Congrats? You’re definitely in the minority. More than one time that I got brought in, I scrolled the Y button to see how many people...and got to see I was more than the 50th person brought into the raid... You had good luck. Most people don’t. It’s pretty petty to brag about good luck while other people literally CANNOT complete content.
How do you buy a 100sp? I know we can buy lvl 25, and cr100, and now, cr170... I haven’t seen sp for sale yet.
I wasn’t bragging, I was relating my very limited experience with it. It’s pretty petty to accuse people of bragging just because they mention having a different experience with content than you. Not to mention bitter.
How about to start forming your groups with a good setup instead of random queue. I´m pretty sure that the chances of finishing the raid would be much higher.
I'd rather just have an alt boost token that brings your extra toons up to your mains level including SP , I'd pay for that no problem. Trouble with CR boost is that you do end up with a lot of inexperienced players that can't get through the relevant content for one reason or another but I can't blame people for boosting mains because let's face it , if you wanted to get all the so from t1 -t6 then good luck with that ...
170 cr with 77sp is a sad thing to see in the game and you want $45 for it .... increase the sp gain and I might consider it.
I'm sure it does. It's also significantly more time consuming, which most casual players will never have the time for.
I think it would have better better just to share sp's with leaguemates. People wouldn't do random invite that much anymore.
I think it all boils down to whats it worth to you. The buyer will almost always determine value. Granted retailers and sellers set a Price, and if it does not sell well, they lower the price. Unfortunately I dont see that happening. Im all for the CR jumps but, New players or players that have not reached certain CR's and SP's should not get a pass on some progress that took other players a long time to accomplish. If I could change anything about the CR jumps, I would have a determining factor on how many sp would be given with jump. Example. We will give accounts tiers. Tier 1) New players... No toons over CR100 and using the Jump to 170 start with 76sp. Tier 2) Subbed player with at least 1 toon over CR170 and minimum 125sp, using the Jump to 170 would start a new character with 85sp. Tier 3l Subbed player with at least 1 toon over CR197 and a minimum of 200sp, using the jump would start a new character with 100sp. Tier 4) Subbed player with highest max vendor gear (currently 224) and minimum of 225sp, using the jump would start a new character with 125sp. Tier 5) Subbed player with highest max vendor gear, and a minimum of 300sp, using the jump would start a new character with 200sp. Tier 6) Subbed player with highest max vendor gear, and a minimum of 350sp, using the jump would start a new character with 250sp Starting price is 35.00... Tier 1) 35.00 Tier 2) 40.00 Tier 3) 45.00 Tier 4) 50.00 Tier 5) 55.00 Tier 6) 60.00 Each tier rewards time played, ecourages jumps on Alts from experienced players without devaluing the skill points earned already. Some of those feats took time and no one should be able to buy their way past them. It gives members another perk from subbing. There could also be discounts applied to time subbed. Rewarding long time players (customers) builds morale and support. I would also make each tier available to purchase if minimum requirements are met. Just my thoughts.
With Replay Badges! Simple like this. Understand, you neither found nor will find, you simply CAN NOT BUY the feats. The day that at least 1 feat sold appears I leave the game never to return. This would mean selling the goal. This is a game about doing feat, whether people like it or not, that's the goal and only challenge in the game. I use replays only for this. It turns out that in case you already have feats with a previously built char you can just repurchase them in any ALT, you spend the replays and the feats you did pass count back to this char. My main char has over 350sp, practically all PVE feats already completed so buying 100 sp is relatively easy for me.
I'm sorry to be warning you, but the queue on the On Duty menu is only for basic content, this game is not simply hitting and hitting, here we have advanced technique, functions and mechanics that simply will not be understood and performed on "chance", you you need to form a group for everything T8, absolutely everything, it's amazing the number of noobies who say they do not finish an easy and simple raid like Darkseid, just because no one knows how to handle the bosses and pass simple challenges, Brainiac Bottle Ship and Unholy Matrimony are also often said as "hard" happens that this is not for the random, you will do in half the time forming group, maybe even in less than 10% of the time of these bad groups. Synopsis: If it's T8 content you are FORCED to form a group or get kicked, because no one wants noobie on the team. That's how the game works, sorry if you think this is bad. But that's how it is.
i rather not i think the way they did it is ok but helping new players get to end game content quicker but also by not giving away to many sp to the point where it becomes too much of an issue like time capsule feats. the only thing i kinda like your idea that i would tweak would be a system where i could buy a token/gear in the marketplace that allows me to buy a set of gear of my accounts highest end content green gear along with having the same amount of sp that my highest sp character has for a set price of around $60. That price is reasonable because you don't get the best gear but you get usable comparable to your highest characters content and you get all the feats that you already own without using an enormous amount of replays to unlock them. that sp token becomes worth it the closer to the max sp you are.
Those are really good ideas as well. I like the green gear idea of your highest character token. It would be nice to have all feats (sp) that I have already, i would settle for half at the very least. My intent was to reward experienced players and not give too much to newer at a price thats fair for both. Probably the best way (if this was actually a feasible option for jumps) lies somewhere between my idea and yours. Kudos.
for the casual player grinding is a turn off. but hey at some point players must realize that grinding is part of the game. some say catering to casual players led to the low population of this game. some say its not. so how do we find the golden mean? where both types of players, casual and hard core can agree. for me 77 sp as a starting point is a good way for them to earn more feats thus leads to more sp thus eventually having more experience and the hang of it. IT meaning playing the powers and non-dps role of your toon. casuals should not in any way punish those who are dedicated players. I think not depending to be carried in a mission is a fair deal. casual must at least work out not to be deadweight.
This free advance... Is it one per account? Or one per character? Do you get artifacts if you don't already have it?