New Boss Drops Episode 47 Influence Items Collection Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by NovaRandom, Jul 16, 2024.

  1. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Hey guys, has a developer checked these days that the replication collection actually drops? and maybe has a decent drop rate? because i remember in the past with sth else it was supposed to drop but it didn't so they had to release a hotfix for that thing to actually drop or to fix the drop rate.

    Also, any chance Johny Quick can drop it? coz he replicates himself in panopticon raid ...

    Or in an instance where Felix Faust replicates the powers of villains or heroes ? i don't remeber which instance. Or circe does that ?

    and what about Necropolis or League Hall lockdown raid? has replicas in there :)

    Metal part 1 scarlet speedset solo? i think there red death replicates himself

    Or raven's solo where she becomes white raven? kind like replication
    And some other instances where there is replicas or boss replicates himself or powers?

    And last , would be nice of the developer responsible to tell us if the collection drops in duo or raid or alert, and not have us guess and send us to a wild goose chase !
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  2. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    posted the same thing twice because of forums lag
  3. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    The Replication would still have to be robot related. All the collections had something to do with a robot. The weakest collection is The Machine which does have four Hive Bee-Bots in it.

    Amazo would make sense (but another drops in VMF). Satellite duo makes sense with Brainiac replicating Batman and Joker, but no one has gotten a drop yet.

    I think the drop rate is bugged. Instead of 1:20 its 1:1000 or something insane.
  4. Florida Boii Well-Known Player

    A lot of people are saying the last one is in a duo, so I spent a few hours farming 2. Earth 3: Visitor: There's a boss fight where you fight a bunch of Lex clones. Titans Training Sim: The simulator is spawning replicas of enemies we've fought before.

    Obviously, that's only a hand full of runs so I can't say it does or doesn't drop there.

    Is there any replication going on in Return to Nexus? I just remember Brainiac being the last boss lol
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    My friend tested the S.T.A.R Labs Satellite Duo and said the replication piece dropped from there from the last boss. If anyone else can test and confirm on their part that would be great!
  6. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    I have been thinking of that as a likely possibility, I have only run it a handful of times so far but no luck yet...
  7. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Just ran it with my league mate 5 times in a row, neither of us got it.
  8. Stranger Committed Player

    My league ran it in total 20 times. No Collection. I guess your friend isnt really a friend of yours. :rolleyes:
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  9. Canadian Justice Committed Player

    The problem with duos is the drop rate can be very, very sparse. Took me a bit over 30 runs to get the drop, I solo duos with an alt account. So if it does drop from Star Labs duo, could be a long testing process.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They really did pick some of the worst content this time.

    Next DLC collection....STAR labs alert, Ferris Aircraft, Bombshell, DWF and Catwoman solo!!! Woooooooooo!
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  11. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    It’s dropped for me as well. I got it and my alt Chloro Phil got it. Since Chloro Phil is a bank toon I just gave that one away to a friend. I guess you just have terrible luck and the game hates your league.
  12. Stranger Committed Player

    Got a ss?
  13. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    As an extraterrestrial artificial intelligence my program does not have a family. Therefore I have no need for social services. However, if my neural pathways ever do become accustomed to someone else’s sensory input patterns I will consider getting a SS.
  14. Stranger Committed Player

    A screenshot :)
  15. Beer New Player

    No luck so far after 10 runs... but i'll continue trying it in the duo the next days.
    Thanks anyways.
  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I was at the hospital so I couldn't get on and test myself but planning to go and run a few of those now and some tomorrow and see if I can confirm the drop on my part.
  17. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Sorry, I'm still skeptical. Can you take a screenshot of it in your collections tab to see you really got it, please?
  18. Beer New Player

    I think he's just trolling, but not sure.
  19. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    Proof is proof. Let's be sure. ;)
  20. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    In light of recent accusations I feel it’s time for me to be completely honest.
    The truth is, I was only pretending to not know what “SS” stood for. I actually knew all along that Stranger meant “screenshot”. I made that stupid joke because all I can do is screenshot that it’s collected, I don’t have a screenshot of where I got it from. So instead of posting a screenshot I instead made a joke; because we all know that while it being in my collection would be proof enough for Stranger, lamour and the others it wouldn’t be proof enough for the rest of the people. If I provided a screenshot of it in my collections, then the people who think I’m trolling would just weave a conspiracy around me trading for it or paying a pathetically large amount of money on broker for it.
    So the truth is, I made that joke and dropped the subject because a lack of proof as to the location from which I got it would just spark a different argument…only an argument about where I got it from. If it drops again for me I will then take a screenshot while still inside and then prove it.
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