New Electric Healer, Need some advice

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DraugrOverlord54, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. DraugrOverlord54 New Player

    Been doing research into loadouts and artifacts that are good to use with an electric healer but I'm hitting a wall in my understanding and some clarification would be nice. As of right now I do not see myself running any Elites for now until I feel more confident with what I am doing so not sure if that will effect any answers.

    I've looked at artifacts and I think I've narrowed down my choices to Starheart Fragment, Page of Destiny, and either Eye of Gemini or Scrap of the Soul Cloak. Not sure if those are optimal but with my understanding of how Electricity heals work they seem to be an ideal choice.

    I have read about the Transformation Card/Strategist Card combo and it looks awesome on paper but I'm not sure if they would translate well with Electric heals or not. Any clarification on that end would be greatly appreciated.

    Also any advice with the Bottled City Soder would be nice I know it is used in your consumable slot but I can't find if the game still registers it as an equipped Artifact and then you can only use two more or if it is separate and you can do three artifacts plus the Bottled City Soder.

    Loadouts seem to be centered around Bioelectric Surge, Galvanize, Recover, Electrogenesis, Flux and Group Transducer. Not sure if this is current or maybe something better works I've been reading majority of posts from 2020 into 2021 and most seem to stick to that mindset.

    Any other tips and advice for a new healer would be great like mods and such.

    Thanks in advance! :D
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I’ll answer in the order you asked to keep it way you can better look back and forth.

    For artifacts the page of destiny and purple heal ray are almost must haves in the views of many healers. Page of destiny let’s you place a safety net for the group members (4-6 at a time). And purple heal ray is a great way to gain power back while also having eco dart effects with your heals. Your group heal can give you an added heal over time while the priority heal gives you and the one you healed a mitigation shield. Both effects happen once the artifact is charged up. As for your 3rd slot it’s always been a matter of what fits you personally as a healer. I’ll list some options:

    Omegahedron: this is for when you feel power hungry but it won’t be as needed these days between purple heal ray and the new cyborg passive.
    Eye if genini: this lets you give group members supercharge when they stand in your green circle
    Orb of arion: this makes your priority heal be in overdrive. It cost a lot of power but it can bring someone up from near death.
    Transformation: it lowers the base heal value but makes them crit more often and when they crit they heal a lot more

    The combination of transformation and strategist works by having the trans force more crits on your heals. Then when a heal crits there is a chance to get that crit to proc an additional heal over time to that specific target. It’s about a chance playstyle (not my personal favorite)

    The bottle city soder is amazing. It’s technically an artifact cola but it’s not counted towards your 3 artifacts. So no reason not to have this.

    As for loadouts. Regardless of what power I am I always use the same and abilities. A group heal, a priority heal, and a shield. For electric that is recover, bio surge, and flux. This gives you 3 slots to work with. I’ll let’s some good options and say what I normally use:

    Galvanize is a great aoe burst heal. But it’s range is not max like other heals. Most healer powers have a similar heal.
    Bio capacitor is a unique heal for electric that heals all group members and then adds a safety net. Between this and your artifact you have multiple layers. Keep in mind that both safety nets can trigger at same time or by themselves depending on how much damage was taken
    Electrogenesis puts a healing aura around you and the closest group member. This one requires you to learn positioning. Anyone near the players who have electrogenesis will be healed over time as long as they stay near the aura.
    Electroburst is a burst heal that heals group members for a small-moderate amount. But it can be used at range
    Ionic drain 8/ a heal overtime but it’s heals are so small it’s not worth the slot. However it heals at max range.

    I personally use galvanize bio capacitor and genesis as my 3 additional powers. If you use Gemini as your 3rd artifact you can replace Gemini for a 25% supercharge to activate the Gemini green circle. And if you need an additional shield than you can use your supercharge shield as your 6th slot instead of genesis. But you should keep track of missions that the group to spread out. In these cases galvanize is not effective and you will replace this for a different heal. Gemini also won’t be to beneficial if the group can’t get close to stay in your circle.
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  3. DraugrOverlord54 New Player

    Thanks Deity that helps a lot in getting organized on my healer :D
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No problem. One added thing that you didn’t ask about what I’ll input is on allies. Currently allies are in their baby steps but there’s already one ally that’s amazing for healers and that’s cyborg. His passive gives you increased power regeneration meaning you will fill your own power bar faster. The better your power supply is the more heals you can do. That would be the first ally Id get if I were you.

