New CR is... ?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Carbon Based Unit, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    My question, in short, is what will CR be? CR Differential is gone but CR will stay as some sort of level system. They have stated that clearly in the Video Blog Q&A session. But how will the level be determined?

    Will CR still relate only to armor? That was buggy at times because CR says "go here" but you go and die. Will Mods and Skills have any say in CR? Will stat appropriateness for role be accounted for in CR?
  2. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Only gear affects CR, that wont chamge. They did say the suggested and Mininal levels will be ajusted later but right now CR only determines how high your gear is, which means more stats but you can have CR 160 with 200 sp and do the same damage as a 170 with 100 sp (this is an example of course, others things can change this but not directly your CR)
  3. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Which is unfortunate because it keeps one of he misunderstandings around. Specifically, you can have better gear with a lower CR due to mods and/or role.
  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Combat Rating will still be determined by Gear, it just wont affect your Stats and damage output anymore. Its only there to tell you WHAT content you can run. Nothing else.
  5. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Yes, it is supposed to tell you what content to run... but it does not. Perhaps when they reballance things that will work better too. But in T6-8 I had many times where even at the suggested CR I would die in the first second of the first boss combat. Tank pulls, boss AEs, I die. Which is why I was hoping they would make it more reflective of the character as a whole.
  6. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The CR Differential like you describe is NOT on the Test Server. Moja and others have expressed this multiple times. Remember this is Test Server and its different than what is currently on Live Servers. Walking into AF3 as a 166 on Test isnt the same as what is on Live.
  7. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Which is why I am asking what it will be and if they were going to account for these issues since it was all changing. Also, I sed rec, not min...
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    yeah what you experienced on Live with that, wont be the same in the Revamp. Since the Differential is gone and we rely only on Stats and the content has been retuned as well to account for this. NPCs had stat changes as well. Mods and the like will not affect your Combat Rating, only the gear's Item Level still.
  9. Harlequin Devoted Player

    This line of questioning got me thinking: should they revert back to the times when mods contributed to CR? If stats truly are the determining factor going forward as to what content you can comfortably handle, having that CR number inflated as if you had appropriate mods (and the stats that come with them) equipped could lead to some extreme frustration when people get curb stomped by quest mobs.
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  10. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Exactly my point. Not for the present content. Lest say they go on to make T8.1, 9, and 10. Now, in T6+ there are some spots where the allowed and rec CR is off. OK, they fix that... but then what happens when they make new content? Will it cause people to be off target again? It is just a setup for the same probelm at a later date with different content? If so, why not do CR by stats? Or, weighted stats for role?

    But, it looks like that is not happening. So, we may see the same issue crop up again in the future.
  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Again, what you are describing is the error with the CR Differential. The Revamp will not have that error because the Differential is removed.
  12. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    Yes, the differential of the mobs to the player. They are higher, they blast you, you are done. I just wonder of that is all there is going to be to it. Won't know until more is added because they are also CR tuning the present content. That is why I said that we may, not that we absolutely would.

    Right now the SP are generally some of the lowest stat points. From the video, that looked to change a lot. The stats per SP seemed to get a huge boost. Now, that may not be accurate. They awere also talking about changing mods because they did not like that a beta could get you a 2.5% crit bonus, etc. So all these other changes are also in the mix, but not looked at in gear only CR.

    Obviously there are many things I do not know because the event has taken all my time and I have not been on test. So I have not seen the more finished menus, values, etc. I could be very much off the mark, but I still wonder nad still wish they would update the information they have release with more about how things are going.
  13. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Your responses are ambiguous so I just want to reiterate that CR Differential is gone. If you get blasted by an NPC it's because its stats are way stronger than yours and not anything to do with its CR.
  14. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    What part do you find ambiguous? I am not talking about differential. I am talking about the other things they said they are boosting up that change your stats that have nothing to do with gear.
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