New Duo Overrun Area 51 feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CosmicSentinaI, Jun 3, 2024.

  1. CosmicSentinaI Level 30

    Incursion of the duplicates to get?
    I kill adds before the final boss but the number never changes. I have 7 of 16 required for feat and no idea how I even got the 7.
  2. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    The feral clones are only during the final boss fight. After you taken down Bizarro to 50% or less, you will have to heal him. All the while defending him as well. During these specific add waves can have a random spawn of the feral clones. I've only ever farmed it in Elite version and based on my findings, only two spawn per fight. You can leave the area to reset the encounter to continue farming. I have heard only one spawns in normal so you're mileage may vary if you choose to run normal over elite. The feat continues past 16 all the way to 32. Good luck!
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's worded badly. The first stage of 4 says 'feral' in the description of what to knock out. The second stage to 16 does not, so it's misleading that it can be some other adds, not just the same guys that come up sporadically only the Bizarro fight.
  4. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    Interesting. I got them all in one go and never bothered to read the text for the following feats in full. I just saw the new value and continued farming.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I knew it was the ferals as I was 3/4 with my buddy as 2/4, we both got the feat as we got 2 ferals, but I ended at 5/16 while he was 4/16 on the next phase. But if you just read it at face value, it sounds like there might be more variants that could count. Again, just add the word 'feral' in there and it's perfectly fine....not sure why they'd change the wording at all really.