    When you finish your ally quest you can buy cyborg for 100 source marks. His passive does not unlock until you get him to rank 4. So keep that in mind
  5. DraugrOverlord54 New Player

    Cool I'll keep that in mind. The only other thing I can think of to ask is in regards to buying gear vs leveling up artifacts.

    I'm currently only CR54 with my healer and so I'm kind of limited in content to run. Should I use my source marks for gear to get him into the higher CR tiers or save them up to buy the catalysts for artifacts to level them up?
  6. Tilz Loyal Player

    So how I play electricity healer:

    Superpower focus
    Focusing on 100 sp into Resto (after crits) and then going for might&power (more power = better power regeneration)

    Group Transducer

    Thats for a classic loadout (no Eye of Gemini Spam)
    Artifacts: Purple Healing Ray, Page of Destiny, Transformation Card.

    Thats like the most basic and classic healing apporach for electricity.
  7. L T Devoted Player

    Personally, I would save all my marks for catalysts and ally alliances.

    So here's a trick to leveling your CR faster: within a tier there used to be instances that were harder/higher CR but dropped higher gear. Now that's still there, but your CR/stat boosted so they're not any harder than other content. Use the classic menu and q into what used to be the highest CR instances you can. At CR 54, I think you can q into Trigon's prison, which should give CR85 gear (a nice boost). The trigon duos drop CR83. If you can q into Amazon Fury content, that drops CR90 gear.
  8. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    I would use the loadout of:

    Galvanize (heal npc's), Bioelectric Surge (priority heal), Bio-Capacitor (safety net), Flux (shield), Recover (group heal/safety net if p.o.d.),
    and Electrogenesis (heal npc's) or something like Group Transducer (supercharge shield), Arc Lightning, open spot.

    Artifacts that goes good with electric:
    Omegahedron- provides more power back for you
    Page of Destiny (p.o.d.)- safety net and improved Recover
    Purple Healing Ray- provides power back, shield absorption, and enhanced heals

    Skill Points:
    Focus- Superpowered
    Healing Crits- yes
    Might/Power stat- yes
    Resto stat- yes

    Origin Mods/Adaptive Augments:
    Use all heal mods/augments. They all provide lots of power and restoration.

    Generator Mods:
    Blue- Power
    Yellow- Resto
    Red- Your Choice

    It is better to focus on having power rather than restoration as you will gain more power back and help the troll out. Use chest mod to use less power (Power Efficiency), and weapon to get power back (Replenishing Adaptor), and neck mod of either Fortified Assault so you take less damage or Focused Restoration for an added resto boost. Use a compound and drink an energy soder and you can then spam them powers and not freak the troll out. Keep using Recover as that will keep revivify active incase someone gets low health and will instantly get healed along with Bio-Capacitor, aka double safety net.

    With all my %"s boost, I get a 50% boost in power that excels me past 200k power with a fast power regen. This is more of a sustainable loadout based on power to be self-reliant. If you want more resto, then place more skill points into resto stat and switch mods out for resto boosts as well as an artifact that provides a resto boost like Starheart Fragment.
  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

  10. infinitygauntlt Well-Known Player

    Good morning
    I run
    2.arc lightning ( keep people tipped off plus some damage.
    2. Bio surge (primary heal )
    3. Galvanize (8man heal)
    4.recover ( group heal)
    5. Bio capacitor ( 8man heal + boost)
    6. Flux/group transducer ( flux in alerts and trans in raids)
    Artifacts I run
    2. Page
    3. Transcard
  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Galvanize isn’t an 8 man heal. It’s a proximity heal that heals both group members and allies. The radius and strength are determined by the amount of people/pets near by. Don’t remember the base numbers and range for this so someone else can fill that it.
  12. Ergotth Committed Player

    Nobody mentioned ELETROGENESIS? Geez guys!
    Its the best skill Elec have to start a fight, it's duration equals the cooldown, so you can loop it the entire fight, grants you and nearest ally a generous HoT AURA so it will heal everybody close to you and the other ally. Personaly my loadout is:
    1. Flux
    2. EletroGenesis (keep it up all the time)
    3. Recover (group heal to trigger Healing Purple Ray)
    4. Galvanize (Excelent group heal if you have good positioning)
    5. Surge (Basic Priority heal)
    6. BioCapacitor (Good group-heal with a fun gimmick)