New CR170 Character Advance!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    That wasn’t what I was askIng. Is that gear the only set that gives the divine favor feat?
  2. AllanPage Committed Player

    I think its overpriced. 45$ is too much especially since you can get from 100cr to 170cr in a couple of days or a day with the time capsule gear. Maybe if it was 207 then it would be proper.
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  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    This is an excellent question.

    Will we?
  4. powerwoman274 Well-Known Player

    Will Non-Members Get 1 free charactar advance:)
  5. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    no, in all reality, the anniversary gifts were awarded over a month ago, and you're stretching this preeeeeetty far to try and convince yourself you might be getting something you want for free. You are not. Stop.
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  6. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I don't think so, i am a member and i had to pay for the advancement
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    No free character advances are being offered.
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  8. Brav Well-Known Player

    Oh, no. You can also get it( Divine Favor Feat, Wear all pieces at the same time) from the vendor gear. The "Fallen God" Style.
  9. Aaron159Z Well-Known Player

    Instant rise to Cr 170 I'm in. I have a villain female Sinestro Lantern and a hero male tank that seriously need to catch up with my two female heroes, healer and controller
  10. Miahson New Player

    Haven’t seen anyone ask this one. If I purchase this on a new character, I am given 77 SP, and if my regular toon has 316 SP, could I unlock the 316 SP via replay badges and have a total of 393 SP on the new character?
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  11. Miahson New Player

    As a follow up, of the 77 SP given to the newly created 170 CR character, if my main doesn’t have some of the 77 SP given to the new character, can I unlock them on my main via replay badges?
  12. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    no, only the total amount on your main, plus a few sp that they are giving you that you may not have in your main toon
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  13. Miahson New Player

    Thank you.
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  14. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    I think this is a solid idea for new players. Certainly it is nothing new as other MMO's offer this feature after they have been around for awhile.

    Having said that, i think it is less useful for an established player who is running up an an ALT. I have recently run an old ALT up to CR 224 from 79 in about two weeks. Admittedly I had a bunch of the 78 CR bling to help and I had a bunch of scalable gear boxes that I had accumulated from Time Capsules, but I picked up over 100 SP just running basic content and hit 224 at nearly 200 SP as opposed to the 77. (Then admittedly I bought another 100 from my Main :p )

    In short, GREAT for a new player but for a Vet not so necessary
  15. Daemon New Player

    So... pay to win. Got it.
    • Like x 1
  16. qECLIPSEp Well-Known Player

    Yes sir, he who has stick up his butt. Your soooo serious I can almost guess your one of those guys who just loves to take this GAME like it's life. You want to tell me to stop, but your more then likely someone who has no authority in real life. Take the stick out your butt and relax he answered the question all on his own without you having to rush in a save him. It's all good!
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  17. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    What feats does it give out?
  18. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Your assessment of me based on a two line post is as amusing as it is inaccurate, just like the logic you used to try and squeeze a freebie out of an event that's been over for three weeks. have a great one!
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  19. JKwak Well-Known Player

    well it works for the cr100 one at least when it was free
    i would think yes
  20. king0fgames New Player

    $45! 77 sp is beyond a joke. This is a feature which should be permanently free for members with characters above 170 cr.