New Computer, no characters

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by Netherith, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Recently changed to a new computer and reloaded DCUO, however, even though I logged back into my SOE account it had no characters saved in it.

    So, wishing to continue playing with the characters I have spent the last three years using (including their rare items), I went to my old computer's saved files and transferred them across to the new computer; placing them in the correct folders. However, the game now shuts down during the Verifying Login Servers portion of startup.

    Help and assistance please.
  2. OnceUponATime Dedicated Player

    Your characters are stored on the servers. The files on your computers are largely irrelevant. I'd get rid of the files you transferred across, for a start, and see if you can return your game to a point where it works again first.

    The next thing is to think carefully as to whether you have multiple station accounts. The absolute most common reason for this is that you have logged into the wrong account. It's really very easy to forget which credentials you usually use especially since you are not required to enter them each time as the launcher remembers them.

    The thing to check after that is what server you are connecting to. On a fresh install you will not automatically be able to see characters on a different server in your character list until you have connected to that server, so if your characters are on the US server and you connect to the EU server, it will appear that they are all gone.

    Lastly check that you have reinstalled using the correct setup. There are two different launchers, the normal Sony one, and the ProSiebenSat1 one used by certain European players. If you have accounts on both systems (many people ended up using the same credentials on both), it is worth checking that you are using the correct one, as your characters will only be associated with one of those accounts. If you find you are using the wrong one, you can simply repair your install using whichever setup file you want to switch to - this will replace the launchpad files and switch you to either the Sony or ProSiebenSat1 version of the launchpad.


    If none of that helps, then you will need to contact support and see if they can track down your characters.
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  3. Netherith Well-Known Player

    Was logging into the wrong server.

    Thank you for your help.
  4. TSR-AlexS New Player

    Woot! Glad it was a simple server change. Please let us know if you have any more questions or issues.
  5. vixthunderboy New Player

    how do i change the server that I log into
  6. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    In the upper left corner of the launchpad.