problem.The problem is no only the money i dont care its my decision where i spent my money just we are no children and stupid them to see us only as money need to fix some things in the game and the game ll live more i told again cause they destroy the game step by step ,and we keep the game the customers and if they no listen to their customer to fix better the game then who they listen to?Trust me,and if they dont fix it they know better,let them keep the YouTubers that make dc famous and the children that dont understand and are 14-22 years old OMG and after they ll stay alone.
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  17. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    OOPS really bad calculations here, you dont have to play every day even to get your vendor gear loong before next episode, if you play everything within the resets it will take you somewhere around 20 days to have all vendor gear
  18. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Firstly, thanks for your reply ,You are correct , I don't understand what your problem is with the update? You haven't said specifically what it is your unhappy about , maybe if you explained further or elaborated on your reasons for "speaking the truth" i could post a better retort to your OP.

    Also I am not young or have endless sums of money and I most certainly don't work for daybreak
  19. HarryHell Well-Known Player

    First of all use paragraphs pls, this is very hard to read.

    2nd of all you dont have to use replays to get full gear, you realize that this dlc will still be relevant to you for 6 months?

    3rd what do you mean they have to fix?

    4th The problem with listening to the customers, is that the customers dont always know what they want. If you wanna learn about customers vs company, read "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries. To say it in words everyone understand, if they gave us what we think we wanted everytime there would no longer be a DCUO.

    5th, dont attack peoples age, wallet, or work, specially without knowing the facts, i happen to know this guy, and every assumption you made about him was wrong, assumtions to prove your point only makes you look like an ***
  20. IamINC Dedicated Player

    EDIT: I re read your OP on page 16 , as Harry has mentioned , paragraphs are your friend! It seems your just angry that you can't have all the marks for every tier of content and that your damage isn't overpowered anymore?

    And lastly , your comment about me not supporting "them" , it's my money and my choice to support DCUO as a whole my friend through good and bad , every update has glitches and bugs , that's the life of an mmo , I'm not a fan of everything daybreak is doing and I'm sure I'll not enjoy all of the future changes but the bottom line for me at least is that I love this game and as long as I feel that way I'll support it.
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